farm and ranch girl

  1. BackroadGirl57

    The Funny Farm's Blog Thread

    I saw so many other blog threads it inspired me to make one. I'll attempt to update every day, but don't hold me to it. For those of you that don't know me already, I'm Monica and I have a small farmstead of 11 cats, 2 chickens (but more soon), a dog, and a rabbit. I started my farm life when I...
  2. EquiAsh95


    Hello my name is Ashley, currently living in Tennessee and I am now obsessed with chickens ahah. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, started in May of this year! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 16 but have 8 more coming in December (the number...
  3. Galaxy_rules

    Chickens, chickens, and more chickens!

    Hi all, I’m going to share a bit about my chickens! Hope you like! Cloudy - Blue Australorp - Pullet - half a year old - friend : big sister Shadow - likes people,flying, running, hiding underneath her brother - hates being separated from mini flock Shadow - Black Australorp - Pullet...
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