egg yolk peritonitis

  1. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Vet willing to admin hormone implant

    I know this is controversial. Deslorelin (Suprelorin) is an implant used in ferrets to stop ovulation. It's been used in avian (including chickens) off label to do the same, which helps in various reproductive system related ailments. We have in the past lost a chicken due to egg yolk...
  2. G

    EYP hen (pictures) (please help!)

    This is her belly. It’s only swollen in her rear area (the noticable swelling starts in the space right between her keel and vent) It isn’t red. It is firm but not completely hard. The vet said it’s not fluid, so it’s not ascites. Her comb is bright red and her crop empties like normal. I saw...
  3. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Hello, thank you for reading! My polish chicken Jolene, about 2 years old, was standing with her tail down and acting lethargic so I brought her inside. Thought she just needed a haircut, but it didn’t help. Inside I noticed she was pooping watery/mucousy textured diarrhea, yellow/faintly...
  4. sparklez

    Is this water belly? Strange bald swollen abdomen and crop in young hen

    I have a 10 month old hen who as far as I can tell is acting normal and comfortable (tail up, color in comb, eating, walking, trotting with the flock when let to free range) over the last 5 or so days I noticed poop building up on her so today after she free ranged for almost 3 hours I soaked...
  5. AC56

    Boiled yolk like mass inside dead hen

    Hi all, I have noticed one of hens being unwell. Assumed egg bound. Made bath for her etc. But her belly was massive like a ball, she was panting and walking like duck. We gave another two days, but decided to put out of misery. Only two options in Internet are water belly or egg bound. None of...
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Recurring Egg Yok Peritonitis (EYP) - Options? Advice?

    Hi, Everyone. My EE, Easter, is a little over 4 y/o and has, this past month, been struggling with recurring cases of EYP which thus far has been treatable. She's been an odd case all her life. Here's a snapshot of her history. Easter is pint-sized with an unstoppable will to survive. She's the...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! EYP and water ballon crop - oral antibiotics?

    My chicken developed EYP, and I've been treating her with baytril 10 (oral). However, at the onset of EYP her crop swelled up and stopped emptying. It isn't sour crop (yet) as there's no smell, but she's drinking lots of water and it--along with the meds--seem to just be sitting in her crop...
  8. C

    Deslorin hormonal implant treatment for internal layer?

    My older Buff Orpington is internally laying. This happened last summer and resolved itself over the darker winter months. It’s now happening again and much worse than before. Her abdomen is very swollen. My local vet did an ultrasound and identified round yolk-like shapes. She recommended I...
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Suspected Internal Laying: Worth Antibiotics?

    My 4 y/o GLW started exhibiting signs of internal laying--namely going to her nesting box, acting like she's laying, yet with no egg produced. She's done this two days in a row (and previously had been laying regularly). In my experience, this is a red flag/telltale sign of internal laying...
  10. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Necropsy Results: Egg Yolk Peritonitis

    Posting this for a few reasons- one, I am grieving and would love support, and two, posting what we learned in case it helps someone else. Back in April, our Buff Orpington and resident flock boss, Ginger, suddenly had a bigger than usual abdomen. My partner noticed it seemed swollen. Having...
  11. R

    Hen passed away from possible lash egg or Egg Yolk Peritonitis

    Hi there I’m new to this chicken thing and I had a hen pass away yesterday. Two weeks ago I found her with a very poopy bum which I thought may have been vent gleet. I bathed and soaked her bum and all seemed to be well. Two days ago on Sunday I noticed her behaving oddly and not really lo ring...
  12. Akachicklil

    Hen is Injured or Sick. Please help.

    Hello Everyone, Ive gone over potential differentials and I’ve come down to one; bumblefoot. Main concern is change in activity, eating pattern, and poop change. Im not sure if anything else is going on or if this is just a result of bumble foot. Below I will try my best to provide a past and...
  13. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    I think my chicken is dying. what can I do for her?

    **I think I might be losing my first chicken. I got my inaugural flock of 7 hens (mixed flock) 2.5 years ago. I never realized how much I'd fall for each of them. And how devastating it would be when confronting the inevitable: my first chicken death. I've had some close calls, but I managed to...
  14. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Possible Reproductive Disease and WEIRD Eggs

    Sadly, my 2.5 y/o RIR (hybrid variety) seems to be dealing with reproductive issues. Over the last couple months, I've noticed her slowing down here and there, and also her eggs becoming a bit more fragile and wonky looking--i.e. excess calcium deposits, loss of pigment, weirdly elongated...
  15. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Half my flock laying softshell eggs

    Over the last month, over half of my 2.5 y/o mixed flock has started laying softshell eggs. 4 out of 7 of my hens have been doing so frequently--it's not uncommon for me to get at least one softshell a day. Even the intermittent "normal" eggs from the culprits are often wonky--bumpy, pale...
  16. N

    2 yo Buff Orpington suspected of egg yolk Peritonitis

    Last Thursday evening we noticed one of our 2 year old Buff Orpingtons wasn't acting herself and not eating much, only drinking. The day before was foraging and eating/acting fine. Also based on the egg tracking numbers, had laid a confirmed egg a couple days prior. She had some energy as was...
  17. H

    Egg Yolk Peritonitis Help!!!

    Hi all. So I have a 4-year-old RIR hen named Ruby who I adopted about a year ago now. She’s a fantastic girl. Really really sweet. She hasn’t ever laid an egg since I’ve had her and I assumed she was just done and was too old. But, recently, when the spring rolled around, she was sat in the...
  18. P

    Chicken hasnt ever laid, not eating or pooping

    I have a hen who isn't eating much other than melons and cucumber. Doesn't show interest in dry feed, or fermented. She is only passing water and a small amount of green poo. Lost a lot of weight but still responsive and walking around but she spends a lot of time just sitting alone. I've...
  19. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Limiting Sunlight to Slow Egg Laying (and to prevent EYP)

    My tiny, almost 2 year old EE has a history of egg laying troubles. Despite her size, the poor girl tends to crank out eggs as big as the rest of 'em, and at faster the rate. Last spring/summer her egg laying became closer in time to one another, and with that her shell quality degraded: first...
  20. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    UPDATE: My Experience Fighting Egg Yolk Peritonitis

    BACKGROUND: Hello. Back in September 2020, I posted about my very best chicken-friend, a now 2-year old EE named "Easter," who was on the brink of death from fighting egg yolk peritonitis. She had since miraculously recovered (miraculous with a long antibiotic treatment, crop massages...
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