
  1. HansElvis4ever

    Lost 2 roosters within 2 days...HELP!

    Hi! First time chicken owner here - however; we have been just that for over a year and a half now. Everything has been great thus far. It all started when Drew (my fiancé) finding a Cornish Cross (meat bird) that had fallen off a truck. Long story short, we decided to take him in and care for...
  2. N

    FlyStrike + Hole Under Vent

    I’m hoping someone can help! One of our hens was acting lethargic, so I gave her an exam and found quite the scene on her bum. There was an infestation of maggots. I promptly moved her into the garage, cleaned the area, and removed the maggots. There was also something protruding from the...
  3. LindaNL

    Fly Strike?

    I have an issue with my 6 year old rescue Henny. After finding piles blood in the coop, I checked all of my 4 chickens and found that Henny had a big lump and wound under her oil gland. I went to the vet and I got antibiotics and she told me to clean the wound daily with betadine. I am now on...
  4. purefoysgirl

    Pack or not pack tunneling wounds on flystrike rooster?

    On Sunday, September 25, I checked my rooster, Alan, once he was up on the roost because he smelled awful, had been walking around with his tail down, and wasn't acting like himself. I checked with a flashlight and saw maggots streaming across what I thought was his butt, idk it was dark and I...
  5. G

    Fly strike & possible rat attack

    Our biggest rooster overheated a few days ago, he's big and active and doesn't stop to care for himself if he feels "at risk" ... We're fighting a big rat problem this summer and he's killed a few himself already, so I assume he's been worried about the rats and not drinking ... Well he decided...
  6. President_ChickenGirl

    Traumatic Chicken Experience

    Ok so this is the first time I had to deal with flystrike. My hen was sick with a tumor, and when I came back from a week-long vacation, she had gone downhill very quickly. The next night, she was sleeping in the run (which is not normal). Some of her back tail feathers were missing and so I...


    Hello everyone! This is a guide about how to save your chickie or duckie from flystrike! I'm going to put the how to first, just in case you’re in dire need of this information. At the end of this article I will write about my story and how I came to find this. *Epsom...
  8. flaphappy

    Hen with intestinal blockage - Not sure what's best for her

    Hi, I have a ~5 year old Brahma hen named Boba who I brought inside to treat for flystrike last weekend after noticing her all fluffed up in the yard by herself--I think my boyfriend posted a thread about her when it first happened so maybe someone has heard a little about her situation already...
  9. Michigan Chicken

    How do you reduce swelling from flystrike?

    Older chicken with tumor like swelling, mainly due to flystrike, I think. Below vent. I have been soaking in salt water, applying vetericin and flysx spray. She is eating and seems comfortable, but this swelling needs to go down.
  10. whitkit

    Horrific fly strike

    Hello all, I recently got back from vacation and i noticed one of my hens was picking at her butt and laying down more often than usual. Upon examination, I saw the most horrific thing I think i’ve ever seen. Yesterday I found her vent and underneath covered in maggots. I immediately researched...
  11. S

    Old Rhode Island Red Health Problems

    Hello all, I have been a silent fan of Backyard Chickens for six years, when I first became a chicken owner. I had three chickens until a few days ago, a Rhode Island Red (Eleanor), a Barred Rock (Iggy), and a Polish (Simone). My girls were best friends and I genuinely believe that there was no...
  12. D

    🆘 Major wound! flystrike

    Came out this morning to blood drops in the chicken coop and one of my chickens with a severe wound right under her vent completely infested with maggots. It seems that the flash was eaten overnight and now some of her internals are basically exposed. I’ve cleaned out all the maggots and I’m...
  13. G

    So I’ve got this chicken with guessed it, poopy butt :( And now flystrike too

    As the title says, one chicken out of my 7 has had diarrhea and a dirty butt for several weeks. She is a 2 year old Golden Comet and the only Comet in the flock. She is small by nature but has definitely lost weight during this time frame. Her breast bone is very prominent. I have treated the...
  14. Jhs51684

    Flystrike and vent problem (Graphic photos)

    Hi community, it has been a nightmare the last 3 days. I had my first run-in with flystrike on one of my hens. I researched online and used the BYC community to assist me in getting through this. Thank you!!! I've been dunking her in salt water and pulled out lots of maggots yesterday. The last...
  15. skullgrrrl

    Advice Wanted: Prolapsed Vent Follow-Up Treatment

    I have a medical question that I'm hoping someone can advise me on. This is Corazon, who experienced a major prolapsed vent on Sunday. I managed to get most of it back in at the time. She's crated on her own, eating, drinking and in good spirits. I'm given her calcium rich foods, clipped the...
  16. sonstoffie

    Frikkie's Miracle Survival and Recovery [includes graphic images]

    Background: Some of the background information I am about to provide might seem irrelevant to this thread at first, but please bear with me because every little detail is a small puzzle piece that adds to the story. I want you to understand the circumstances within witch the attack happened...
  17. ldyshrk

    Mites and flystrike with open wound (picture)

    I’ve been dealing with a bout of flystrike with my Sizzle. She has two open wounds on her rump that are slowly healing. (Separated, inside, no more maggots, eating, treating the wounds with spray and salve from TSC). I gave her a dose of ivermectin (drops on her back) to help combat the maggots...
  18. Breemae123

    Worms inside ducklings...

    Several of our ducklings took a while to hatch. We helped hatch them and then brought them inside. Once one of the ducks detached from the egg the there was a hole where the ‘belly button’ was. I noticed movement inside of him. There was white worms (maybe maggots). We read you can soak the...
  19. Chickenchick11

    Easy Chicken Fly Spray - Natural + Safe

    With spring finally having officially arrived in my neck of the woods, :celebrate I figured I'd share with you all my super easy fly spray recipe. It's natural and non-toxic, unlike the flysprays that can be bought at feed stores. I use this stuff to detour flies around my coop, and spray it on...
  20. J

    Fly strike & Hole - Odd Problem

    Hi all! This is an extremely unusual health issue and I'm looking for any possible help. Three weeks ago I noticed one of our hens was sluggish & poo covered. I immediately took her for a bath only to discover the entire circular area under her vent/anus was covered in maggots. We rinsed &...
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