
  1. Devyn Nagy

    The "What thread -- Curious yet?

    Here's a new weekly(ish) game we can play! Quite simply, I'll ask a question , and you answer. However, the questions will be ones that you all should have some funny answers to. I called it the what thread because all of the questions will be in the format: "What is," "Of all the [blank], what...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Two Truths and A Lie

    I just played this game and it was fun so I thought I’d start a thread on it. It’s pretty simple. You just have to find the lie. I’ll start. 1. I used to raise chickens and quail. 2. I was born in Florida. 3. I’ve been to Germany.
  3. HomesteaderWife

    [wanted] Trading Card/Gaming Collections & More

    Hi all, long shot here but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask! My husband and I are quite the nerds, and so I figured I would post a few things we look for and buy and see if it turns up any messages or comments. - Magic the Gathering and Pokemon (love the old stuff, the sealed stuff even, and...
  4. googletrusting Does not work anymore.

    When I was gonna create an account I found that the website is no longer online a barely works. Any new chicken breeding games?
  5. MaeM

    Educational Game: Random Facts About Chickens

    So what if we have fun sharing random/curious facts about chickens? So we can make sure we learn something new every day! Other poultry facts allowed, although it'd be much better if you compare them to chickens! I've recently learned (visually) that roosters can try to mount each other 😂
  6. sweaterthebroodyrooster

    Strange Figures of Speeches

    What are some of the strangest, weirdest, funniest, craziest, and just plan Absurd figures of speeches/ sayings you have ever heard/ used? I’ll start, “Who pooped in your cornflakes?”
  7. MeowthLover_ThatsRight

    Anyone else play the Switch?

    Mah friend code if you wanna hang: 226591710340
  8. LizzzyJo

    Looking for ideas for chicken entertainment during freezing temps!

    I am one of those chicken keepers who relies 100% on free ranging for chicken entertainment :oops: BUT - I now have two resident red tailed hawks in my backyard. So, I need chicken toy/entertainment ideas. I have seen a lot on here already (swing, hanging cabbage, etc.) but I'm sure people are...
  9. CrazyCochin

    Caption contest! Legend of Zelda themed!

    Hello, this is my first caption contest, I hope you all enjoy! And I also ask, please keep all submissions suitable for all ages! This picture will be my profile, and for a prize, the winning caption will be my new signature! This is your picture, have fun!
  10. Littleanimalcollector

    Fun things to do with chickens

    I am aware of some fun things you can do with your chickens, such as grape football, but is there any places you can take a chicken? I can get a leash easily if that would broaden my options. Also, are the dog trailers for bikes an option for chickens (one at a time) as well? I’m open to any...
  11. Chicken Chiquita

    Would You Rather...

    In this thread we post Would You Rather's, please keep them clean, and not offensive! Thanks! So i'll start us off. Would you rather...never be able to eat again (but still live) or never be able to use BYC again?
  12. ShrekDawg

    Name a Band

    Saw this on FB and thought it would be fun to try here so figured I’d copy it and share here!!! Not entirely sure how it will work here since it’s a little different than FB but we can try it haha ignore the repost bit. Just reply I guess. Copied it straight from FB 😂🤣🙈 Anyway.... Name a BAND...
  13. ShrekDawg

    In 2020 I’ll...

    So @muddy75 had a great idea over on the quail thread for a new game and it is hilarious but I figured I would make a new thread so can continue without completely taking over :lau So you might have guessed from the title but the game is that you type in “In 2020 I’ll” or “In 2020 I will” and...
  14. rosemarysugar

    Favorite Breed?

    Hey, this is just a fun random post! Comment what your favorite chicken breed personality-wise is and make sure to vote!
  15. theroosternamedrooster

    Lone Rooster - tv/movies for him to watch? iPad games for him to "play"?

    For those with chickens that like to watch tv - are there any particular shows or movies that your chickens seem to really enjoy? (anything on Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Youtube...) I spend a lot of time outside with Rooster, as he is all alone (I live in east LA, he was dumped in our alley so he's...
  16. Newfowler1

    How do you play with your ducks?

    Im new at this hobby. While I’ve had many different pets throughout my life I know it’s rare to have a cat want to play fetch. Aside from mealyworm time I don’t think I have any bonding activities to engage my 3 week old ducklings but also my 2&3 month old ducks. What kind of duck...
  17. Attackdog4

    I invented a game for the chickens FOODBALL

    :yesss:A while back (a few years a go) I created a game to watch the chickens play (usually young players and for entertainment to us) so You Throw the food and whoever picks it up gets a point but they only get the point if they eat it bread usually works best but you can use any food and you...
  18. aliciagold

    Party ideas. What's the best party you've been to?

    I'm looking for some good themed party ideas for adults. Most of the ideas I ggogled are lame and I want to figure out a hilarious theme. What're some of the best (or worst) party themes you've participated in?
  19. lilmillefleur

    *~~Whispers of Nature ~~ A Warriors-Based Roleplay~~* Closed!

    Please Read First!! This Roleplay is Closed to new participants. Please do not ask to join. A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum. B) I promise...
  20. Kgroot

    Chicken. Toys!

    I didn't know where to post so into random it goes this but any fun DIY or PetSmart/Petco toys that they u have found your chickens enjoy? Or games? So far I've got my girls following me around the yard for mealworms. Which is super entertaining and now officially my party trick. "You want to...
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