eye infection

  1. ElGoose

    Gosling eye looks sore?

    This is one of the new goslings, they’ve had a few issues ever since they came such as being quite tired and sitting down a lot, but getting more active as now they’re eating a lot of grass and peas and lettuce alongside waterfowl feed… though when I look closer it looks like Walter has a sore...
  2. S

    Silkie Chicken Eyes Swollen

    One of my silkie chicken's eyes are slowly getting swollen and I have no idea the causation for it. She was broody however before it started happening, so I'm thinking that because she hasn't been taking care of herself, she easily got infected. I looked online for ways to aid her, one of them...
  3. C

    Swollen Eye Infection

    I need some help/assistance with a roo that got an infected eye after a fight with another roo. Both are separated from each other. Beforehand, Joel (this rooster) got his left side pretty bad. I cleaned his wounds up with warm water and soap on a damp rag. I used dawns soap because I felt like...
  4. D

    What is wrong with my chicken’s eye?

    What is wrong with my chickens eye and can I clean it/remove it. The outer casing is hard. She is eating well and moving about okay. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. T

    Bantam hen eye infection

    Hey, my sweet little old English game bantam hen seems to have an eye infection. It originally started in late November. I brought her in bc her eye was crusted over and she had a cold. I think it was crusted over with mucus. Anyway, she got over her cold shortly after Christmas, but her eye...
  6. Z

    Hen's Eye with Pus

    Hi! I have 4 young hens (about 3 months old) and my sisters noticed the other day that one of them had a reddish pimple near her eye. I was chilling with them today and her eyes had like a whitish pus/bubbly thing? I'll insert a picture. She's acting normally and eating like normal. Only weird...
  7. L

    Eye infection / possible respiratory - trying to not panic but also not under react! Help a momma out!

    New chicken momma here. Purchased 4 birds from same farm in August. One had respiratory issues initially, then cleared up with VetRx. Baby girl’s right eye was shut when I was holding her at the beginning but I thought it was because she felt safe and comfy. About two to three weeks ago...
  8. -Eridanus-

    Silkie rooster -- eye infection?

    My silkie rooster has been lethargic for a while. I didn't notice because he tends to hang out in our woodline, but today I walked out into our run and he was squatting in the shade. I checked him for mites, which he had, and then I discovered that his right eye was swollen. It is HUGE, like...
  9. S

    Serious eye infection, lethargic

    I first noticed my Barred Rock guy had sagging, inflamed eyes about three days ago. I immediately placed an order on Amazon for Terramycin. His eyes were in the same shape the following day. Other than the inflamed eyes, he had no other visible symptoms. However, things changed overnight from...
  10. L

    Hen's eye closed & hurting her!!

    My hen's eye has been closed this past week & we've been treating her with Terramycin & Saline water in her eye. Only the right eye is closed & she only opens it when I pick her up, managed to get a picture of it. Left eye is perfectly fine. She's doing this weird jerking in her head which I'm...
  11. 5

    Bad eye

    Hey all, this one chick’s eye/face was kind of pressed up against the side of the incubator when it hatched (and possibly had the shell scratch it as well when it flopped out). It was one of the last to hatch and also seems smaller than the rest. I’ve been watching it, but am wondering if it’s...
  12. That crazy duck lady

    Need advice, duck with eye infection and other with odd behavior. Please help! (Repost, updated)

    Hi everyone, i apologize for a lengthy post. Please bear with me, I could really use some support! There will be a recap at the end to provide a quick summary but I think the details are important. I have two 8 month old duck hens. Both silver appleyard sisters. One got foamy eye about a...
  13. That crazy duck lady

    Need advice, duck with eye infection and other with odd behavior. Please help!

    Hi everyone, i apologize for a lengthy post. Please bear with me, I could really use some support! There will be a recap at the end to provide a quick summary but I think the details are important. I have two 8 month old duck hens. Both silver appleyard sisters. One got foamy eye about a month...
  14. Rob Sivulka

    Young leghorn with eye/inflamed sinus

    She's 4 to 5 months old. I noticed this shortly after I got her a couple weeks ago and she was getting pecked by others. I also thought of cleaning out the coop which hadn't been done in quite a while. Lot to clean up! The guy I got her from told me to put warm saltwater in her eye before I...
  15. Mikayla1234

    Duckling eye infection?

    Hi! This is my duckling, Wally. He is 3 and a half weeks old and he has had this on his eye for the last couple of days. It looks like water, but it’s not. When I touch it, it just feels normal like his other eye? But this mark hasn’t gone away and im wondering if it’s an eye infection? It...
  16. Pandang81

    Chick with chronic eye infection

    I have a 2 month old showgirl silkie that has had an eye infection off and on since it was 3 days old. I hatched it with 15 other chicks and first noticed when it was 3 days old that it’s right eye was goopy and crusted closed. At that time I began treating it with terramycin for about a week...
  17. B

    Eye problem with chick

    Hi, I have a 10 week old Maran chick that has developed an eye problem. It was noticed two days after the chick was introduced to sleep in the main coup so I'm not sure if it is a result of being pecked at by the older hens. The problem was noticed 4 days ago and the attached pictures are taken...
  18. S

    Three birds with similar/same eye infection

    They’re all about 1-2 years old and have no other signs of sickness. I’m putting vetericyn eye ointment on for now, I’m just worried this won’t be enough since there seems to be pus trapped in their eyes? Small update: One seems to be a little sniffly but that’s it
  19. Sneakychick

    Eye Infection in a Chick

    Hi All, I was hoping I could get some advice on how to save this chick. I bought her at 3 days old from a breeder and she seemed healthy, but after about a week I noticed she wasn't growing as fast as the others and that her right eye was swelling shut. The wait lists for avian vets where I...
  20. ruthhope

    Eye in fection?

    When I let my ducks out of the coop this morning, I found that one of my pekin drake's eyes was closed tight with wet yellow matter sealing the lids together. He was fine yesterday -- I might have missed this when I put the ducks to bed at 8pm but I had spent a lot of time hanging out with...
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