
  1. jsullivan704

    goose/duck feeding schedule

    * I tried to post in feeding and watering but had no luck * I have two geese and two ducks. I read somewhat that people have them on a schedule for feeding. Is that necessary? If so what kind of schedule should they be on? The bigger ones are around 9 weeks, the younger are around 3 weeks...
  2. Sakiza

    TSC Waterfowl Feed??

    Hey everyone. For those of you who use TSC for your flock feeding needs, what do you use for your ducks and geese? For summer and winter? We have been using a mix of rolled oats, BOSS, and corn for summer since they graze all day around the pond. Thanks!
  3. centrarchid

    TRY THIS! Attracting Japanese Beetles to Pens of Chickens!

    For giggles and a departure from another thread where Japanese Beetles are to be used as a feed stuff, I put out the pheromone pieces on two elevated pens and boy are we having fun! Major bio-attractor with potential of a joke to pull on friends and others. Beetles coming to look like a...
  4. FarmrGirl

    Maryland Poultry Swap & Farmers Market - Southern Maryland Edition

    When: September 29, 2018 from 8am - 2pm Where: 2311 Bryan Point Rd, Accokeek, MD 20607 Who: Moose Manor Farms Our Farmer's Flea Market features all things Farm related, handcrafted, or homegrown. This includes poultry, small ruminants (ie: goats, sheep, mini jerseys, etc.), hatching eggs...
  5. wisemike

    Is it safe to eat wild/city pigeons?

    I am staying in Dublin, Ireland, and I was wondering if I caught wild city pigeons, are they safe to eat after cooking well? Or they do have parasites that won't be gotten rid of by cooking? Everybody eats fish from the sea, or other birds we hunt.. right? So, apart from that "yucky" thought...
  6. Keeperoflock

    AG Lime, Chicken Run, Coccidiosis Question

    I have 17 3 1/2 month old chickens. They have a 8x8 chicken coop with a wood floor that is covered with plexiglass. Their roosts are 2x4s and a poop board underneath. The poop board has sand with PDZ in it. The floor of the coop has wood chips with DE. I have 4 wooden nest boxes with straw...
  7. LordDuckWings

    3-Layer Duck Bath Bombs!

    The title may sound odd, but its a very good treat to give to your ducks! Instructions: 1.Have a small circular plastic container 2. Chop up romaine lettuce into tiny bits, and place at bottom of container. 3. Pour cold water on top, only covering the lettuce, and put in freezer until it is rock...
  8. freerangeandfreedom

    Food Suggestions??

    I was wondering if anyone knew the best food for my ladies... I have several girls who are older (I’m talking 5 years) but are still laying semi-regularly... My problem is, even though the eggs are fine inside, the outside looks a little scary sometimes. Also, most of the eggs I get aren’t...
  9. carlyducks

    Can ducks eat scratch grain?

    Can ducks eat this? If so, what is the purpose? There are sunflower seeds in it, is that safe for ducks? I'm looking for something new to expand my duck's diet to give them something different along with their usual crumble feed! :) thanks...
  10. B

    What is the best food for 4-month old ducks/chickens?

    I have chickens and ducks. All are around 4-months old. I’ve been feeding them Purina grower for the last few months with added brewers yeast and was wondering what sort of feed I should switch to for laying chickens and ducks. It’s hard to keep the food separate since they’re in the same...
  11. S

    Curious about Protein levels

    Hey poultry folk! I was just thinking about how different feeds have different protein levels (starter is 18-19%, grower is 14-15%, and layer is 16-17%). Does anyone know what the difference is between the feeds that some have higher protein than others? Is it more of certain types of grains, or...
  12. Sjbuff

    Switching Food

    When is the best time to switch over food? I have 6 week old Buff Orpingtons Also, any suggestions on brands?
  13. M

    When do you switch chicks food?

    I have 3 silkie chickens ranging from 1 week of age to about 3 weeks of age. They are on 18% protein starter chick feed right now with chick grit mixed in for the older chick. Is this okay? When should i transition them to the next level and what is that? Sorry first time chicken owner here!
  14. T

    Pullet and hens food integration

    Hello I'm new to the chicken community and I have I a rather small flock, four hens to be exact. I started my chicken flock when I found a chicken in the woods, believe it or not, so I rescued her. There are no forms in the community and when I call the SPCA conservation in my area they said it...
  15. P

    How much feed for 10 chickens?

    I have 10 adult hens and I am buying 50 lbs of food about every week and a half. The birds have plenty of free space to run. I have 2 feeders that hold 25lbs each. I am having to refill them about every 8-10 days. Could something else be eating the chicken food at night? Or are they just...
  16. B

    New to Chickens

    Hello, I'm new to raising chickens & have been doing some research. A friend & myself are doing this and wanting to start with 12 Rhode Island Red hens, young adults, not chicks. What's the deal with shots ... do they have to have them ... and if so, what kind? Is organic food easy to get...
  17. 55fingers

    Cake for Duck?

    I know this is a really really silly topic haha I have an indoor duck who is disabled. She will be a year old in June. This is really silly and unnecessary, but she's my baby, so I was wondering.. Is there any way to make a cake for ducks? I was thinking of trying to mix her duck food with...
  18. AimToMisbehave

    Herbs and spices for ducks

    Does anyone know about herbs/spices for ducks? I saw something online somewhere that recommended small amounts of oregano or garlic or turmeric as supplements and to address various ailments, and I wondering if those were true, and if there were other herbs I can grow at home for them? I looked...
  19. carlyducks

    Can ducks eat peanuts and shells?

    So someone around my neighborhood had to have been feeding peanuts to squirrels because my ducks used to find them every day and LOVE them. they stopped finding them so i bought them some. they are unsalted and get about 2 a day and they go “nuts” for them. they eat the shell and the peanut...
  20. H

    What to feed what to feed

    so I have nine 10 week olds and I have them on organic scratch and peck “grower” feed but costal gave me the wrong feed today I should have checked. So they gave me organic 3 grain scratch. Can they have this yet? Thank you
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