duck coop

  1. H

    A coop to keep out human predators

    We just finished constructing a coop that we nicknamed the "duck fortress." We live in a developing country near the equator, and we don't really have any predators to worry about other than stray dogs, which aren't an issue in our fenced yard. Previously we used a small chicken tractor that we...
  2. cmspivey

    Building My First Coop and Run for my Cayuga Ducklings! I NEED SOME HELP!

    Hey there, everyone! So, here's a bit of background... I've always wanted ducks... For as long as I can remember. After a few failed incubations, I decided I'd just get some ducklings and raise em' rather than hatch my own. We bought three straight run Cayuga ducklings on June 27th! I finally...
  3. Maddog_photog

    First night tips?

    I’m keeping my duckies locked up outside tonight for the first time. It is only 5:15PM here and I’m already rethinking everything and feeling fearful. I’m scared, and they’re enjoying all the treats in the world. I don’t want to lose them to a predator as I have unfortunately grown quite...
  4. JNC

    Cleaning duck coop

    I have 2 month old pekin ducks and I have straw as their bedding. As you know ducks and chickens poo a lot and their coop gets full of poop pretty quick. Since their coop gets pretty nasty by the end of the week will it be a good idea to hose down the straw between the week so the poop gets...
  5. 3xhhheather

    Area Layout - Feedback?

    Hey there -- In a little less than 2 months, I'll have 3 ducklings & 2 goslings arriving. While I'm beyond excited, I feel like I'm studying for the SATs all over again. I'm planning on building out their area behind my house, its spaced out to be around 50x60(ish) and is mostly tree-covered. My...
  6. L

    Duck coop/pond need advice on rocks

    We are just finishing our duck coop and have placed rocks around the pond for them to get in to. Our 4 babies are only about 2 weeks old and will not go in there for a couple more weeks but I am wondering if these rocks will work? Be too hard for the ducks to climb? Any advice greatly appreciated
  7. Momofthewild

    Old spring house for duck Coop base?

    I have this old spring house in my yard, it's the perfect location to keep my ducks, gets good sunshine and my house blocks it from the wind pretty good. The roof is metal as you can see and is slightly sloped. My husband's idea is to build the coop that they sleep in on top of that and have a...
  8. R

    New chicken and waterfowl coop ideas?

    I plan on building two coops, one for chickens and one for ducks. I've been googling some ideas but most of them seem to have the wire too thin, which can be very bad for me since there's predators here. We don't have raccoons, foxes, etc. We have mongooses and rats, therefore they can get in...
  9. ourduckismilo

    First Winter Advice

    Hello! As some of you may know, winter is approaching, and its coming fast! And it also happens to be our Jumbo Pekin duck's first winter. I've been browsing a lot online to try to find out how to make her outdoor enclosure suitable for the chilly whether, but almost all of it is targeted...
  10. Shaycres

    Fowl Arrangement Question (Ducks+Geese)

    All right, so before the weather drops TOO much more, I absolutely need to get a better home built for my ducks and geese. However, I'm somewhat hesitant because I'm not sure how I want them homed. For some context: 5 drakes, have been on the ranch at least 7+ years 8 hens, raised over this...
  11. Beccazon

    Duck nesting

    Since ducks and chickens nest so differently, I would like to see your duck enclosures/nesting areas. My ducks just started laying today. Of course their eggs are nowhere near as clean and pretty as the chickens'. (Do they have the same cuticle as chicken eggs)? I'd like to set things up to...
  12. Our Coop

    Our Coop

    10x20 loft barn partitioned off on each side for chickens on one end, ducks on the other. with a 10x20 exterior run on either side. Still a work in progress! Suggestions welcome! :)
  13. Home of the Ducks

    Home of the Ducks

    We decided to get ducks this year. Really, I decided and DW went along with it somewhat unwillingly at first. I have been interested in ducks since we got chickens last Spring. We now have 8 chickens, 4 turkeys, 5 ducks, and a whole covey of quail (15 adults, 26 chicks and 40 eggs in the...
  14. BReeder!

    Show me your duck house

    We have 3 ducks and we'r are currently housing them in our shed coop in their own section. Its not very large, just 4'x4'. They have access to a large run and pond if their own (except a few fish in the pond) all day though. I am sure our setup could be improved, but I don't have much of a...
  15. CLovesDucks

    Sorry, fox. The ducks win.

    Finally caught this jerk! :wee
  16. HendricksonHomestead

    Duck Nesting Boxes & Pond Questions

    I have 2 swedish blue ducks that are 6 weeks old now. I have them in with my chickens and I plan to keep them in the coop with my chickens as they get older. I would like to free range my ducks and let them spend their time during the day in my big pond...I'm wondering if I should be worried...
  17. MCBlueSwede

    Anyone have Experience with this Coop?

    I used to raise and show ducks when I was growing up and want to get some again. I am not too handy as a carpenter, but I can attach hardware cloth, paint/stain and do minor reinforcement to a coop if needed. Just not sure I can build my own. I want to have 2 ducks, 4 max (girls only). As a...
  18. harlequin141

    Finished Duck Coop!!

    Well, this was an adventure. It’s our first time raising ducks. We have 5 Cayuga ducklings incoming and about 1/4 acre of forage land for them. This is where they will sleep at night. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome!
  19. DellaNTuff

    My recycled wood duck coop.

    I wanted to share my duck coop I built this summer -fall (it took a long time lol). I have never built anything before and used all old wood sitting around the farm. Some from broken corals, old chop house ext. My expenses were the screws, 2 sheets of plywood and a used window I got at a...
  20. Animal family

    Anyone use this?

    has anyone used a heat source like this one, or have any comments or advice about it? I wanted something more fire proof for my 2 duck coop.
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