hatching silkie eggs

  1. M

    Pipped from bottom

    Hi all I’m new to this site and new to hatching chicks, I have silkie eggs on day 21 almost 22. One hatched this morning two others pipped 24 hours ago and two showing nothing. One of the pipped ones is still trying but the one that pipped from the bottom seems to have given up beak is out but...
  2. Z

    Should I remove the hatched chick from the incubator?

    Hey. Just hatched a baby silkie chicken. He keeps knocking over the eggs that haven't even started to hatch and he is trying to jump over the wall that protects him from falling into the water compartment. He hatched yesterday at night and he is not completely dry yet but I was thinking of...
  3. Alexandria_t

    How many eggs can a silkie sit on?

    My silkie has been broody so I decided to give her some eggs. I gave her 2 small standard size (a little bit bigger than a silkie egg) and 1 regular standard sized eggs. So far she has 3 eggs. How many eggs would you give a silkie? I was looking around and some people said 13-14?! I think that...
  4. T

    Enlarged air sac

    Okay, so I am on day 22 of a hatch that has had a lot of hiccups (including a couple accidental cool downs) so I was already expecting them to be delayed IF they hatched at all. Right now there are no pips but when I stick a flashlight in the incubator to check them they’re still moving and all...
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