dislocated leg

  1. Q

    Quail chick hip dysplasia?

    Hey I need advice asap. I have a chick who I think is about 7 maybe 8 days old. Hatched with no issues or health concerns. Long story short I discovered it had curled toes so I taped them and went to bed and in the morning I found him laying on his stomach with his leg stretched out backwards. I...
  2. T

    Chicken leg injury

    I noticed that one of my hens has a limp today. When she walks, she swings her lame leg around and almost hops around. When I inspected her, I noticed that it felt like her leg was sticking out at the hip a little. One side of her hip is smooth and normal, and the side with the lame leg feels...
  3. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Sudden Limp - Not Bumblefoot or Break

    My 3 y/o EE developed a sudden, severe limp from her right leg. She can still use that leg to scratch at the ground and her head and can stand on both legs but when taking steps cannot put her weight on it, so she has an exaggerated drunken sailor walk where her right side nearly touches the...
  4. S

    My duck dislocated her leg

    So, the title is basically my entire problem. I'm already out $260 and it's gonna cost a hell of a lot more. Doc says he's never done this on a duck before and will only charge for sedation, if it fails. Has anyone experienced this? Should I go to a professional, or could this possibly be done...
  5. T

    Chicken with crooked leg

    I just noticed that one of my young chickens has some sort of leg injury or deformity. I have no idea how it happened or how long it's been like that. It doesn't seem to cause her pain, and it seems like she's figured out how to walk on it. What's wrong with her leg, and what can I do to help her?
  6. R


    My chick was attacked by something a couple of weeks ago. I had her on support with a couple of sticks and bandages. When I removed the bandages, this was the condition. She cannot stand straight and the right foot keeps tilting towards the left. She cannot balance herself and thus she’s not...
  7. F

    Young Peafowl Leg bent awkwardly!!! Help!! Peafowl with Dislocated or broken leg

    My peachick of 4 months old suddenly has a really bent leg. It must be dislocated or broken or something because it’s REALLY bent. Wasn’t like this yesterday; seemingly just happened this morning or overnight. It was recently moved to a wire cage. Could that have anything to do with the problem...
  8. C

    Horrible leg injury

    Hi everyone. My first post and first time raising chickens. My 5 chickens are now about 12 weeks old, I’ve had them since 6 weeks. I’m not sure how it happened but a couple of days ago I noticed that one of my chickens sat down all day which is unusual and later on I saw it try to get up but...
  9. Just Rosie

    Quail chick with dislocated leg at hip

    Hello all, I had to heavily assist this Coturnix Quail chick in hatching, and now I see why. Her poor little leg is jutting out at an unnatural angle, and I suspect it’s dislocated. I do have access to veterinarians, as I work with them, however none of them deal with poultry. So I feel like...
  10. BowdrieRanch

    Lame Baby Chick :( leg problem

    Hello Everyone:) First time trying this so I hope I make sense. Recently my neighbors gave me a baby chick of theirs to try and raise back to health. The chick is 1 month old and has a lame leg. It sticks straight out from its body and can not stand on its own. It also has this strange scab ring...
  11. hawkeyext

    Broken Leg or Hip?

    We have a chicken who we believe was born with this problem. One leg will go completely backwards and she hobbles around. Any ideas what to do? (Sorry for the vertical video. I didn't take it!)
  12. Gardenerd1

    Hen with Dislocated Hip

    Hi all, I'm at my wits end because we've got a poor 7-year-old hen with a dislocated hip. She's still eating, drinking, and even laid an egg or two since this started. She can't put weight on it and it's turned inward. She's using it to scratch, but limps when she tries to step on it. Here's my...
  13. S

    Slipped tendon, possibly dislocated hock, turkey

    I posted this in the turkey forum as well. Hoping it will get some attention here. I rescued a little poult from the hardware store, the others were walking all over her. I took her home in the hopes we can fix her leg and she can be a new family member. So here’s what’s going on with Little...
  14. C

    My chicken's leg is either broken or dislocated... Help!

    Yesterday while moving the chicken tractor, one of my hens legs got caught underneath the coop and is either broken, dislocated or both. There was some blood. NO visible bone fracture. The leg is limp and completely loose from joint (dangles). I need direction on how to set it and any other...
  15. Faverolle Lover

    Injured/Crippled 4-Week Old Chick

    I just recently got a chick from a friend and it appears to be injured/crippled. It is a four-week-old but it's stunted as it looks like it's only two weeks. After examining it for a bit I think that the problem is due to the tendon on the back of the hock. The original owner said that both legs...
  16. SaDebuque

    Dislocated leg...how can I fix it?!

    Hello all!! My name is Sara and I am super new to this forum so bare with me...I've been searching the Internet and everywhere else I've can imagine trying to find help for my barred rock hen, TurdBird since she got hurt yesterday, but haven' had any luck...so I'm asking my fellow chicken...
  17. Dooziepen

    Broken leg, or dislocated?

    Not sure what happened with this little one, I moved them outside 3 days prior to noticing the injury. I have no clue what to do. The red spot is a bone, it isn't breaking the skin, but you can see it is sticking out. Thank you for any advice you may have!
  18. Clare Mosko

    2.5 Week Old Button Quail Dislocated Leg

    The chick appears to have dislocated its right leg. Perhaps it started out as a splayed leg and something happened from there. I only took in the bird Wednesday from the owner (who bought the quail chick from my friend, the breeder) in order to prevent it from being euthanized. [see attached...
  19. M

    Duck may have dislocated leg?! What do I do?

    Hi all, I have been coming here to learn all about our new ducks and it has been great but one has now been injured. I'm so worried about her. She couldn't put weight on it yesterday and today she can limp. I gave her a bath. She eats and drinks but her leg is turned out! She is sort of...
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