first aid

  1. knowvagale

    Help! Badly Injured Pigeon Sole Survivor of Loft Massacre

    If this title reads like a clickbait article that's because I really need people to click on it. Paragraph three for the actual problem. Paragraph 1 for the dramatic retelling where I self flagellate for perpetuating this disaster. It started last Monday, when I walked outside to feed the birds...
  2. Fluff Butt Faye

    Broken nail fixed

    Our little Chipmunk managed to break a nail off right at the quick. Bled a lot and was very painful! Poor little one. She did not want to be separated from the flock and started panting in panic when we put her in the dog kennel in the run. We cleaned the toe with soap and warm water, and...
  3. H

    Help! Turkey Foot Pain / Swelling

    Hi everybody, first time posting here. I got two turkeys from a friend of mine who bought too many from tractor supply. I picked them up in September and have had them since, I’ll post a picture from the day I got them but I don’t know how old they were then. The tom had a crooked toe back...
  4. B

    Dog Attack and Treatment

    Hi, I wanted to share some information that hopefully another will find helpful if faced with a similar situation. I had one of my pullets (6 mos old) attacked by a friends dog 3 weeks ago. It was an entirely avoidable situation and I learned my lesson the hard way :( She suffered most of...
  5. J

    Rooster got into fight, Right eye(near sight)

    Bad Rooster fight..what could it be?
  6. B

    Minor cut on bill

    My pet duck, Beepers, picked a fight with a rooster today. He got pecked pretty hard. It seems kinda deep. He can eat and drink normally, and is acting normal. I just don’t want it to get infected, and I’m not sure what to do. It can probably heal by itself, but I need to protect it from infection.
  7. K

    Hematoma on Duck Bill

    I have a 8 week old female duck who injured her bill (likely from an older duck attack) we have isolated her but noticed several hematomas on the bill. She is acting/eating/drinking normal but I’m just worried about the swelling! Any advice?
  8. kerbotx

    Does anybody care that Blu Kote has been recalled in Canada?

    Apparently got pulled back in 2019. It's a product that I've always been hesitant to use, despite its constant recommendation on various chicken forums. One article for reference, I'm still looking for more...
  9. K

    Torn ear lobe

    Hey everyone! Looking for some first aid advice! It appears that one of my hens got her head through some chicken wire and tugged and she tore her ear lobe right down. I currently have her separated from everyone else, cleaned the wound, and have given her some electrolyte water. She is eating...
  10. so_fancy_af

    Fox attack recovery—what more to do & likelihood of survival?

    At 8:30 AM a fox attacked my four chickens while I was sitting ten feet away. I was able to run after it and scare it off, but it still managed to injure my one-year-old Easter Egger. I couldn’t find her for six hours and I honestly thought she was toast. She’s partially blind and needs a lot of...
  11. Isadora

    Swollen foot indian runner duck

    Hey guys, one of my runners started limping and when I checked her foot, there was no injury to the pad like I assumed there would be. There is a swollen area on the top between two of the toes, which feels warm to the touch. Should I lance this and try to see if there's anything to drain? Leave...
  12. W

    Hen been attacked by a puppy

    Hi there - I’m hoping someone can help me. I have 2 23 week old hens that haven’t started laying yet. I also have a puppy and so far they have been getting fine. Last night the puppy got a bit excited and chased the hen floored it and bit it’s neck. I couldn’t see what happened but I think the...
  13. Fromchickenswithlove

    Chicken attacked by cat, tips on caring for her please

    One of our beautiful girls was attacked by a neighbourhood cat (unusual I know). She suffered several puncture wounds to her neck and was bleeding. We have taken her to the vet and she has been cleaned up and given pain killers and antibiotics. We have made her a sort of chicken hospital in the...
  14. Missjlee4377

    Broken beak

    Bertha broke her beak today! In a matter of a few hours she went from being totally ok to this. There was nothing hanging off in order to do a repair. The blood is extremely fresh, almost as if it happened just before I walked in the door. I currently have her isolated in a dog crate in the...
  15. minaayindra

    Rooster bloody tail, being pecked, feathers broken off

    I came out this morning and noticed my large Black Copper Marans rooster, who was acting fine the night before, had a hen chasing him around who was pecking at the base of his tail. When I separated him, he has a large number of tail feathers broken off with active bleeding. I read through old...
  16. tayjamieson

    Limping Female Pekin Duck - what should I do to heal her?

    Hello, I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day. So I previously had a duck pass away after she had been limping/immobile for a few weeks out of the blue. I came home and she was passed away laying by the coop with the other ducks and it was really heartbreaking. Now I have another one of my...
  17. SarahHalliday

    Paralysed chicken - to bathe or not to bathe

    Hello all! First I must say that I’ve been using backyard chickens for YEARS but this is my first time posting. Such a helpful forum, I’m so appreciative of all of you. A few days ago, I noticed that my polish girl was struggling to walk, kinda flopping around the garden. When she was a...
  18. Teesha

    Help- badly bitten his tongue, Muscovy Drake

    Hi Everyone, I'm hoping you have some helpful ideas. My pet Muscovy Zeb, was shaking his head violently(as they do) and bit his tongue but then when it started bleeding in his mouth, that made him shake his head more, so it kept getting bitten more, so I stroked him, talked to him and finally...
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