
  1. momminallday

    it's very peopley

    It was a very stressful holiday season, and I'm glad to be moving past it! Anyone have dreams for coop improvements, or this year's garden plans they want to share?
  2. L.D.Sewell

    Coop, Run and Garden Location

    May or may not be an issue - but I am wondering if there is any concern about having the coop and run too close to a vegetable garden? Planning everything out for spring and trying to figure out where to put what. Ideally, I would like to put the coop and the garden in the same corner of the...
  3. chickenreyna

    found this weird unidentified insect in my garden. help identify plz

    I have kiled one under carport and one in my garage and just ao happens i stumble across a third one in my garden. I have no clue what it is help
  4. Annfill

    Hello from Sunny Queensland

    G'day. I am an artist from Qld. I have worked as a vet nurse and photographer in the past. I live in suburbia on a 3/4 acre block with my husband. At the moment I have a roo, 8 hens and 2 newly hatched chicks. They are a mixed flock but predominantly Sussex. I have been keeping chooks for about...
  5. Afrodigh

    Coop Location Questions

    I am in coop-planning phase and have some questions for the chicken experts out there. 1) Chickens & garden: I came across this blog the other day ( and would really like to build something similar in my backyard. My thought...
  6. M

    Chicken Coop Over Raised Bed

    Hello all, I had an idea hit me yesterday after watching a Justin Rhodes video. Right now I have 10 chickens over a 1/4 city backyard. I use 4x12x12" raised garden beds in my back yard to grow vegetables. I want to place coops over two new raised beds and slowly add hardwood mulch over the next...
  7. Chicken Tunnel

    Chicken Tunnel

    WINTER IS COMING Fall is here and it's time to start prepping the garden for winter. To help in the work involved I have enlisted my Golden Comets. The challenge I faced was how to allow the chickens safe and consistent access to the garden that is on the other side of the yard. My solution...
  8. pclark17

    Letting chickens clear the garden

    Is there any considerations I need to make before letting my hens have access to our summer garden space now that everything has just about ended production? We have green bean plants, okra, tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos, and some squash plants. I want to give them free run of the space but...
  9. HalpMeh


    I wanna do potatoes during the fall-winter months. How do I pick good ones, and how do i make them grow eyes. I was thinking about getting store bought ones, since they are cheap. If you have any helpful links, please give me them. :) Thank you!
  10. black_dove2

    Considering Underground Coop

    I've bee considering an underground coop for some time. I only have the two hens and the maximum number of fowl allowed for size of property is four. Roosters are not permitted at all in Riverside County, CA. There's differing opinions as to why, but most believe it has more to do with cock...
  11. CapricornFarm

    Ground hog eating garden

    I need to save my garden. Ground hog i think eating everything. Already fenced in. Ordered fence charger. Got a shot gun. Any other ideas?
  12. ShrekDawg

    My garden

    First time really growing anything, tried once before a few years ago but the animals ate them and planted in a bad spot. First time starting as seeds/having a proper garden. Anyway, my vegetables are thriving! Also have tomatoes and peppers starting to grow! And look at all those flowers...
  13. TimHo

    New Guy

    Hey Everyone I am new here, just getting into the whole Home steading thing. I live outside Saint John in New Brunswick ( Canada) Just planted a large garden and hopefully will convince the Wife to do meat chickens here next month. Just in the planning stages right now and I am readying lots...
  14. RUNuts


    We left the radishes too long and they bolted to seed. I'm pulling them up and tossing into the brooder. The little pullets strip the stems of flowers first followed by the leaves. Takes them a little while, but after a day I pull the remaining stem out. I'm glad I didn't compost them once...
  15. TheResidentialFarm

    I sense a runner in the garden

    in case you would like to enjoy a song with an opening line applicable to my topic :p I know this seems trivial, but I'm mentally stuck and would love to talk this out with someone experienced with ducks and chickens-- I have 6 5-week old Indian Runner ducklings. My intention was to keep one...
  16. SFChickens

    Making a Planter FOR my chickens - what would you plant?

    Hi All! We have 5 girls in our yard - 4 new this year, and 1 legacy chicken (a survivor of the great raccoon attack of December 2016 :hit). Anyway - I am working on a project to build a planter/roosting structure for the girls - so they can chill out doing the day (they have a decent amount of...
  17. Wayne Melissa

    My gardens are innocent victims!

    Well, I have just added chickens to my homestead. These are the first farm animals to join our family and I cannot get enough of their adorable antics! What I am noticing, however, is that my roses and my food gardens are not fond of their new land mates. The chickens stripped my double knockout...
  18. Buff Orpington Hen

    Buff Orpington Hen

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