egg laying

  1. V

    How many eggs from your Crested Cream Legbar?

    Sooo many different amounts listed on websites… so figured I would ask here. How many eggs per week does you CCL hen lay? ALSO, what size? And when did they start lying? Thanks! Pic for attention
  2. Iluveggers

    Winter Layer Poll

    I have searched and found many threads about winter layers. It seems like many people have questions about getting eggs in the winter. Hopefully this poll will help! My question is, AFTER the first year of laying, what breed of chickens do you have that actually laid eggs in the winter, WITHOUT...
  3. sophialoveschickens

    two month old pullet lays egg?

    we have a flock all of them are a little over two months old and we let them out everyday. sometimes they go into our old chickens coop while they're free ranging. we found an egg on the ground in the corner about the size of a quail egg we think one of our pullets layed it she is a cross of an...
  4. FeatherSwift93


    My 2 year old hens have all of the sudden stopped laying eggs, they have never done this before. I live in Mississippi and the temperatures have been around 100° lately...could that be a factor in them laying eggs? I do keep them watered and they have plenty of shade.
  5. jjunge08

    Odd Yolk?

    Cracked one of our newest pullets egg this morning. The egg had two yolks. The one on the left appeared normal but the one on the right had a different appearance I’ve never seen before. Any ideas? Is it safe to eat? She has only been laying for maybe two weeks.
  6. Cloverr39

    Silkies aren't supposed to lay blue eggs, are they?

    There's a woman on a local Facebook group I'm in and she's often selling silkies that "will lay blue eggs". I once commented on one of her posts and asked about it. She said her rooster is purebred, came from a blue egg shipped from Germany. She also said something about his grandchildren being...
  7. NatureGirl74

    Hen stopped laying

    I have a 2 year old RSL. She hasn't laid an egg in over a week. I felt her abdomen, and it doesn't feel like there's an egg inside. Nothing has really changed. I put our peafowl in the run several weeks ago because their pen was badly damaged by really strong wind. We just got that pen back up...
  8. S

    Egg without bloom?

    I added four hens to my backyard coop. I am not sure of their breed. The farmer said they were a hybrid and they are docile. They are about 1 year. We are offering organic layer feed. We were told they may not lay for a few days due to stress, however we have gotten a few eggs. The eggs appear...
  9. K

    Not sure why my chickens & ducks aren't laying?

    This has been an ongoing issue. My 3 chickens have been unreliable with laying for months, sometimes almost going a week without one. Since spring has started to return, we've started to see about 1-2 eggs a day now. I have 3 new adult laying muscovy ducks. They arrived 2 weeks ago. So far...
  10. Mollieb713

    Soft shells in mature duck

    My female duck has been laying soft shell eggs for about a month now after a really cold winter. It's finally been warm for a steady 2 weeks though and when nothing changed I've began to get concerned. It is her first mating season since I added a male to my flock, however she doesn't seem to be...
  11. Coop deGrace

    Best BANTAM breeds for egg laying?

    Hopefully this is the right sub-forum for this. With feed and bedding prices going through the roof, I would like to go in the direction of bantam breeds instead of full-sized fowl. I enjoy having the chickens around and enjoy "interesting" chickens rather than the typical plain white or red...
  12. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Older ISA Brown Quit Laying

    My 3 y/o ISA Brown, Buffy, has stopped laying and her comb and wattles are pale. Beyond that, her energy and appetite are good, no swelling in her abdominal region, and her poops look beautiful lol. She's not spending any time in the nest box like she's trying to lay either. Should I be...
  13. MaybeMay

    Hen has only ever laid 1 egg in 7 weeks. Help!

    Hello everyone. I have an odd situation going on with my blue Australorp Blueberry who is nearly seven months old. She laid her first egg just over 7 weeks ago and has not laid since. We did have to take her rooster buddy away a couple days afterwards as he finally started to crow and we can’t...
  14. Crazychickengirl2

    egg laying

    So in the winter our chickens mostly stop laying but we want them to keep there any way to keep them laying???
  15. katie_94

    Besides fake eggs and golf balls, what else have you used that worked to prevent a nesting box war?

    I'm trying to deter my girls from favoring one nesting box and I've read that this can be prevented using fake/ceramic eggs or golf balls but I have neither! If I don't have to buy some, what else can be used that is just as effective? That's if I have it readily available lol. If I don't, I'd...
  16. H

    Hen won't eat oyster shells - continues to have very thin egg shells

    Hi everyone, I'm concerned about one of my chickens and I'm not sure what to do to remedy this situation. She lays eggs with very thin shells. The eggs are also gigantic. It's almost as if there would be enough calcium to create a thicker shell, but because the egg is so big it's stretched...
  17. tabs_flock

    Not So Many Eggs?

    Hi hi! I think I know the answer to this but I need a gut check from the more experienced community. I have three 9-month old hens, a black Australorp and two red sexlinks. Three weeks ago, the australorp went broody. She wouldn't leave the nesting box and kept taking all the eggs laid by the...
  18. Countryhippie

    Double Yoke Eggs

    Hello everyone. I had a quick question regarding double yolk eggs. Every time I get an egg from one of my hens they come out with two yolks. Is this okay for her or is it going to hurt her? I was just wondering if there was something I was doing or feeding them that causes this? I do feed my...
  19. spiritpots

    Pullets laying outside of the coop - what to do?

    I hope someone can help me as I have not had this problem before! I have four pullets and a couple have just begun to lay over the past three days. Although they have been checking out the nesting boxes in the coop, they have started laying their first eggs outside in a corner by a tall wooden...
  20. Countryhippie

    ASAP - Questions About Early Egg Laying

    Hello everyone, So on August 5th, 2021 I adopted 6 supposedly pullets, but two turned out to be roosters. That makes my flock 2 Roosters and 4 Hens. So far no issues with aggression between the roosters, one rooster is mating with the hens however. My hens are only a little over 15 weeks and I...
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