
  1. eLiV8t

    Egg sex experiment

    Has anyone tried to pick out certain eggs in order to get more or only pullets (hens or females)? I'm testing this out. I pulled out the eggs that looked pointed and kept the roundest eggs under my broody hen. They started hatching yesterday and I hope this experiment works. Have you tried...
  2. TheFarmingFarmer

    Raising baby chicks with existing flock experiment

    I'm testing something out. I've put a warmer/brooder outside in an upside down storage tote (27 gal). I cut an opening in the storage tote so that the chicks can go in and out as they please. There is a 5 week old easter egger chick/pullet and a 2 week old buff oprington chick/roo there. The...
  3. Oob Child

    Hatching without shell- I'm doing it!

    So, on YouTube there are videos, shorts, etc that show chicken eggs being incubated without shells. I have watched all of these and been fascinated by this for a long time. There was a Swedish YouTuber called SlivkiShow EN who tried this. It took him 3 full years to finally get one to survive...
  4. ChickChic00

    Egg weight Grams

    Does anyone know the best egg weight for hatching eggs. I'm thinking about doing an experiment with different weights for the best chicks. I have some that range from 40 to 60 and above grams. Any ideas or help? Thanks so very much!!
  5. theroosternamedrooster

    I’ve experimented with mites found on my rooster

    This DIY mini experiment list is brought to you by a curious mind’s disdain for blood suckers and love for a rooster. WHAT I’VE DONE WITH MITES: - put them into a bag with nothing else. Result: they lived for days, some almost a full week - diatomaceous earth directly on rooster, under his...
  6. P

    Hybridising Chinese Painted Quail and Japanese Quail

    For a while now I have had two Chinese painted (CP) quail (assumed a pair) living with my Japanese Coturnix (JC) hens. Surprisingly, the CP roo has not once mated with his CP hen. Instead, he took a fancy to my JC hens. At first it was a futile attempt, he would climb on their necks and sit...
  7. sjhart18

    Hatching a quail egg in my bra

    So this is crazy, but I've seen on here that it can work, so here goes nothing. My incubator has been a little inconsistent the first day of having eggs in it. My infrared thermometer read egg temperatures ranging from 98 to 102.2 degrees F, and I have more eggs coming in a few days. So...
  8. A

    Couple Qs about new flock

    I'm building a large aviary for my new flock of coturnix quail. I'm doing a brooding experiment, having my quail hatched by another farmer, and taking them "under my wing". When should I have the newbies move into the aviary? I'm doing a survival of the fittest type beginning, with a hands off...
  9. Oldhallchicks

    Supermarket Experiment UK

    So, I’m doing a “nothing to lose” incubation experiment. (AKA How Covid 19 Turned me Into a Crazy Chicken Lady, a memoir) We had a bad batch of eggs from an eBay seller and he’s graciously offered to send us another 6 for free. so they’ll be going in the incubator tomorrow. While I was making...
  10. Anime2lover

    Hatching store eggs experiment

    Hey guys, I heard that it's possible to get at least one hatch from a store bought dozen. How likely is that actually? I would like to try it.
  11. Wonderling

    Hatching Older Eggs? (Hen and/or Incubator)

    If anyone has hatched some older eggs I'd love some feedback about your experiences. I've been saving up eggs since the day I gave the rooster away (aggressive behavior), googled it and it said a hen can still be laying fertile eggs for up to 4 weeks after the rooster is gone. I was planning to...
  12. iluvsedward

    Chick in a cup... unintentionally ??

    WELL ladies and gentlemen. Im going to tell you a story. Tonight i went to lock up my chickens in the pouring rain. After doing so and getting soaked, i noticed one of the eggs from my broody call duck rolled out from under her so i went to check it out. The egg was cold and broken nearly in...
  13. Q

    Hi from North Carolina!

    I’m a farmer with a mixed flock, newly adopted ranging from 4 weeks to 1 week old. I have 1 rooster and he’s in charge of 15 ladies. The Rooster is a Rhode Island Red The hens are as follows: Amauracana Barred Rock Silver-Laced Wyandotte Buff Orpington Rhode Island Red Araucana I plan on...
  14. Allie❤️Chickens

    Line Breeding Questions

    So I’ve been thinking about maybe line breeding some of my chickens, but not the usual kind of line breeding. I want to line breed two chickens of different breeds. Possibly a silkie and a mottled Cochin or silkie and a Mille fleur D’uccle, but I was wondering if it’s safe to line breed like...
  15. Chicks 'n ducks

    A Window Into Incubation! An Eggsperiment

    On Saturday I set 7 fertile silkie eggs in my Brinsea mini 2 advance. On Tuesday, I took one of these eggs (Already could see a spider growing) and performed an experiment. To start, I swabbed the top of shell (where the air cell is) with rubbing alcohol. I then covered that area with a piece of...
  16. BGcoop

    Can you hard boil a soft shelled egg?

    So all but one of my girls Decided not to lay any eggs yesterday. Today everyone laid, however one of the eggs was soft shelled, membrane completely intact. That got me thinking...is it safe to eat?-internet says yes but don’t store....can I hard boil it? If I hard boil it, how do I peel the...
  17. MarlyMonster

    Double Yolk Incubation Research Project

    Hi lovely people! For the last two months I've been stalking this website trying to gather information to start a research project. And this past Monday, it was finally time for me to start! I figured I would post a thread in this forum so those interested can follow along, as well as a quick...
  18. Jmcggnj6

    Experiment: Incubating Eggs in a cup

    My daughter and I started a project last night. We decided to use some of our eggs from our girls to try hatch an egg in cup. No idea if it will be successful but we figured it could give us a much better understanding of the growth of the chick and maybe in the long run help us improve...
  19. Cyprus

    16 eggs, 3 species, 1 homemade incubator: Will it be done?

    Hello everyone! :) My good friend, who shall be named the Egg Man, delivered these to me yesterday: I set all of the eggs on 5/23/18. Some of the bantam eggs: Hopefully I will have a good hatch. We'll just have to wait and see :) The ducks are mixed Ancona and Pekin. The bantams I have...
  20. KathryninQuebec

    What Would You Do? Giving shipped eggs to broody bantam.

    Monday I excitedly received 48 Barred Rock eggs from B.C. Canada. I let them sit 48 hours and they have been in my incubator ever since. So that would make 2 full days in the incubator without rotation. Today my good mama Bantam Wyandotte Golden Lace hen went full blown broody on me again. She...
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