egg laying age

  1. C

    Age of first egg lay for your chickens?

    Wondering on my breeds if any of you have these kinds around what age they layed their first eggs? Mine should be any day and I’m so excited it’s like waiting for Christmas morning. I have almost 16 week olds! Breeds: buff brahmas (I know they are later layers) Easter eggers Sapphire gem...
  2. Nicci0110

    Any signs before they start laying?

    Hi, I am curious if there are signs to watch for to know my ladies are going to begin laying. I know I'm a while off but they are about 12 weeks now and I want to be prepared. I have 6 total. One cockerell and 2 rhode island red, and 3 barnyard mixes that also have rhode island red.
  3. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    Black Sumatra STILL not laying

    I have an 8 month old black sumatra that hasn't laid a single egg! Should I be concerned? She's healthy and happy and all my other chickens are laying steadily. I check the whole yard pretty thoroughly for eggs at the end of the day (I have a few girls that have made ridiculous nests in a few...
  4. CloneFly

    Hen Won't Lay!

    Hello! I have 2 Black Sex Links that I rescued as chicks some months ago; they were pretty sick back then, but managed to pull through. They're about 7-8 months old now, and one has been laying for about a month now, but her sister (Dotty) has yet to lay. The girls were in the same cage for a...
  5. V

    How many eggs from your Crested Cream Legbar?

    Sooo many different amounts listed on websites… so figured I would ask here. How many eggs per week does you CCL hen lay? ALSO, what size? And when did they start lying? Thanks! Pic for attention
  6. H

    My girls are 20 weeks!

    I have 7 hens that are 20 weeks today! When should I expect eggs? I'm overly excited for my egg colors! I do have two roosters in my flock a pure whiting true blue and a tolburt Polish frizzle! My girls list below: 1 pure BBS Ameraucana 2 whiting true blue ( one 18 weeks) 1 Silkie 1 Speckled...
  7. 0

    Pair of Australorps

    I have a pair of australorps that are about 7 months old that need a good home. Unfortunately, I have an elderly neighbor whose nosey daughter is continuously calling and complaining to my township authorities. The hen is Kush and the Rooster is Ozzie. I've heard stories about roosters being...
  8. fatsGREENgarden

    Free loader year old hen

    fatsGREENgarden said: We have 5 hens between 17 months-2 years old. 4 mixes and one Asian Black. We normally get 2-3 eggs daily. In the spring sometimes we would get 4 eggs daily, but never 5. We’ve come to the conclusion that our Goldie (now known as The Golden Child) just doesn’t pull her...
  9. H

    Should I be concerned?

    Hey y’all, I have two older hens who have slowed their egg production after I switched to grower feed to accommodate for the new, younger birds in the flock. I know this is normal, but I haven’t seen an increase after switching the food back. My younger hens are egg laying age now so we are...
  10. BuffyOrpha

    Hens in need a new home in NYC

    I love my hens, but I have a pain in the behind neighbor, am tired of her complaining that they make too much noise, meanwhile she has 2 dogs that bark all the time. If someone in the new york city area would like 3 beautiful hens... 2 of them are one year old and 1 of them is 6 yrs old... they...
  11. Harmoni

    16 week old Golden Comets, will they lay soon?

    I just read an article about their combs and waddles turning bright red right before they start laying. Is that true? My girl's are pinkish now. Should I expect to wait a few more weeks?
  12. Erin4chickEns

    How to get my chickens to lay eggs

    Good morning, We have three chickens we recently acquired about 3 weeks ago. One is about 6-8 months old and two are about 4-5 months old. That’s what the lady said where I got them from. I’m wondering when they will start laying eggs? We feed them meal worms, oyster shells, and chicken...
  13. HollyJB

    Do these girls look healthy - 8 months old and still no eggs.

    Hi everyone. I've been wondering about my 3 pekin bantam girls for some time. I got them as day old chicks at the end of March, so they are now 8 months old. When googling around, it seems you can expect pekins to start laying between 6 and 8 months of age. They're obviously now at the later end...
  14. N

    First week of laying

    Hello. I have a 21 week old golden sexlink, this is her first week of laying, and she has laid 8 days in a row. Is this normal? I feel so bad for her she must be exhausted. I know they are all her eggs because I only have 3 chickens and the other two are still 18 week old pullets. They have...
  15. G

    First time out a DOUBLE!

    This is my first time raising chickens. I noticed that one of my 4 girls, Dexi, was getting kinda fluffy in the butt and her face was coloring nicely. She is only 124 days old today. Still, I put the nesting box on the coop this Sunday afternoon. Dexi started going in and trying it out for...
  16. C

    Chicken laid an empty egg ?

    Hi Guys, My Barnevelder laid a small empty egg the other week (3 weeks ago), no soft shell egg just a mini egg with nothing inside. Since then she has not laid again, sometimes I see her going into the next and sitting in there for a while but doesnt lay anything! Is this normal? I’m not 100%...
  17. karenmragan

    Young Layer

    Hello everyone, maybe you can answer a question about fertility and egg laying? I witnessed a very young pullet (14 weeks) accept the advances of a cockerel. The pullet is an Ameraucana. I thought that pullets will only mate if they are ready to lay...Should I be getting some more nest boxes...
  18. 4

    Americauna hen pullet

    I have an Americauna Hen pullet that is about 26 weeks old. My question is about when will she start laying? She is with three other hens that are about 32 weeks old and all laying and have been laying for several weeks now. They are a Buff Orpington, a French Black Copper Maren and a...
  19. I

    My chickens stopped laying eggs but are too young to be done

    Hi there, I have only two chickens, and Rhode Island Red and an Alstrotorp. They should both be around 2 1/2 and 3 years old. Over the summer they stopped laying eggs, first it was getting less regular and then they stopped altogether. One of the last badges I found outside in the yard and then...
  20. oystercrackers

    Easter Egger Laying Prediction

    Hello, I'm Wondering about the signs for egg-laying. I know its mostly squatting, red-faced, and hanging around the nesting boxes but I haven't been able to tell for any except the hanging around the nesting boxes. My EE has been doing that lately. I Have a picture of my EE, but I can't...
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