day 21

  1. ChickaChicka1

    Day 21 no internal or external pips **PICTURES

    Hi there! This is my first time incubating eggs, so I don't really know what to be looking for. On March 2nd, I set 7 Barred Plymouth Rock eggs (they are shipped eggs I got from Meyer Hatchery) in the incubator around 1pm, which makes today day 21. 5 eggs made it to lockdown. The temperature...
  2. C

    mid hatch death? 3 hatched, 4 stopped progressing. What’s going on?

    I have 7 eggs. 3 hatched today— day 21. But the other 4 just stopped. No pips, peeps, movement, nothing since approximately 12-1pm. It’s 4:22pm now EST. Hatching with a broody. What could possibly be happening? Did they die??? What do I do? First time btw. Thanks in advance!
  3. M

    URGENT! Please help

    I had 9 chicks and lost 2 in early stages and then one hatched a few days ago (day 18) but no others did. Today was day 21 and none had still hatched. My neighbor who has hatched chicks told me to check them with a flashlight again so we did just now and saw no movement in any of them. The one...
  4. M

    Day 21 still no pips

    I’m currently hatching road islands and on day 18 when I put them into lockdown they were all good and moving. Early day 19 the smallest egg started to Pip but no other eggs did and by the end of the day it was fully hatched but day 20 there was still no pips and now it’s day 21 so I took the...
  5. eveleychook

    HELP! Day 21 Still No Pips!

    I bought a few fertile Vorwerk eggs. It is now day 21 and there are still no pips to be seen. I set up 10 eggs and only 2 have survived since then, (could they just be late hatchers?). Does anyone have experience hatching Vorwerk eggs? Thanks in advance.
  6. E

    Day 21 no air sack but chicks are breathing?

    Its day 21 of me putting in 12 chicken eggs, we put them in on April 6th on a Tuesday and today is April 27th and so far there's no pipping or chips and im very worried, we saw a couple chicks breathing inside the egg on around day 16-17 so we know they might be alive but so far its been dead...
  7. ally1327

    Broody Hen and Hatching Day!

    Hi all, Today is day 21 under a first-time broody hen (oh, the excitement!!) She is just a baby herself (hatched in April) so we weren't expecting much from her. Although I'm not sure we should have, we picked her up this morning to see if anything was happening and sure enough, one of the eggs...
  8. jjhllnd

    Day 21, nothing happening!

    I know I am probably being impatient. Today is day 21 and we were really looking forward to watching eggs hatch. I have 2 dozen eggs in the incubator. How many days past 21 can it take for the eggs to hatch. My temp has been kept between 99-101 but my humidity has been high. The whole time it...
  9. S

    Day 21 and only one chick piping out of 7

    Hi all, I am using the Brinsea mini advanced and it has been amazing I really recommend it!! Anyway it is day 21 today and only one chick it piping. I candled all of the eggs 3 days ago before I put them into lockdown and all of them but one was not fertile. I am very worried because it’s my...
  10. T

    Is my chick still alive

    This is my first time hatching and I’m super nervous, we started with three eggs and only One little egg developed. They were originally put in the fridge when we got them from a local farm and we are now on day 21 almost day 22. The only signs we had were a little shaking around but they have...
  11. Cayden05

    How long after Pipping do eggs hatch?!!! Day 21 Broody Hen

    So this is my first Broody hen and this is her first clutch. Last night before I went to bed the eggs were rocking. And this morning (Day 21) I checked on the eggs and a few were pipped. My Question is, How long after they are externally pipped will they hatch?
  12. TT43

    Day 21 question

    Today is day 21 for chicken eggs. One rocked a little but thats it and I haven't heard and peeps. Should I be worried?
  13. M

    Day 21... help!

    Today is the much anticipated hatching day. I'm a first grade teacher in Iowa and brought my incubator and all other chick related things home. The eggs were put in Monday, April 13th at about 8 pm. I candled the eggs on day 18 right before lockdown and had 8 chicks alive on the inside. Someone...
  14. TheChiggens

    Day 21 Cluckmazing Fact

    :eek: CLUCMAZING FACT~ A lightweight chicken releases about 120 pounds of droppings per year, heavy breed averages 180 pounds; and chickens poop even when they’re asleep!!!
  15. ChickChic00

    Day 22 egg hatching 2 eggs

    Today is day 22 for two eggs, and one egg has pipped but hasn't got through completely, like it hasn't pierced the shell completely. It's just cracked the shell a bit. The other hasn't done anything. Also I have 3 more eggs that are on 21 days, they haven't done anything either. My temp stays at...
  16. ChickChic00

    Taking eggs out of incubator?

    Alright, so I didn't know I was supposed to remove a layer in my incubator and I think the eggs arent getting enough moisture being on second layer. Is it ok to take them out really quickly and gently to remove second tray and put them on first one? This will be day 21 for 2 and 20 for 3 more in...
  17. ChickChic00

    Taking eggs out of incubator?

    Alright, so I didn't know I was supposed to remove a layer in my incubator and I think the eggs arent getting enough moisture being on second layer. Is it ok to take them out really quickly and gently to remove second tray and put them on first one? This will be day 21 for 2 and 20 for 3 more in...
  18. D

    HELP! Need advice regarding shelf liner, on day 20

    This is my first experience with incubation. I have the Nurture Right 360. I have been following all the valuable advice here in these forums (THANKS btw!) and things have been progressing with my eggs pretty well. I have a mixed hatch of a few ayam cemani eggs and the rest silkies and their air...
  19. FolkSonginC

    Day 21 and eggs not showing any signs of movement

    I have 5 silkie eggs in the incubator and the last time I candled was day 17 - everything seemed fine. Temp has been low a couple times and I known they prpbably just need more time but is there any reason that they wouldn't hatch?? I'm really worried
  20. hannachristena

    would you safety hole an internal pip w/ no external after 24 hours?

    3 of my eggs have internal pipped yesteray at this time. they are chirping sometimes but there is NO external pip. its been 24 hours and im worried now. would you create a safe hole ? what should i do?
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