
  1. S

    Abandoned goose egg

    Can you tell if this egg is good or not the light doesn't show well enough when I look at it it looks different than what the camera shows I can't see good enough to tell
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    New rooster

    I’m getting a new rooster for my flock, what I want to know is how long should I wait for the new rooster to have definitively fertilized all the hens, before I try incubating. I currently have a gamefowl rooster as a protector but he recently became aggressive, so we’re rehoming. I definitely...
  3. DuckDuckPromise

    ISO North Alabama Fertile Duck Eggs!

    Hey y’all! I realize this may not be the correct forum to post this on, but maybe some of y’all who are more familiar with the how’s and where’s can point me in the right direction! Lord’s Willing, I’m trying to find fertile duck eggs in the North Alabama area. We’re not too picky about breeds...
  4. Backyardtut

    Broody hen saving a lost bird’s fertile eggs

    I lost my favorite hen to a hawk yesterday. While searching for her, I found a nest of her eggs. I don’t know how long they have been there, but there are 8 eggs. I have a broody hen and would like to know if I can put Dolly’s (lost hen) eggs under Lolita (broody). Dolly was my favorite chicken...
  5. K

    Looking for Eggs

    Hello, I’ve been looking to add new birds to my flock. I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this. Does anyone know of any websites that have goose eggs or turkey eggs? Is anyone willing to sell any that will ship to Washington USA? Anyone know if this website is reliable...
  6. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Is this egg fertile? (Yolk photo)

    I’ll be in total shock if so- I would never think that my frizzles could get pregnant with all those feathers blocking their vent.
  7. sapphiresilkie7

    Is this egg fertile?

    Not sure if this is the right spot. I have 6 silkie and satin “hens”. Was buckling my son into the car seat the other day and thought I heard a rooster 😂 Now I’m cracking my eggs because I can’t figure out if I have a rooster. All chickens are 6 months old and I got my first egg a month ago...
  8. H

    Fertilized eggs

    We have eleven laying hens, Rhode Island’s, americauna, Orpingtons, and mixed breeds. We’ve hatched at a 70-80% success rate. Docile rooster. China Grove, NC
  9. MartinFamilyHomestead

    Is this Duck egg fertile??

    I do not believe this egg is fertile but curious on other opinions? Do not have much experience with telling if they are as I never needed to know. Last year we did look into it just out of curiosity and you could very easily tell that the eggs we were collecting were fertile. What are your...
  10. K

    30 hens ok for 2 roosters?

    Hi! I currently have 11 hens and 1 rooster. They’re all very happy! How we, I’m getting 20 more pullet chicks and 1 more rooster this spring. We have the roosters mostly for protection, but if a hen goes broody, I’d love to have her be able to hatch chicks. Does this ratio mean they are more...
  11. Joyfillednomads

    Quail pippin'

    YAY!!! quail are finally pipping. Heard a little chirping. And we got a wiggly egg. The eggs went into the incubator on Sunday November 21st. I didn't count the 21st... and did not expect them till December 9th on day 18. Super exciting...
  12. PippinTheChicken

    Looking for d'uccle eggs for delivery, England

    In a couple months I'm gonna hatch some d'uccles. I'm looking for anyone who sells (and ships/delivers) d'uccle hatching eggs in England. I checked ebay but they only sell in groups of 6, I can only hatch 4 eggs. Probably not gonna get any replies. Thanks
  13. C

    Is this fertilized and can hatch?

    I got these babes 6 days ago in the evening. They haven’t had a roo since being here but had one at their old home. I have an incubator arriving tomorrow. So far I’ve only got one egg that hasn’t been refrigerated. I want to hatch out babes as I can’t have another roo so won’t be getting a...
  14. W


    Looking to incubate some eggs if my young rooster is in action. Pretty sure this is fertile… but can anyone verify for me?
  15. Tclloyd0812

    How do you incubate your eggs?

    There are a lot of different methods of incubating eggs. When I decide to incubate, I personally have chosen to stick to the recommended temperature and humidity recommended online as well as what it instructs for my specific incubator. Currently, I have a Nuture Right 360 that I have hatched...
  16. BlueHorse17

    Fertile Quail Eggs - How long to leave them?

    Hi everyone! So my babies are finally laying and I was wondering what is the longest I can wait before incubating the eggs? I’m trying to get a decent amount that way I can do a large batch.
  17. 5

    Fertile or Not 3.0

    Hellloooo again😜 I am very excited to get some fertile eggs, so, I have to ask again….Is this fertile?
  18. Blueberrysilkies

    Silkie and Satin Hatching eggs! Michigan

    Hello! New to BYC! I was selling my happy flocks eggs on another site and doing well til rules took it all away (boooo!) My flock lives all together for now. We will have pens by color in the fall! Currently I have eggs from an awesome variety of silkies and satins: White bearded White Non...
  19. M

    Fertilized by a Ghost

    We have a little flock of year old hens. Up until about two months ago, we had a rooster, but he went to—shall we say—rooster heaven. This past week, I have cracked two eggs that looked for all the world to be fertilized: a little dark red dot trailing a diaphanous white streamer across the...
  20. A


    Is this normal? Is it ok?
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