
  1. Saaniya

    Gapeworm Or Just Yawning

    Hello everyone My Rooster tootoo is recovering from Dubbing we did on Sunday For his Extra Large Comb which makes him choke for the 5 times in a row thats why we take this cruel decision of Dubbing to save his life Everyone' advise and suggestions work for his DUB & He's health improved his...
  2. CajunFeatherz

    Gapeworm (?) Treatment?

    Hey all. I'm a new member to BYC (but lurked for probably 4 years) and relatively desperate for some clear answers on gapeworm treatment. Background info: I have a flock that apparently has IB. I think it's some of my main chickens that are the Patient Zero carriers, this is my first outbreak...
  3. ChickenLover5912


    Gapeworm or Upoer respiratory? Gasping, crackling breathing, pale droopy comb, droopy tail but has seemed to kindve perk up a little, feathers seemed to have been stripped but could be unrelated, eats a little but mainly plays with it. Got her a week ago first thing I did was give her ivermectin...
  4. katharbour

    CRD & Gapeworm

    We have a community farm with about 50 hens with a couple of roosters. We are challenged with CDR (CRD)? and Gapeworm without really knowing the differences. Are there symptoms that will tell us the difference and how to treat them. We use preventative (apple cider vinegar, garlic, cayenne) in...
  5. Pumpkin the rooster

    Hen pushing crop upwards

    Hello, so recently my sebright bantam hen had a very, very red face(she usually has a grayish face and every once in a while have red around her eyes), she also seemed slightly bigger than usual. She was just standig in place doing nothing and she starts "yawning" And "gasping", she was also...
  6. Ms. Crazy Chicken Lady

    Help Diagnosing Sick Chicken! Out of breath, balance issues, lethargic?

    Hello wonderful fellow chicken people! This is my first time posting on this forum, and I need your help! I have used BYC many a time to learn about chicken health and disease. I have had chickens since I was 5 years old and I remember my mom learning about gape worm from BYC when one of our...
  7. Saaniya

    Pls Help

    Hello Everyone, I'm in trouble from yesterday .. One of my 7 month old rooster were playing in sand ..packing happily suddenly he started starching neck up opening mouth wide like he wants to vomit , squiggle head .. 7-8 times or more (I don't know this action) they usually squiggle their...
  8. Nicole Zimmerman

    Chicken breathing funny And prolapse

    PLEASE HELP! My chicken is breathing funny and not eating or drinking hardly anything any idea on what it is and how to cure? I also was dealing with her prolapse the past few days with little blood I’m guessing to the breathing issue causing pressure on her bottom. See this video for visual
  9. Star and eclipsa

    Possible gapeworm?

    His mouth is open and he is panting. He has been doing this for weeks, but my mom keeps brushing it off as something else. He is also stretching his neck out alot whenever he does this (which is very often)
  10. Duckstruck

    A Duck with Serious Gape Worm

    Hello! I'm rekindling a thread I created last month. Here's the link to the last thread. I have a Pekin duck with Gape Worm. We pinpointed this when I posted some videos of her panting/gasping after I held her and the lurching of the neck. I know this could be in the Ducks Category, but I'm...
  11. Star and eclipsa


    What is gapeworm and how does it affect chickens? Someone told me that snails can carry it and i saw one of my baby chickens eating a snail when i brought them outside.
  12. M

    Gasping Chicken

    Hi, my name is Amanda and I have a sick hen. She is a 7 month old black australorp. I noticed the other day that she was moving a little bit slower than the other chickens in my flock and that she was slightly hobbling like she hurt her foot so I made a note to keep an eye on her and bring her...
  13. Michael Propst

    Newbie looking for help with Green and Yellow Poop.

    I have 7 hens that where hatched March 13, 2017 that I inherited from my neighbors when they moved in July and could not move the chickens with them. Since I have been doing everything I can to learn how to care and take care of my small flock. I originally had 8 but lost one about 6 weeks ago...
  14. H

    Chicken very ill, need urgent advice

    Hi, my family are new chicken owners. We have 2 white Sussex hens. Recently we came back from holiday and found one of the hens incredibly ill. Whilst we were away we left her with relatives (I regret this greatly now!) And I think they told us that the hens coop would leak and get wet during...
  15. Saaniya

    chicken opening mouth alot Worming With Albendazole Oral

    Hey fellas! just posting this tread .. i'm worming my chickens with albendazole oral .by today (Just ordered ) I have two 1 roo 1 female pullets small breeds they don't having any specific symptoms of worms but they are mostly opens their mouth very wide just like we humans do when we are...
  16. JosieMae

    Possible gapeworm or maybe nothing? HELP!

    Hi All! My five girls are in an outside coop and the run is filled with sand. I noticed a lot of them sneezing sometimes, but they don't have any other signs of respiratory anything. I have a young Polish who, for the past months or so, has sometimes breathed through her mouth, sometimes not...
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