eating table scraps

  1. The Scrap Bucket - a MUST for every chicken keeper

    The Scrap Bucket - a MUST for every chicken keeper

    "How do you walk through all this stuff? Your coop is a mess!" A family member of mine said as he stepped carefully between corn cobs and orange peels. "No it isn't," I replied, "you just have to know where to step. You're walking right through where I dump the scraps!" A scrap bucket...
  2. hazelville

    When can I start giving poulets garden weeds?

    Ready to do a lot of weeding, dandelions and the like (they've never been sprayed with weed deterrent) and we always threw big piles into the coop where they would select what they wanted with dandelions at the top if the list. Is there an age to start giving weeds to them or just whenever they...
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