hatching and brooding chicks

  1. Dibbendu Das

    My lovely Ladies

  2. ourcozycoop

    The journey starts for the cracked egg

    Our little bantam Linda is a very broody girl. Recently she has sat on a large pile of eggs and has claimed it as her own. In the past when we’ve let our hens raise their chicks we tend to loose acouple..so this time we decided to make a large brooder big enough for our Linda and many chicks. We...
  3. K

    Momma leaves the nest....

    I recently had two hens go broody. The first went broody and then 5 days later her twin went broody also. We just had our first chickies hatch this weekend :) The first momma left the nesting box and hangs out in the bottom of the coop with babies. Somehow, one chick managed to hop boxes and...
  4. Lazy Farmer

    Ended Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2018

    IT'S OCTOBER! IT'S TIME FOR THE ANNUAL HALLOWEEN HATCH-A-LONG! GET READY BOY'S & GIRL'S! Please reference this First Post periodically for updates & contest announcement etc. Prepare for two things! Be ready to set Chicken Eggs by the 10th or no later than the 11th. Other types (dates)...
  5. F

    Hatching and raising chicks

    Hey everyone I am new to this website and I would love to know a bit more about my flock. I have a hen that has been sitting on 13 eggs, but 4 have disappeared. I have a rooster. Today is day 19 for some of the eggs, I am not sure if their is a chicken in them all not but would love to learn how...
  6. EIEIO_farm

    Two Silkies — 6 eggs — The Broody Bunch?

    I’ll try to make this as short as possible, any advice is greatly appreciated! I’m new to being a chicken mom. We have 2 Rhode Island reds, 3 silkies, a few Wyandottes, an ayam Cemani rooster ... and a partridge in a pear tree (jk ☺️) Anyway, my silkies just started laying eggs about 2 months...
  7. HuntingChick14

    Day-old chicks with a previously broody hen?

    I lost one of my two chickens a few days ago to a raccoon, so I bought some fertile eggs to add to my "flock." My one remaining chicken was wicked broody for a few weeks, but since the attack, she isn't broody anymore. I'm assuming I'm now gonna have to use an incubator to hatch the eggs, but...
  8. LulaBell

    To buy or to build...thoughts?

    My husband and I are interested in incubation and have been doing some research. We are considering trying to hatch some chicks in the coming year and want to be set up and have the info needed to do it properly. What are your thoughts on building vs. buying an incubator? What in the process of...
  9. cdmadaio

    MANY, many questions. If possible, please answer or give advice

    i am new to hatching chicks. One has hatched and now its been a week since the first one hatched. Me, being stupid put the eggs in at different times so the hatch dates are days apart. One of my eggs looks like its still developing. i thought one pipped this morning because i candled it and it...
  10. Trinitydraco

    Whoa! The hatched chicks are helping the pipped eggs!

    Okay, has anyone else seen this?! This is my first hatch and I have never heard of this. The 2 hatched chicks are tapping, chirping encouragement and even cuddling the next to hatch egg! These 2 have been out for about 6 hours and about an hour ago another egg started to rock and pip. Up until...
  11. cdmadaio

    Will these hatch?

    These are the developing eggs. Some are 2 days overdue. I don't know if that's because they stopped developing or because they didn't get proper heat. I took some eggs out so the developing ones would get proper heat. Can anyone tell me if any of these are going to hatch? One of them is...
  12. BugBittenAnkles

    Late Hatchers from Brooding Hen, Help!

    Hello, I'm a new owner to chickens and I'm in need of SERIOUS help. My family wasn't the most careful with keeping track of eggs and we found out that one of our hens had hidden away a whole batch to brood on (a whopping 10 eggs!). We felt terrible trying to take them away from her but assumed...
  13. C

    Broody hen sitting 3 days in is down to only 4 eggs, 2 broken shall I start fresh or add more?

    Hello! I’m new to this forum but hope this is the right place to post this question. My broody hen (frizzle Pekin bantam) went broody over a week ago. This is her first time going broody so I let her sit on unfertile eggs for a week just to be sure she’d commit. On Saturday afternoon I gave...
  14. C

    Airsac Trouble HELP!

    I recently bought 7 fert eggs for my broody hen and when i went to candle them on day 4, my Super Blue egg layer egg's air sac was detached and covering the fetus later that day my hen smashed that egg( Shes a new momma) aswell as two other eggs( both unfertile). On day 8, today, i checked one...
  15. Jesalerno

    Indian runner ducks hatching, need advice!

    Hello, our Indian runner ducklings are trying to hatch. I noticed this morning one is stuck half in and half out I thought it best to just leave it and let mother nature do its thing but it's been stuck like this for a while. I'm not sure how long it can survive without being able to move should...
  16. Breemae123

    Worms inside ducklings...

    Several of our ducklings took a while to hatch. We helped hatch them and then brought them inside. Once one of the ducks detached from the egg the there was a hole where the ‘belly button’ was. I noticed movement inside of him. There was white worms (maybe maggots). We read you can soak the...
  17. BabySweetsTurkeys

    Eye color?

    :jumpy:celebrate5 out of my 6 incubated eggs hatched yesterday and all babies are doing great. YAY! But I was wondering, will their eye color change? They’re dark brown right now and I was wondering if they’ll stay the same or turn yellow? Just a curious question. :) :wee
  18. Breemae123

    3 day old duckling swollen belly button and can’t walk

    My Muscovy hatched 4/25 eggs fine and they’re healthy but then she abandoned her nest when several others had internally pipped. After 24 hours of no progress we assisted hatching. One of the ducklings yolk sac detached quickly and now his belly is swollen 3 days later. He isn’t walking or...
  19. B

    Staggered hatching - in dry Southwest environment - Help Please

    Hello all and thank you for this community! I'm new to chicken incubating and my first group is now on day 22. The first chick pipped late on day 20 so now has been in the bator close to 48 hours. There are 3 more hatched and dry. I can see several more of the 28 eggs that have pipped. The...
  20. S

    Incubator vs. Brooder for hatched chick

    Yesterday, one of the chicks in the incubator I have in my classroom hatched. It hatched quite early, and I am out of town this weekend (including yesterday--I had taken the day off). I've read that chicks can survive 3 days in the incubator, but I'm wondering what people suggest here for my...
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