foot help

  1. A

    Foot injury

    Hi, I have a chicken whose been with us for probably about a year and a half. Sometime last month I noticed a scab on her foot. Ever since I have been spraying it with vetericyn + poultry care but it has not been getting better. I was outside watching the chickens while I let them roam around my...
  2. L

    Mystery Foot Disease: Ever seen this?

    Hello friends! My 7-month-old Ameraucana has been limping and in pain. I checked her foot, and it was splitting at the creases with flaky/crusty skin at the toes. The ankles are clear. It looks almost looks like a "chicken's athlete's foot." Things I've Tried: 1. Carefully debriding...
  3. F

    4-6 week old chick limping

    Hi All! I am new to raising chickens and my favorite chicken out of our flock has been limping the last 2-3 days. Ive been doing a lot of reading on Mareks and she doesn't seen to have any of the symptoms. She doesn't have bumpy skin, no leg or neck or wing paralysis, her iris are brown and...
  4. AuntieMim

    Is this Bumblefoot?!

    Hi, I was wanting some advice- this is our black cochin bantam. She's 1 year old and in great health. She has not been limping or acting out of sorts at all. I make it a practice to check our flocks' feet every few weeks as they are free range and I want to head off any problems. Everything is...
  5. R

    What's this growth on my hen's foot?

    Hey...I have a problem. Cluckers has some growth on her foot. I'm not 100% positive what is it, but I think she has bumble foot. Is it something else or is it bumblefoot? I need to treat this. 😢 Also...whatever it is, how do I treat it? She got cut by something too. It's only on the bump. The...
  6. Yooniebean

    Chicken limping (possible bumblefoot?)

    Hello, today I noticed my chicken , biscuit , was limping. Took a picture and it seems to be swollen in the middle and there's a big ish hard bump too in her middle toe(??) Her other foot looks completely fine. Firsr Thoughts is that it could be bumblefoot but it looks different when I searched...
  7. D

    Extremely swollen feet/bumblefoot?

    Hello! I've never written on this forum before but my family and I could really use some help on determining what is wrong with one of our chickens. Here are some photos: (let me know if you can't see them) Her feet have been getting worse over some time. We didn't think it was bumblefoot...
  8. M

    Rooster with curled toe paralysis?

    Hi everyone! We have a bantam rooster that just started walking funny a couple of days ago. One of his feet now has curled toes, therefore he is walking on his ankle. He gets around ok, it doesn't seem to be getting worse (yet), and he's able to use both of his wings. He shares a coop with 4...
  9. DemeChick

    How do I treat a swollen foot that was tangled in a vine?

    Yesterday evening, I found my little polish rooster sitting under a bush. It was about 30 minutes after I had last seen him. As I tried to coax him out I realized one of his legs was pulled straight up behind him tangled tightly in a dead vine. I guess he was roosting in the large bush and as he...
  10. IbchrisL

    Need help identifying and treating a foot ailment

    This growth is on a 1-1/2 year old Buff Oprington hen’s foot. It is smooth brown and looks like it is an impacted bump that can almost me popped off. I have been soaking in epsom salt, wrapping with a gauze soaked in Vetericyn Plus and covered with stretch tape. Today it was softening enough to...
  11. Kittys Coop

    Limping Hen, toes clenched together

    Hi everyone. I noticed this morning one of our Mystic Onyx hens is limping pretty pronounced. I did not notice it yesterday and when I grabbed her to exam it didn’t appear swollen but it did seem tender when I touched it and she reacted and there was no scab like google suggests bumblefoot...
  12. I

    Are these feet normal?

    It was hard to take a photo of it, but this little guy's feet have always looked a bit weird to me. He was doing fine up until this week, when he started walking funny with his wings out touching the ground sometimes to balance. We noticed a small cut on one of his toes too, possibly from...
  13. hayleyasaurus

    Foot infection, maybe bumble foot

    Hi! I was checking my 10 year old Cayuga for bumble foot and I saw that her feet look very strange near the back of her foot. I’ve delt with bumblefoot in a different duck before and it doesn’t look like that. I thought it looks like some kinda of foot fungus or something. Or maybe it’s just a...
  14. Phanata

    Help! Quail foot problems!

    My quail Lilith Just started limping and I looked at her limping foot and found it looked like this!am not sure what this is but it looks infected! I have currently removed the rocks from there box and add a small bowl of ice and water for her to walk around in Her only roommate is my other...
  15. Little Chicken Lady

    HELP! My Production Red has a wonky toe!

    I was watching my chickens free range yesterday when I noticed that my production red was curling up one of her feet as she walked. I went to see what was wrong and saw that she has an extremely swollen toe. It is really bulbous and the toe and claw are both bent sideways. Does anyone know...
  16. H

    4 week old with foot issue

    I have a 4 week old buff orpington that has an issue with one of its toes. There seems to be either a growth or a foreign object constricting blood flow to its toe. I noticed this a couple of weeks ago and it appears to be getting worse. There’s nothing I can recall that would have influenced...
  17. sierraforest

    Why is my duck limping?

    Connie suddenly began limping and trying not to put any weight on her right foot. It looks a bit more swollen than her left foot (see photos for both) but it doesn't look like bumblefoot...I don't think. I've read about bumblefoot so I know that fixing it requires cutting out the infection but I...
  18. slukeplass22

    Foot Problems

    About a week ago, right after temperatures plummeted from 70 to 40 F (Halloween T-Storm), I saw my oldest Orpington's feet turn red on the sides and fleshy parts. They weren't red before. She also has a raised bump in-between two of her toes, one on each foot. The one on her left foot has had a...
  19. Quail_Kid

    Quail's talon/claw is torn off. Help!

    one of my pharaoh coturnix claw is torn off I do not know how it was torn off. can somebody please tell me what to do. @HuffleClaw @mixedUPturk @Coturnix Quail @drumstick diva @CapricornFarm
  20. Barredrock92

    Is it bumblefoot? And how to treat!

    One of my hens have some swelling between her toes, everything seems to point to bumblefoot. Checked the underside and she has some brown/black patches. However, she seems completely unbothered by her foot, walks and runs and roosts without discomfort, and is eating and drinking normally. I gave...
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