dust bath

  1. Exspiravit

    Do rooster's purr?

    Helloo, my flock was just having a dust bath and I was sitting around nearby and I hear a purring sound, I set out to investigate and find it was my rooster and later he was again doing it in the nesting box. Anyone know what this noise means? Thank you!!
  2. M

    Newbie here!

    Hello! I am new to the poultry world! I am venturing in with quail, and I am hoping to learn and share here. I’ve been a gardener for a while, and decided my next go would be with wee little birds. I do mainly plan to eat them and/or sell them locally. I converted a playset into a coop and...
  3. MrsDudley2002

    Roosting on dust bath

    When we finished their run last weekend I created them such a nice dust bath spa. Filled with all kinds of goodies to keep them clean and happy. Well, these dummies keep roosting on it and popping in it! They roost on the actual roost too, but each day I’m cleaning the run most of the poop is in...
  4. talkinboutchickens

    Am I missing anything? Should something be added to my run?

    Hi all!! Yesterday I had to do a little clean-up outside, which then of course led to me getting off track and renovating the chickie's run. So this is what I did. I added more dirt to their dust bath which they love, it is literally just an old kiddie pool filled with regular 'ol dirt, not a...
  5. C

    Dust baths and deep litter method

    I want to use the deep litter method for bedding and then eventually transfer it to my compost bin or garden But I also want to make a dust bath and maybe leave it outside the coop. I heard this is good for mites etc. This includes using garden lime. But I heard this was not good to use I if...
  6. cluck queen

    Early spring madness

    Let's see everyone's gals (or guys) enjoying this prespring weather!
  7. T

    Dusty Chicken!!

    My hen has been extremely dusty the past few days. My guess is she’s using the dust bath but not able to shake it all off. Is that normal? We’ve never had this issue with our chickens but we haven’t used wood ash in the past either and we recently (within the past few weeks) started mixing that...
  8. L

    My chicken photography

    Some of our hens free ranging while supervised, I finally got a photo of one of our black diamond roosters
  9. Artchickenlover21

    Dust bath advice needed

    I've been researching dust baths on here and other places for a while now and there's a lot of conflicting information, so I would like to just confirm if this mixture is okay. My chickens have not been able to go outside for weeks on end because of the constant snow and rain. I got a huge cat...
  10. lmadeline146

    Setting Up a Dust Bath

    My chickens have been unable to dust bathe outdoors because of the rain and snow, so I’m going to set up a dust bath. Should I use a certain container? What type of soil should I use?
  11. NinjaGamer2022

    How to set up a chicken dust bath

    I am reading up on mites and things and have learned that it makes a LOT of sense to set up a chicken dust bath and add stuff like DE. But my questions are: 1. How big should the dust bath be? 2. Other than DE should I put anything else in their dust bath to prevent pests and keep it healthy? 3...
  12. NinjaGamer2022

    What is best to use for coturnix quail dust bath? Sand, Dirt.......?

    What do you use for your coturnix quails dust bath? I've read many things (play sand, dirt, ash, etc). Advice greatly appreciated.
  13. K

    How do chickens make their own dust baths?

    I hadn’t gotten around to making one yet, but after closer inspection and walking the tree line behind their run, I realized they made their own! Good job chickens! I tried googling and looking on here out of sheer curiosity, but couldn’t find anything on HOW chickens make their own bath. Maybe...
  14. NewbieTXmamaHen

    Happy Newbie

    Hi y’all from Texas (west of Houston)! We are very new to raising chickens in our backyard and have been researching mostly on YouTube but now that we have 4 baby chicks we bought from TSC on May 29, we have more specific questions and topics to research which is how I found BYC! It will be so...
  15. F

    The Girls first day outside!

    Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! Our girls reached 19 days old, and our run was finally secured so we took a moment to let the girls venture in their soon-to-be home! They had SUCH a blast on this gorgeous 85 degree day. I have 3 barred rocks, 3 easter eggers, and 2 australorps. I still...
  16. youngbirdmom

    How often should I use the Poultry Dust

    I have a quarantined chicken who has been high stepping and has some bald patches. I gave her a dust bath using poultry dust for mites today but it’s my first time using it. In the Spring and Summer, how often should I be powdering the chickens down? How often do I powder the quarantined hen...
  17. Chookmama72

    Letting it all hang out!

    I... I just can't :lau
  18. D

    Dust Bath- Disappeared?

    Gave my chicks (3.5 weeks old) their first dust bath in a smaller shallow container. After about 15 hours the soil/DE/herbs are completely gone!! I know the dirt can come out while their cleaning and probably because of how shallow it is but I don’t even see any dirt on the bedding of their...
  19. K

    When can I introduce non-crumble foods.

    Hey there! I have 3 week old chicks and I was wondering when I can start giving them other foods like oregano for instance. I ask because I made a dust bath for them in their brooder (charcoal, play sand, a little dirt from outside) and they immediately started to eat it! I sit with them for...
  20. The chicken nurd

    What to use for dust bath

    So I’ve been adding to my run and was thinking about adding a dust bath inside my covered run I’m planning on using a kitty pool for the container but any suggestions as to what to use for the dust
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