first time chicken owner

  1. ldirk7

    Chicks first field trip outside!

    It was so cute! They were so happy! I have a 6 mo German wirehaired pointer and BOY she had murder on the brain when she saw the chicks (we took her out on leash). I think we will have to have her inside when the chicks eventually get their free range time! A question while I have your...
  2. Melody102

    Missing a lot of Feathers

    Hi everyone, I am helping someone out who has never had chickens before. He got them about a week ago and previous to me coming into the picture today I have heard he already lost the first 5 he had to a fox and they have escaped atleast 3 times by pushing out of holes along the fence. Now I...
  3. ShabbyChicInn


    When I register my hens, does a bylaw officer come by to inspect placement of coop? In my area it says that my coop should be 3 meters from rear and side property lines. I talked to my neighbor and they said they are totally fine if i put my chicken coop up against our shared fence. They said...
  4. Z

    Little Lavender Orpington - Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hi everyone! I’m new here, but this website has helped us SO MUCH with raising our first baby chicks. We have six girls (I think)! A lavender orpington, a silver laced wyandotte, a buff, a cinnamon queen and two Easter eggers. I’m curious about my little lavender, Lottie. She’s had this comb...
  5. C

    Help! First time incubating eggs and a German incubator

    Hello I am the proud owner of two lovely serama hens. We have decided to expand our flock this season and with one of our hens determined to be a mother so we have about half of the eggs covered our other hen however is not very broody and I’m afraid she will leave the nest. To have a backup for...
  6. P

    Breeding for the first time

    I have a silver laced polish rooster & 2 polish hens. One is a silver laced as well the other is a buff laced polish. I'm wondering if anyone had ever bred a silver laced polish roster with a buff laced polish hen & what were the results? I'm a new chicken mom & don't know how the genetics...
  7. M

    Rooster or hen?

    First time chicken mama here! Our 9 Buff Orpington are almost 7 weeks now. Not sure if this little lady is maturing faster than the others or if she’s possibly a rooster, any votes?
  8. Oldhallchicks

    First time hatching eggs!

    Hi guys! I’m new to hatching and BYC. I’m like a first time mum with eggs in my incubator! I needed a place to share my chicken excitement because even my husband and kids aren’t as excited as I am about our new chicken family! I’ve got 5 speckled Sussex eggs from eBay, 5 Brahma (3 light 2...
  9. Hippiechicklover

    Scared Silkie

    Hi everyone! First time chicken owner here. I have a flock of 4 at about 3 months old. I’ve had them since they were two weeks old. I’ve handled them daily. I have a silkie in this flock and since day one she has been petrified of me. She’s also... really dumb. She takes forever to figure out...
  10. SophiaLinn

    New baby chicks arrived

    Just got my first ever batch of chicks yesterday. Basically spent the whole day watching them, they’re so cute! We have a buff orpington, a black australorp, 3 golden laced wyandottes, and 3 americaunas. Unfortunately only the orpington and australorp survived the shipment from their hatchery...
  11. MamaGer8ty

    Is it ok if they stay in the run?

    I am a first timer here so please go easy on me! We finally finished our coop and run. The chickens all love it outside in the run but won’t go into the coop. I tried putting them in the coop first and they all just ran out. I’ve even moved their food and water to inside but they won’t go in and...
  12. mrswright091716

    First Timmers from PA

    I am so excited to have come across this site. I lived on a mini farm and raise chickens, ducks, geese, and goats. I love that feeling skipping down to the chicken coop and seeing how over joyed the chickens would come dancing. After my parent divorced our farm got smaller smaller. I moved out...
  13. M

    Just started my first back yard flock!

    We just got 4 chicks to start our flock in Michigan! We are looking forward to having the chickens and learning how to be successful at raising them 😊 Any advice and tips are much appreciated! I’m glad to have found this group, so great for questions and information!
  14. C

    First time chick owners in Salt Lake City, Utah!

    Hi! We are Shan & Andrew and have been thinking of getting chickens for awhile now. A month ago we finally bit the bullet and last Saturday our babies arrived! We have Ameracaunas (sp?). Supposedly they're guaranteed to be girls, but we'll see. I don't want to jinx anything but so far...
  15. C

    New Chicken Mom

    After 7 years of talking about it, I finally had the time during the quarantine to take on a new project so we got chickens!!! We got 3 chicks from Rural King, a Cream Legbar, a Buff Orpington and a Dominicker. We've had them 1 week in a diy brooder in the garage. So far they all seem active and...
  16. C

    Putting the pieces together!

    Good evening, Chicken friends! I'm very excited to be starting a small backyard flock here in Raleigh, NC. My biggest stipulation when we bought our new house was room enouch for a coop and run, with the ability to free roam when we're home. We moved into our new home in November but actually...
  17. HarleyBarley

    Barnevelder, Yellow Vent

    Hello all. First time owner here. I raised my girls from chicks and we're in our first laying season. I have 2 (maybe 3, her feathers are an odd pattern) Barnvelders, 1 SLW and one EE. I was giving a few of my girls the once over and noticed that my Barnvelders have yellow vents. Should I be...
  18. R

    Giving chicks away after hatching

    I have a young son, and I’m thinking it could be educational to hatch some chicks or ducklings. However, I don’t want to have a flock. So I’m wondering if it’s considered acceptable to hatch chicks, raise them until they’re transportable and then find a new home for them with someone who has a...
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