
  1. jsullivan704

    goose/duck feeding schedule

    * I tried to post in feeding and watering but had no luck * I have two geese and two ducks. I read somewhat that people have them on a schedule for feeding. Is that necessary? If so what kind of schedule should they be on? The bigger ones are around 9 weeks, the younger are around 3 weeks...
  2. jsullivan704

    Food Schedule?

    I have two geese and two ducks. I read somewhat that people have them on a schedule for feeding. Is that necessary? If so what kind of schedule should they be on? The bigger ones are around 9 weeks, the younger are around 3 weeks. Should just the big ones be on a schedule right now? Suggestions...
  3. Dragonfly830

    I'm afraid my 6-week-old chicks are eating too much dirt and grass!

    I have 3 six-week-old silkie chicks who have lived indoors all their lives, with the exception of spending a few minutes some days roaming around on the grass. A few days ago, I introduced them to their coop in the backyard. I'm afraid that with them spending all their time on the ground...
  4. MathildaMcThunderthighs

    Good First Chick Treat

    I have a batch of 8 baby chicks of all different breeds that are turning a week old today and I wanted to give them their first food other than chick feed. I started mixing grit into their feed yesterday so they can eat other things. I was thinking cut up strawberry, would that work?
  5. L

    Diet for Chicken Recovering from 1) Raccoon attack and 2) Issues related to Over-ingesting Grit

    Hi All - My flock was subjected to a raccoon attack over a month ago and we have been rehabilitating the 2 survivors. One hen - Rogue, a Rhode Island Red of ~3-4 years old - apparently began ingesting large amounts of grit which we found upon X-ray at the vet (symptoms were consistent with an...
  6. Littlefoot1106

    Oyster shell?

    Any recommendations on brand of oyster shell? I'm assuming there are different qualities between brands but i don't know much about it. Also is grit necessary for free range birds? I've got them on scratch and peck layer feed, the shop i got it from says that it is a high quality feed, hopefully...
  7. Missusg

    To Grit or Not to Grit

    So, if I am giving my chicks chick starter do I necessarily need grit? I'm gathering that when you start introducing other foods like treats that you should also introduce grit...yes?
  8. R

    Emergency Grit

    I got my first chicks ever six days ago. I fed them some mealworms yesterday and today without realizing that they needed grit! I can go to the feed store first thing tomorrow to get some, but I'm really worried about them between now and then. Should they be fine between now and then? One of...
  9. Kaki Campbell owners

    Kaki Campbell owners looking for some answers

    My husband and I bought 6 ducklings 5 days ago. They are now 7 days old. We keep them in our basement in a wooden box 3'*5' brooder with heat lamp next to the wood stove. A few days ago I noticed one of the ducklings we're "sneezing" in the water then it started sneezing out of the water now...
  10. P

    Cha Cha UPDATE: Calling All Crop Experts!

    Hi Everyone, I’m in need of some crop advice. Any help is much appreciated! I have another recent thread with more detail/history. Responses dwindled & this is a different focus, hence the new thread. If you are curious and have time...
  11. N

    Approximately how much chick grit to use

    Im getting 100 Cornish cross in a couple of weeks. How much chick grit would I need to make available to them? What's the best way of giving them the grit? And roughly how much would they consume each week (pounds?)? Can I give grower grit once they reach a certain size/age?
  12. Ducklover2

    Chicks & Grit

    Do chicks need grit when eating crumbles(chick starter).
  13. Keeperoflock

    Chicken Grit Change

    At what point and time do I switch from chick grit to the regular size grit?
  14. N

    1. Do I need to give 1.5 week old chicks grit? 2. What can I do to make my chicks less bored.

    1. they are pushing two weeks old at this point. (rhode island reds) I haven't given them any grit and they seem fine. Can I make my own grit/can they find it themselves? 2. They seem bored in the brooder. I want to give them something to do. (I'd be bored out of my mind if I were in there so...
  15. SueT

    How long does grit stay in the chicken?

    Is grit constantly being worn out and passed thru? And thus need constant replenishing?
  16. H

    Babies are eating shavings intentionally!!!

    Hey y’all. I’m a first time chicken owner. I’ve got 9 beautiful birds, 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 dark Brahmas, 2 ameracunas, 2 blue laced Wyandottes, and one white silkie. They are 3 weeks old and are INTENTIONALLY EATTING SHAVINGS (face palm) I haven’t noticed this behavior up until now. They have...
  17. Saaniya

    my roosters eating sea shell grit

    One of my friend gifted me her extra bag of sea shell grit . I wash that grit just to drain that sea salt and sand ..I leave to dry in sun in my terrace caught both of my rooster eating that sea shell grit insanely is it okay? Will sea shell beneficial for moderation ? I got that sea...
  18. M

    Organic and non-GMO SUPPLIERS

    I am five weeks into my first twelve bird flock of barred rock. It has been a blast watching them grow and seeing how much fun my kids are having feeding and watering them. They are all getting huge now and we are very excited about moving them out to their coop soon and in anticipation to that...
  19. Belbris

    Do they need grit?

    hi, We have 3.5 week old Australorp chicks. I’d read in some books that you should start them in grit so went to buy some but the guy in the pet shop said they don’t need it until they are closer to egg laying age?? What are the thoughts here? Needed or not? Our chicks are indoors most of...
  20. D

    Calcium Carbonate grit vs granite grit

    I have 5 month old chickens that I assume are close to laying. So I bought them layer pellets (never used pellets until now.) chickens not too enthused. Since I traveled to the feed store that is a distance away I decided to buy a large bag grit since it is abiut 60% cheaper than the small bags...
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