
  1. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    Egg-bound? Sick?

    So my hen is almost 2 years old. She's normally an active runner and a healthy layer. She hasn't been moving much for the past day and a half and there's definitely an egg in there that she hasn't laid. I've tried all the usual things for an egg-bound hen. We've done a warm Epsom salt soak...
  2. N

    Sick Babies?

    i had eight 3-day-old baby guineas and i check them nearly every hour, sometimes more than that, and theyve very suddenly gotten sick. One has already passed very quickly. they all have very swollen poopy butts, and when i go to wipe them very gently, it seems to let out a waterfall of poop! so...
  3. sscaria

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    on friday i set up a brand new 20 gallon tank, let it sit with water conditioner. set up a water filter and tank heater (80° F) with thermometer. Saturday i bought three molly fish, three ghost shrimp, three algae eaters and three ADF (african dwarf frog). i set up gravel, some live plants and...
  4. A

    HELP! 3 Month old Ameracauna dying!!!

    Hey I need quick answers please, doesnt matter if its a sentence or bullet points, etc. My ameracauana had, had a change of attitude since monday but I thought it was just going at a slower pace since i had started letting them free range, and thought it was looking for bugs. Well today I come...
  5. R

    Hen Currently Dying, How to Help?

    I found one of my sweet girls lying in the run this morning. When i picked her up a soft egg fell out. (First egg of the season) She is still breathing but wont stand or open her eyes. I have been holding her and dropping electrolyte water in her mouth. She sometimes will swallow it. I’m not...
  6. A


    So I go outside at 4 am to check up in my chickens since it is starting to get colder (low 50’s, mind you I am in Az) but ti go outside and check up in them and my sultan is in a corner backed up against a fence stiff but still alive I rip the wire apart and quickly grab him and run inside, and...
  7. T

    Very sick (dying?) Pekin with peritonitis & pneumonia -- crop full/stuck?

    My 2-year-old Pekin duck Cotton developed peritonitis, apparently from internal laying, while I was busy caring for a family medical emergency for a week. Then she stopped walking so I took her to the vet yesterday where they told me she also had a lung infection. She was also pretty underweight...
  8. basiljowii

    Embryos/Ducklings Dying late in incubation

    Ive already made a similar post to this and tried the feedback I got from there with unfortunately no success. We've been trying to hatch a duckling for nearly 3 months now and haven't managed to hatch one. The Ducklings/Embryos develop well and always look healthy inside of the egg. Yet, when...
  9. basiljowii

    Duck Embryos Dying late in Incubation

    we’ve been trying to incubate duck eggs for about two and a half months now with no success. We have gotten to day 26 and then the ducklings would just die. The temperature we’ve tried incubating them at is 37.5 degrees Celsius and the humidity is 50%. We’ve had about 15 fertilised eggs that...
  10. PeepingK

    HELP! Sudden weight loss and death in hens

    I’m heart broken that I have to make this post but I really don’t want to lose my girl… About a week or so ago I noticed that my BCM hen, Poppy, was very underweight. Thought maybe it was due to her moulting (she’s 11 months old) but she’s gotten progressively worse over this past week, she’s...
  11. H

    5-week-old turkey poults dying!

    I had 9 turkey poults last week, now I have six. All are bourbon reds, 5 weeks old (just one is about three weeks older). They are in a tractor outside. Two days ago we found one dead in the tractor and thought it had either injured itself or maybe attacked through the fence because it we...
  12. HayleyCrum

    espom salt

    can you use scented epsom salt when giving ducks a flush, thats all i have
  13. Steph21

    HELP: Chicks Sneezing and Dying

    I'm going to explain what is going on as thoroughly as possible so this might be long. On Thursday (4/14) I bought 3 turkeys and 5 chicks (3 were barred rock) from Rural King. The next day (Friday), one of the turkeys was dead. I noticed this turkey was smaller and a little less active than the...
  14. palindrome_7

    silkie troubles

    Hi there, This week my silkies were totally fine, and now they are both dead. One dropped down out of the blue yesterday, and this morning I found the other one dead. They have been so healthy, so idk what's going on. The only thing I did differently was added a little ACV to their water and...
  15. Amy_thechickenlady

    My old lady hen is slowly dying

    Hi everyone! I am normally not a poster, more of a reader of posts and comments to get answers to all my strange chicken questions. But my almost 11 year old hen, Nugget needs a community. I raised Nugget, a gold sex link from a chick and she was part of my original backyard flock of 4. All...
  16. TundraFang

    Chicks suddenly dying

    So I had six Silkie chicks and they've had pasty but that won't go away. I've switched their food, given nutri-drench, and even fed them mash but nothing works. They show no other symptoms until right before they die. They start gasping for breath and eventually pass out and die. This happens...
  17. SnyderDragdire

    HELP- chick dying

    I have a frizzle chick dying- might be crazy chick disease but I’m not sure what to do
  18. A

    Dying poults

    I recently purchased 6 Bourbon Red turkeys, they all arrived in good condition and alert. A few were a little sleepy but seemed to perk up as they settled into their home. On day 3 of having them (they were 5 days old) I came home and found one dead. I quickly removed it and spent a little...
  19. mschickiemama

    Is my chicken dying?

    Since last night her head slowly rises slightly upward while she's at rest. This morning she can't stand on her own. She falls and lays down. I had to take her out of the nesting box she sleeps in. She hasn't been interested in food except like 2 bites of egg the past 2 days. But she drank...
  20. F


    I’ve had problems with humidity in the incubator but overall it hasn’t been too bad until now. 9 out of 11 turkeys hatched fine but I have two that are gasping for air, every time they breathe it makes a sticking popping sound which I guess means they have some sort of fluid in their lungs. I’m...
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