duck feed question

  1. S

    Duck feed

    Is this feed okay for my ducklings . They are about 10 days old
  2. T

    What to feed ducks?

    Hello! I’m new here and new to owning ducks! I have 3 female Saxony ducklings that are currently two weeks old. I have been feeding them Dumor chick starter/grower the first week and have switched them to Purina duck feed that I blend up to smaller pieces. I’ve been told to feed them Chicken...
  3. awkwardkale

    Need Advice on Feed

    Hi everyone! I found this brand of feed and I was wondering if it would be ok to feed my 9 week Pekins this: Its Country Road All flock feed 18% protein. There is also an 18% duck feed that I saw on the shelf one week. Is 18% protein...
  4. Ronnie_

    Decreasing Protein in Feed

    Hi all! I’m currently feeding a duck crumble all flock feed by Dumor that’s 22% Protein. My Girls are coming up on 2 weeks old soon, and I want to drop it to 17-18% by adding in rolled oats. Anyone have an idea of how much oats (can be in volume measurements but weight preferred) to add per...
  5. ihatedarkroast

    Making Yeast Supplements from Scratch

    Does anyone have any recipes for making your own yeast supplements (to add to duck feed) instead of purchasing them from the store? I did buy some from the store. But we also make our own sourdough starter. We also make our own wine. So I have these 5 gallon carboys with yeast sludge at the...
  6. E

    Help! I'm new to raising ducks and my duck is being picky

    My duck is around five weeks old- i unintentionally hatched them. ive been introducing vegetables and fruits into their diet dince last week and so far they are enjoying it. But lately, they've been really picky. They've only touched a bit of their main food. I tried wetting the food or giving...
  7. Puddingtheamericana

    duck food recommendations & advice needed

    i’ve got two almost 9 week old ducks meaning i’ll be moving them outside and switching them over to a 13-14% protein feed since their adolescent now. I can’t find any good duck feed online so if anyone have any recommendations that’d be nice, preferably something i can order online. another...
  8. esaroveS

    Questions on Duckling feed

    I have two Pekin ducklings about 3 weeks old. I have been using 20% protein duckling crumbles as feed but read about angel wing so what is the best feed for the ducklings with 16% protein? Where can I buy it?
  9. FirstEverDuck

    What Can I feed my duckling?

    Hi! My duckling was just hatched last night but I’m not sure what’s safe to feed it. I only bought grit, not knowing that it wasn’t the actual duck feed! I read online that lettuce is fine to feed them, but I don’t know if I can feed my duckling lettuce already?
  10. M

    Am I switching to layer feed to early?

    My Golden 300 Hybrid layers are going to be 16 weeks old on Monday the 20th and I'm about out of their start & grow and so, I think I only need a little more to get them through until I'm supposed to switch to layer feed and my TSC only sells 35+ lb bags of the feed, so I don't want to buy way...
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