
  1. PirateGirl

    Daffodils and ducks and chickens.

    Each summer is an experiment in gardening and learning what grows well here and what doesn't, what produces and what doesn't, what prairie dogs and bunnies eat and what they don't. Doing some online reading/research I found that many critters won't eat daffodils because they are toxic on some...
  2. Golden Brahma 64

    Garden 2018

    So I’ve been working on my garden for the past 2 years and I thought I’d share a few pics Here’s my patio This is a project I’m working on, this is where I keep my chickens. I call it the ‘cottage garden’ I plant various cottage style plants in this garden. I also plant me vegetables...
  3. PirateGirl

    Tips on growing sunflowers...

    I want to garden, but the weather's been bipolar and seems to snow whenever I have a day off work. At least this year it's kept me from planting anything prematurely. I have many challenges here beside the weather and I am trying to learn what actually grows and take tips from those who have...
  4. Marmalade25

    When there isn't money for nursery plants, where do you get your plants from instead?

    I am on year 2 of working on gardens in new (well, new to us) house. But...there isn't a plant budget. So it has been time to get creative with resources available to me. Instead of a dream plan, I have been planning with what's at my finger tips. Step 1, moving things around the yard that I...
  5. LoveDatChickenLife


    I want to grow potatoes but I don’t know anything but they grow in the ground. Anyone for help???
  6. C

    Any Of these Plants Toxic/Harmful to Chickens?

    Hello. I'm Currently living in an Apartment. The only Space available for Gardening is the Balcony. But Unfortunately, i cant garden there! because the balcony is Very very shady & terribly Windy. Plus, its RAIN season. so the Clouds covers most of the sunlight. I'm Desperately Wanting to...
  7. ChickChickHorray

    Planting for chickens

    Hi everyone! Newbie chicken keeper here and pretty new to the page, so I hope I’m posting in the right spot! We’re starting our first flock this year and want to plant a variety of herbs, flowers, bushes, etc. for our flock to enjoy. We really want to grow a type of ivy or flower up the side and...
  8. lazy gardener

    Can pre-treatment improve germination and early plant growth?

    In the wee hours this morning when I should have been sleeping, I decided to do an experiment with my next seeding: I will plant several different types of seeds, using 4 different methods. Control group: planted in the typical fashion. Pre moistened Pro-mix, seeds planted dry, and tended...
  9. ldamp

    New momma

    Hi everyone! I received my girls in Sept 2017. They become your family. Yes people without chickens, they are just like your other pets! I have four. I’m so sorry I can guess what they are but not 100% sure. Americana, Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red?, I have no idea of the last one. But if...
  10. CapricornFarm

    Seed Swap!

    I know lots of folks have extra seeds sitting around and might be intetested in swapping seeds, bulbs, roots or whatever for gardening. All BYC rules apply, they will not be responsible for swaps not completed. The person shipping is responsible for postage unless otherwise agreed by the...
  11. DaviJones

    Fertilizer Suggestions

    So I wouldn't say I'm exactly new to gardening but this is the first year I'm going to actually try, for lack of a better word. I'm going to start preparing the soil sometime soon because I'm in zone 11a, and wanted to ask about ideal fertilization. I'm planning on utilizing all my chicken...
  12. B

    I love the BYC magazine.

    I was raised on a farm. I never wanted to do anything else. My grandparents and an Uncle advised me to discover the world. Regardless of where I lived, I still gardened even if it was adding a tomato plant to a flower bed. HOA just don't understand people wanting to GROW food. So I learned...
  13. saw this on our Squash trellis

    saw this on our Squash trellis

    Not sure how we missed this one!
  14. moco27

    Deep litter done right

    I started deep litter several years ago using the methods that everyone claims to have had success using. It' didn't work for me, it smelled clumped/matted was a ton of work and didn't look like I was doing my chickens a service by using it. I tried straw first and noticed that it made a thick...
  15. Nyla

    Plants To Grow Inside During Winter?

    Okay so I would love to know all the types of plants you can grow inside during winter and be able to feed them to chickens, ducks, quails, ect. Also how to grow them!
  16. ShrekDawg

    My garden

    First time really growing anything, tried once before a few years ago but the animals ate them and planted in a bad spot. First time starting as seeds/having a proper garden. Anyway, my vegetables are thriving! Also have tomatoes and peppers starting to grow! And look at all those flowers...
  17. S

    Hi, I'm a new member from Central Massachusetts!

    I was born and grew up in Central Massachusetts, and from a young age have volunteered & worked on small organic farms, urban ag farms/gardens, & community gardens. I also attended The Mountain School in Vershire, Vermont, which is where I had my first foray into taking care of livestock, and...
  18. showmesilkies

    Summer Plant Swap/Trade

    Let's do something fun and beneficial for each other. Let's do a plant swap/trade. Rule 1. Be honest and fulfill the agreement with the other person Rule 2. Expect a fair trade. I'll start! I'm up for swapping/trading for just about anything that is not ordinary. I love cannas, Daylilies...
  19. L

    Improving Garden Soil?

    Hi! I've sectioned off a large area of land that I'm adding manure, compost, and other scraps to daily. I mix it, till it, etc. Recently, I planted some garlic, and it appeared to be growing fine, with green shoots growing a centimeter a week. About two months later, the entire stalk wilted. I...
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