eurasian collared dove

  1. M

    I'm confused

    There has been a pair of Eurasian Ringneck doves "nesting" atop the cage I keep outside for my Quaker Parrot. They have been sitting on this nest for about three weeks. I have tried to minimize any disturbance, but I noticed today that no one was sitting on the nest, so I went out to get my...
  2. movick

    Eurasian collared dove 'crested'

    I came across a mention of a 'crested' Eurasian collared dove (S. decaocto) in nature. It is said that crested ringneck doves escaped from captivity in their area in the past. Now there are 'crested' ECDs. This recessive trait is likely to be in the population forever, as is the case with...
  3. Accounts on the behavior and identification of various North American doves commonly found in captivity-( Zenaida and Streptoplia)

    Accounts on the behavior and identification of various North American doves commonly found in captivity-( Zenaida and Streptoplia)

    Zenaida and Streptoplia- It has come to my attention that many keepers of doves have an interest in the natural behaviors of the species that they keep- because of this I will be publishing several articles describing the life histories of the species that I have seen first-hand in the wild that...
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