
  1. S

    Two 6 WEEK OLD chicks (female) for sale in San Diego area (food & feeders included)

    I've had these chickens for about 5 weeks and they are well fed & healthy. They aren't loud at all and eat well. The smaller chick just started growing its darker feathers and the larger one is growing pretty fast. The food and feeders are included with the chickens.
  2. FunClucks

    Best feeder(s) for Cornish Cross?

    I'm raising my first batch of 24 Cornish Cross and even though I did the research I was surprised by how food aggressive they are. Mine are coming up on 2 weeks old, so have one more week at least of garage raising then out to the open air covered run (10'x30'). I've been using a chick feeder...
  3. Teenadie

    Grandpas Feeders for Sale

    Two Grandpas chicken feeders available. Automatic feeders. Very good condition. Protects feed from rodents, birds, rain/snow, ect. Less wasted feed. Each feeder holds 40lbs of feed. One unit had small amount of rust on lid—has been sanded and painted. $100 each/$180 for both. These units sell...
  4. farmgrl7

    Cleaning feeders and drinkers

    So possibly a dumb question but I was wondering if anyone has ever washed their plastic feeders and drinkers in their dishwashers? I'd like to give them a good deep cleaning. Normally I soak them in vinegar and some dawn and scrub them well. But I'd like to give them a good sanitizing. Just a...
  5. B

    Long-time lurker; suddenly incubating a single quail!

    Hey friends! I'm new to posting here, but not new to browsing around on occasion as farming/permaculture and rearing animals has been my long-time passion. We have a tiny farm-yard currently, and are just saving up to build our actual farm on land we bought a while ago in Nova Scotia, Canada...
  6. M

    Feeder Dilemma

    I’m having the hardest time figuring out what kind of feeder to use, and was hoping someone with the same issues could help me narrow it down (or maybe I just want to whine, who’s to say?). After spending 6 hours yesterday scrubbing and sanitizing my coop and equipment in a spring cleaning...
  7. preciouschick

    Awesome feeder

    My daughter and husband made a picnic table feeder for my girls. they love it. I put dry food and dry snacks on it. They are too funny when hopping up and scratching!!
  8. T

    Difference in feeders...

    New keeper here. Won't have birds until the spring. Can anybody tell me what the difference (ie--benefits) are between a treadle feeder vs no-spill feeder (bin w/ PVC elbows)? Specifically when it comes to attracting rodents? Anyone with experience w/ both types of feeders?? Thanks!
  9. Chookenperson4


    Hi. About half a year ago, I purchased a "rat-proof" treadle chicken feeder. unfortunately, the rats have learnt to open the feeder by just pushing the lid up with their noses. Because of this convenient source of food, the rats are constantly raiding our coop. I have been researching pest-proof...
  10. trumpeting_angel

    First chicks, questions already!

    So our local farm and feed store told me my chicks are a week old, at most. I have 2 Buff Orps, a Gold-laced Wyandotte, and a Black Australian. First question. They don’t seem to want 95 degrees. But really, I don’t know. I brought them home after five, got them settled, then was busy making...
  11. C

    Help! Coop Overload!

    Guys & gals (& everything in between)- I'm struggling over here! I'm new to the chicken (and duck) world and there is SO MUCH information out there! I am very thankful for that, but between all of my obligations I'm finding it hard to find the time to find what I need in all of it. Our babies...
  12. A

    Mice in the chicken run...

    Help! Mice are infesting my chicken run. I keep the water/food outside (i dont want food in the coop so please dont suggest it). I have always filled milk jugs with holes cut out for feeding and it has worked perfectly for us, but now I have a significant mice problem. 1st year chicken owner ya...
  13. HSA1255

    Where to place the feeders

    Our new coop is built but we are still working on the finishing touches. I’m sure I will have future questions but the pressing one right now is where to place the feeders. Do they go outside the coop or inside? I was under the impression that our 8 hens will not eat or drink inside the coop...
  14. ladyracheld

    New Chick Momma Insecurities!

    Hi BYC!! Pleased to be among common chicken loving folk! My Backstory: My chicken momma-hood was a random thing. I walked into TSC and just fell in love. I told my husband I wanted chickens, he laughed me off, we kept moving. I watched some videos and did light research in the car on the way to...
  15. IMG_0582


    the old roof, with some of our old deck railings creates a covered area for food.
  16. vh396001

    Interested in buying used chicken farm equipments

    Hello there This is my second year raising layers and I am now planning to start with more birds (5,000) and was wondering if there are any members who have some feeders, drinkers and or nests for sale. I would also like to know a good place to purchase egg trays and egg boxes. My farm is in...
  17. misschickenlover

    is it really worth buying? or not?

    i only own a handful of hens atm (with high hopes of getting some more in the future) and i seem to be going through a lot of feed. one of my church friends said that getting a treadle feeder actually quartered their feed bill? is it worth buying or does it just waste time and effort?
  18. hmmm

    My 3 chickens wont ear their food at all

    I have theee chickens that will start laying eggs in Jan 2017. The chickens have a coop with shelter and a run. I was keping the feed unde the shelter but the chickens did not touch it. I put it in the run ate some but,would not eat it all. The chickens seam to always be pecking on the...
  19. Lazy Farmer

    Homemade V.S. Store Bought

    Remember the days before Cell Phone Addiction, credit cards and K Mart was King of retail? Way past that. Before Credit Cards, Strip Malls, Convenience Stores, Bottled water? Wow. The things that made us soft. Spoiled. Relying on Retail Proprietors to make our lives simple? Ingenuity is a lost...
  20. AprilDrake

    Automatic Treadle Feeder - (9+ Hens - 44 Pounds of Feed)

    $ 70!! It was $109 new and I purchased it 45 days ago new. Some of my birds are too small to activate it (I have bantams) and I am past the 30 day return window. Birds must weight 1.5lbs to activate. Just trying to recoup some costs before I get one that works for me. I also have a...
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