
  1. MetalheadChickenLady

    Boiled Egg Oddity

    So one of my girls (idk which one) laid an unusually small egg, but not small enough to really be considered a fart egg. No idea if the size of it is the cause of this, but when I boiled it up, the yolk had the same [maybe a smidge rubberyer, snapped instead of crumbled when torn apart, shiny...
  2. C

    Should I Remove Eggs

    My hen sits on her eggs, but I think they are dead eggs. We are on day 4 and I don’t see development. Is it safe to remove the eggs or should I keep them with her for a little longer ?
  3. Tiffany Wikk

    Post your food!

    I wanna see everyone's lovely meals from the eggs of your precious flocks. I'll go first! Here's my fried egg from breakfast on some ham and freshly homemade bread (made by my awesome mom) with some cheese, tomatoes, and such. It's wonderful to get some amazing breakfasts from the eggs of my...
  4. Australorpfamily

    Olive Eggers and their eggs

    We have four OE that are currently laying (the others are five weeks old and not in flock) Sharing their colored eggs over the past couple of weeks as the last two days I have gotten pale minty(ish) green ones from them! Lol Yes, we did change feed, from commercial to a feed mill, same...
  5. CosmosEclipse

    Twelve chicken eggs - Hatch-along!

    I'll be doing a hatch-along with twelve eggs! I might as well tell you guys about the eggs! x3 Easter eggers with a grassy green colouration and a cyan hue. x6 Silkie bantams. (Most likely white in colouration, as the mother was a white silkie.) x3 unknown eggs, that are possibly...
  6. CosmosEclipse

    Tips, anyone?

    Does anybody have tips on how to hatch eggs or just useful information that I might need? If you do, please say, as I'm new to raising chickens. I also have pets I need to teach to not try to eat the chicks/eggs. 1. An older, gentle black cat. 2. An excitable rottweiler. 3. A loving...
  7. CosmosEclipse

    I've joined the community!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm new to chickens, but currently I have some eggs I am hoping to hatch, with help from you guys! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Well, none currently, but I have twelve eggs! (3) What breeds do you have? I have silky...
  8. T

    Incubator Temp Fluxuation After Adding Eggs

    Hello all, I have a Farm Innovators 4250 styro incubator. It's worked great twice now and I like it. I started a batch of eggs today and the temperature started fluctuating like crazy. I've had it on for about 5 days now, and the biggest difference I've seen is about 1.5° F in opposite corners...
  9. M

    Chicken pacing and scratching out her nesting box.

    I have a chicken who keeps pacing in her run to her coop. when she is in her coop she is scratching all of the bedding out of her nesting box like she is mad that I put it there. But it’s to the point where she is scraping the bottom with her nails and just won’t stop. What in the heck is...
  10. Timbers Happy Hens

    Conure incubation

    So my moms friend has a mated pair of sun conures. She recently asked me if I would incubate some eggs. I know nothing about incubating conure eggs, is there anyone that could give me the ins and outs of trying this? I have a NR360. I haven’t given her a yes or no answer yet as I don’t even know...
  11. S

    Help! Are these duck eggs fertilized!

    Help! Are my duck eggs fertilized??! I have one drake and the rest are hens I cracked these open because I read in Google you can tell. I still can’t tell. Anyone have advice??
  12. Luckyhen006

    Questions about incubator

    Hello there. I just have some questions about my incubator and I was wondering if someone may be able to answer them? ➡This is our incubator, We last used it Spring of 2021, Filled most of the tray with eggs and most hatched with the exception of a few Losses. But anyways, Question #1 Does...
  13. M

    Wonky egg

    Just have a micro egg and was curious to know why my hen would lay this and what’s inside? Mini yolk and white? All yolk? All white? lol I don’t want to crack it yet because it’s so cute.
  14. B

    Wild rescue Mallard laying almost 20 eggs?!

    Hey everyone!! I have a rescued WILD mallard with angel wing who is almost 8 months old. No mate, but plenty of attention. She has been laying eggs. She did a first set of 14.Took those. Then a few days later, she has a total of 19 as of today?! This doesn't seem normal? She's acting fine...
  15. ChickaChicka1

    Day 21 no internal or external pips **PICTURES

    Hi there! This is my first time incubating eggs, so I don't really know what to be looking for. On March 2nd, I set 7 Barred Plymouth Rock eggs (they are shipped eggs I got from Meyer Hatchery) in the incubator around 1pm, which makes today day 21. 5 eggs made it to lockdown. The temperature...
  16. Timbers Happy Hens

    New rooster

    I’m getting a new rooster for my flock, what I want to know is how long should I wait for the new rooster to have definitively fertilized all the hens, before I try incubating. I currently have a gamefowl rooster as a protector but he recently became aggressive, so we’re rehoming. I definitely...
  17. T

    Welsummer Hen x BCM Roo

    If anyone has ever crossed Welsummer to a black copper maran. I would love to see what the offsprings eggs turned out to look like? Thanks!
  18. Eggsandbeyond

    Chicken run for a lot of chickens lol

    Hi everyone! I have a large ever growing flock. (Chicken math) I have an 8x12 shed I converted into their coop and they free range. My dogs do a great job protecting them during the day but I'd like to build/buy a run for extra security. How big should I make it? Is it cheaper to buy the lumber...
  19. Dusty Chicken

    Egg Sales

    For the first time I am thinking about selling my excess eggs. In the past I have always given away my excess to friends and neighbors but the feed is becoming so expensive that I am tempted to put a cooler at the end of my driveway and post a for sale sign when I have extra. I don’t have a...
  20. J

    New here

    I've googled and used info off this page so many times I figured I might as well join! I'm about a 10ish month chicken owner maybe less so far. Got eggs in an incubator already!
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