
  1. C

    Calcium overdose - EYP

    One of my hens was displaying symptoms of what I was reading to be a possible egg binding. Upon further research, I believe it might have been EYP. Her stomach was rock hard, she was lethargic, and she waddled like a penguin. She was 3.5 years old. What I wanted to ask though, is I crushed up a...
  2. jfmorini

    Water belly/EYP draining thick yolk

    Hey, everyone. I have a hen who I've had to drain months ago for water belly. Everything went fine and I drained a few hundred Mls of mostly clear fluid out of her. She perked up soon after and all was well. She's now bloated again and my attempts to drain aren't going as well. I pulled this...
  3. seven possums

    Update: Venus passed today from EYP. I tried.

    From this thread. Details are there, best to reply there I suppose. For those in similar situations, I used the (starter fluid) ether on a scrap of cloth method; it was quite fast and seemed very gentle and peaceful for her, to just fall asleep in my lap. She didn't struggle or even move...
  4. seven possums

    Balloon butt after hen quit laying, EYP?

    Venus is a guesstimated 2.5y/o australorp, 3 flockmates - 2 leghorns, Magnolia & Sarge, and another 'lorp, Elvira. She's not laying, suspect a repro issue that has led to EYP - swollen, bruised-looking belly has drained off 3x, different fluid every time. Venus has always been broody and plucks...
  5. E

    Help/Advice on diagnosing my chicken. Egg bound/EYP/Vent gleet?!?

    Just looking for advice/suggestions/insight or to see if anyone has had any similar experiences. Found a hen with a pecking injury to vent last Tuesday Was very bloody, cleaned her up and separated her. The Wednesday she seemed to be egg bound, really unwell/uncomfortable struggling to lay...
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Recurring Egg Yok Peritonitis (EYP) - Options? Advice?

    Hi, Everyone. My EE, Easter, is a little over 4 y/o and has, this past month, been struggling with recurring cases of EYP which thus far has been treatable. She's been an odd case all her life. Here's a snapshot of her history. Easter is pint-sized with an unstoppable will to survive. She's the...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! EYP and water ballon crop - oral antibiotics?

    My chicken developed EYP, and I've been treating her with baytril 10 (oral). However, at the onset of EYP her crop swelled up and stopped emptying. It isn't sour crop (yet) as there's no smell, but she's drinking lots of water and it--along with the meds--seem to just be sitting in her crop...
  8. georgeg78

    What are normal side effects of suprelorin injection?

    Hi All, One of my rescues started getting the common problem that many rescues do, EYP. Having lost most of my others this way I decided after her second round of getting it and surviving with antibiotics (tylan) to try an implant. I was expecting the side effects such as lethargy and loss of...
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Suspected Internal Laying: Worth Antibiotics?

    My 4 y/o GLW started exhibiting signs of internal laying--namely going to her nesting box, acting like she's laying, yet with no egg produced. She's done this two days in a row (and previously had been laying regularly). In my experience, this is a red flag/telltale sign of internal laying...
  10. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    Does anyone recognize this? It’s that a worm or just part of the poop? I’m thinking she is/has developed EYP based on symptoms from another chicken I have. Salpingitis? Worm or just black poop? Would greatly appreciate any thoughts!
  11. A

    EYP and draining

    Hi all! I continue to have trouble with my Plymouth Blue Rocks. These poor girls have their trouble. I’ve dealt with EYP already with the first one I had lost. She was emaciated but definitely full of fluid and was able to drain pretty consistently until it was time to let her go. I have...
  12. B

    Chicken recovery from sedation/anaesthetic ?

    I posted yesterday about my very poorly ex battery hen Edith. She was worse today so I took her to the emergency vet as it’s a bank holiday. They said they would x ray and scan her to check for tumours, stuck eggs or any blockage. All was clear and they have said she has a severe infection...
  13. B

    Very sick chicken any advice please; EYP at home treatment

    My lovely 4 year old ex battery hen has become really unwell over the last 48 hours, unfortunately due to new year and a bank holiday I can’t get to my vet until Tuesday at the earliest. Can anybody offer any advice as to what could be wrong and also how to make sure she is not in pain. Edith...
  14. B

    Implant opinions and experiences

    Hi Could anybody share their experience with the hormonal implant for their hens ? I’ve lost recently two girls to EYP. One of my girls (ex batteries) has the hormonal injection chorolun my vet has recommended I switch to the super lion implant. The last time and only time I had a hen...
  15. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    I think my chicken is dying. what can I do for her?

    **I think I might be losing my first chicken. I got my inaugural flock of 7 hens (mixed flock) 2.5 years ago. I never realized how much I'd fall for each of them. And how devastating it would be when confronting the inevitable: my first chicken death. I've had some close calls, but I managed to...
  16. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Possible Reproductive Disease and WEIRD Eggs

    Sadly, my 2.5 y/o RIR (hybrid variety) seems to be dealing with reproductive issues. Over the last couple months, I've noticed her slowing down here and there, and also her eggs becoming a bit more fragile and wonky looking--i.e. excess calcium deposits, loss of pigment, weirdly elongated...
  17. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Crop Not Emptying Fully (but not impacted nor sour, yet?)

    Bear with me, because this is a complex issue that might have multiple factors at play. I appreciate anyone willing to take the time to read and respond to this. My 27 month old EE has recently started having issues with her crop not fully emptying at night. She is overall healthy, but does have...
  18. Sentience

    No symptoms but....

    My Buff Orpington is very lethargic and is having trouble balancing. Comb is red, I’ve checked and always do for any skin issues, insects, etc and nothing. Checked internally for a possible broken shell and nothing. She hasn’t laid in a few months. She is 8+ Years old but was fine 10 days ago...
  19. Ruffle

    Soft shell broken inside - what to do after the shell is extracted?

    My beloved ex-batt Major Maggie (the tiniest chicken who is the queen of the flock) is unwell. I discovered today that she had a soft-shell which had broken inside. With baths and lube and oil and cuddles I've finally got the shell out (with a lot of effort from her), but I dont know if its...
  20. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Limiting Sunlight to Slow Egg Laying (and to prevent EYP)

    My tiny, almost 2 year old EE has a history of egg laying troubles. Despite her size, the poor girl tends to crank out eggs as big as the rest of 'em, and at faster the rate. Last spring/summer her egg laying became closer in time to one another, and with that her shell quality degraded: first...
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