
  1. Briseggs

    My rooster is not developing and may have mareks.

    Early this year, we took Marcell(my young barnevelder hen) to the vet because she kept falling over and wasn't walking properly, the vet said it was mareks and that she didnt have long to live, the vet diagnosed her by looking at the state she was in but we didnt actually have a necropsy...
  2. S

    A suburban amateur who's in over his head!

    Howdy. I'm a young married man who relatively recently bought his first house and started a huge garden and then one morning his wife saw an ad on Offer up for $10 Silkie chicks, and now we have 5 chickens of varying ages and only half a clue about what we're doing. I've had a parrot for...
  3. Laineybug

    Kinda Terrified!

    So just read a bunch of terrifying posts about New Castles in Az on FB. It's in Coconino county and I am in Pima which is in vail/Tucson. However, it kinda has me scared for the Fair we have coming up in about 2 weeks. Would they cancel the shows if it got close? And is there any prevention...
  4. NubbyRyuu

    Zombie Goats?

    There's been this thing in the news lately spreading like wildfire called Zombie Deer Disease, aka Chronic Wasting Disease. It says only deer, elk, and moose get this, but it has me thinking. Deer and Goats are kinda similar (mostly the browsing thing), but I do get deer that travel through my...
  5. Button Quail 123

    What's the worst disease or sickness your fowl have ever had?

    Just wondering what some of the worst sicknesses are. Thanks for the feedback, Button Quail 123
  6. JBirdy

    Rooster 'throwing up' mucus, head shaking - help!

    Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with similar symptoms in their chickens. My rooster has been throwing up mucus/head shaking once or twice daily. The mucus is clear (no blood) In addition, some of my hens are shaking their heads, as well, with the occasional sneeze. I've...
  7. Derek Kwas

    Feathers Missing and What Looks To Be Blood!

    Hello. For that last couple of weeks we have seen 1 of our chickens has some feathers lost on her top and the main area is in her neck. Ive seen multiple posts saying its due to molting so I left it alone. Ive also seen a post saying its due to water/coop/feed/run which may have diseases or...
  8. HuskerHens18

    Are Auction Hatching Eggs Safe?

    So there's an upcoming exotics and poultry auction, I decided to sell a bunch of my less lovable birds on it (Egg eaters and jerks). I will not buy adult birds, but I spotted they'll be selling hatching eggs, and by the looks of it, a LOT of hatching eggs!! I know there are a few diseases...
  9. Bonniebooboo

    Newcastle confirmed in backyard chicken flock.

    Link to read about it. found in California, not a food safety concern it said. https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/newsroom/news/sa_by_date/sa-2018/vrn
  10. HuskerHens18

    Please Read! Bromethrin Rat Poison Warning!

    I've had a blind hen for a year now, she's been acting fine (except for the fact she's blind) and nothing seemed wrong other than her beak had started to overgrow. I've had this cat since last July. Very friendly and seemed plump and healthy as usual. This morning I walk outside to do chores...
  11. M

    I Want to be Ready for Anything!

    I'm new to chickens and I want to be ready for anything and everything! So could someone name a list of any infections, diseases, or sicknesses that chicks and chickens can get? I want to be able to know what's wrong with my chickens if they are sick. Just name anything you know a chicken can...
  12. DaviJones

    Possibly Pendulous? Crop Issues

    I have a pullet about 9 weeks old and while feeding the flock meal worms I noticed she had a bit of a bulge. It looked like pendulous crop so I picked her up and felt it to verify and I believe its the crop. So, is it pendulous crop? Should I be worried/does it have the potential to harm her...
  13. Sour Crop Treatment Naturally & Medically

    Sour Crop Treatment Naturally & Medically

    Sour Crop Thrush, Yeast Infection, Moniliasis Sour crop, a common name for candidiasis or candida. Candida is a crop yeast Bacteria There are several different species of Candida that can cause infection in chickens, but the common is C. albicans. Candida species are a normal part of a...
  14. DaviJones

    Open-Mouthed(err...beaked?) Wyandotte

    My sister and I noticed that one of the pullets, a golden laced wyandotte, has been opening her beak and just holding it open for maybe a minute or two. We just noticed it today while taking them outside for their daily frolick and at first I thought it was panting as it was 80-90ish(and she...
  15. davidinthailand

    Disease diagnosis

    Yes I know that bio-security is the most important part of raising chickens, but I am having difficulty deciding what disease nearly wiped out our flock. I am doing my best with the chicken yard. What I need is a simple check list, this symptom present, yes or no ... go to question so and so...
  16. Chullicken

    I Can't Figure This Out

    Have several issues all evolving around one. Recently has a year and half old Austrolorp go broody and had her separated from he rest. Before I separated her, I noticed the rest of the flock was treating her like complete sh*t when she would come out for a few minutes to eat, drink and dust...
  17. Cloozy

    Duck with Prolasped Penis

    Hi. I have a Khaki Campbell Drake named Roger, and he is suffering from prolasped penis. I took him to the vet and they treated it with cold water, disinfectants, etc and pushed his penis back in then stitching it up to keep it in. They also gave me some antibiotics to give him. After we took...
  18. Saint_ Marwenne_Chickens

    HELP! Fowl Pox

    I have a few questions about fowl pox. What can I do about it? How long does it take for it to clear up by itself? All my chickens have it. But one of them has a completely closed left eye, and it's pussy. What? Please post any tips or stuff you know for me. Even if I haven't asked about it. I...
  19. myluckychucks

    Does my chick have spraddle legs????

    Hi Everyone: I'm new to this forum but have been checking out Backyard chickens for a while. I have had chickens for over 35 years (mostly banties) and haven't had too many health problems but I recently bought some 4 week old mixed breed chicks and have a problem that I don't know how to fix...
  20. hitsonhens

    Chick with eye problem

    i have a chick approximately 8 weeks old. Momma hen hatched out 11 babies and has raised them herself. I recently noticed one of them standing by itself. Upon further inspection I found this little one with what looks like a pimple on its eye. I tried "flushing" with sterile saline and...
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