
  1. J

    Cyst in hens eye or something else?

    Hi there! We noticed that our beloved Ms. Beags had a weird growth protruding from her eye earlier today, but cannot for the life of us figure out what it is/what to do about it. She seems fine otherwise (no signs of resp illness, mites, etc.) though she has a substantial amount of plucked...
  2. Paz

    Chick has a weird thing on its belly

    I am hatching chicks, and chick number three has what looks like a teenager’s pimple. It took it a long while to get out of its egg, (2+hours) so I helped it crack the eggshell, any chance I did it?
  3. T

    Pet dove has lump under butt

    Hey guys, I just noticed that my pet dove has a strange lump under his butt. It's not prolapse, and there's no blood in his stool. He seems to be fine, except for fluffing out the top part of his butt and panting a little. Any ideas what could be wrong.
  4. RayrayB

    Feather Cyst Treatment

    Hi! I have a 2 week old cochin with what appears to be a large feather follicle cyst on her upper leg. We drained quite a bit of fluid out of it earlier, and pulled a few of the pin feathers out that appeared to be part of the problem. The area seems to be filling up with fluid again though...
  5. Chixmixopolis

    3.5 week old chick with beak bump. Located where a wattle would form. Can anyone identify and advise?

    Rhode Island Red growing like a weed. 3.5 weeks now. Good natured. No issues but noticed this little bump. It's hard, located under bottom beak like where wattle would grow and on one side, her left, only. Does not ooze, although I touched, bot squeezed. Could not be dry Fowl Pox from what I've...
  6. Chikenshiken

    Feather cyst?! What is this?

    My duck was attacked by a raccoon 3 weeks ago and had been doing a LOT better but today I noticed this weird pimple on his wing where there was a scratch but it healed over. Is this a feather cyst? I heard, if it is, it needs surgical removal! It’s making me anxious because my family and I have...
  7. B

    Huge Lump/Cyst on chickens leg, another growing on her other leg. Developed a scab

    I was away for a month and came home to my rhode island red with a huge lump on her foot. It was there before I left but it didnt look very bad, and only when I have been away has it developed quite rapidly. It is also beggining to grow on her other foot. I don't think it is bumble foot as it is...
  8. Z

    Does my chicken has cancer? Cyst? Abcess? Doesn’t move

    Help!! We adopted this lady about 3 months ago and from the start she didnt have any interest to roam in the garden like other ladies and she very didnt move around if its not necessary and looked a bit depressed. We noticed she didnt take care of her rear feathers and that they were poopy from...
  9. Reiki Rooster


    Honestly I have absolutely no idea what this is. I’ve had chickens now almost 10 yrs and have never seen this before. It is a huge mushy lump above her vent, about 1 to 1 1/2 inches above. If she was egg bound it has definitely broken but she is acting absolutely fine. Eating her fill, drinking...
  10. R

    Rhode island chick with wartlike growths around the eyes

    Has anyone encountered muscle-like cyst growths around the eyes on a 2-4week old rhode island chicks. No issue found on their eating/drinking. Still active just has the growths. Photo is attached. How do you treat this? Thank you in advance for any response.
  11. B

    Rapid growth on the head of rooster

    Hi all, I was wondering if some of you would be willing to give advice on a growth that occurred on the head of my silkie rooster. He is about 5 years old, and and has gradually developed this growth on his face over the last two months. At first it was a slight bump, but has now progressed into...
  12. C

    Please Help! Rooster with big lump/cyst in throat area

    Please help! Any thoughts on what this cyst/ lump in throat area may be? Appreciate any suggestions on how to cure/control.
  13. K

    Strange lumps on Silkie

    I keep finding strange lumps on my Silkie hen. See attached photo. I have found four so far, one on her lower breast, and three on her neck. I find them when they start seeping blood. I have been putting Blu-Kote on them to stop the bleeding, but now I am wondering…Could these be ticks? Please help!
  14. mixedchickenguy

    10 day old chick with soft bumps on head - Help!

    Short backstory: one of my mixed bantam hens hatched 4 chicks on 12/04, and one of them developed what look like little bubbles on its head. This chick's left wing also hasn't grown since it hatched, but I'm not as concerned about that since it acts like any other chick. The bumps are clear-ish...
  15. Z

    Roadside chicken and possible feather follicle cyst???

    Hello, I recently found what I believe is a Langshan hen abandoned on the roadside. It's the middle of the wet season here and she was in a shallow ditch of water when I retrieved her. She's been quarantined for two weeks and was going to be 8ntroduced yo the flock tomorrow but I finally got a...
  16. C

    Large cyst? under eye -help!

    I found one of my quail today looking like this. What is it? What can I do to help her? This is not my photo, but one I found online. However, it looks just like this! Poor thing—thank you in advance!
  17. M

    Unknown growth on the inside of chicken leg

    My favorite, sweetest 2-year-old Barred Plymouth Rock lady has a growth on her inner right thigh. If anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear them. If it’s benign and there’s something I can do to help heal, or if it’s lethal and I need to do the most humane thing… The lump was first noticed...
  18. S

    Rock hard abdomen + Previous crop protrusion/nodule (not impaction) that disappeared

    Hi. Hopefully I can add pictures further down in this thread via my phone. This will be a little long for the sake of being thorough. Some basic background on our girl with the issue: - 3 year old Barred Rock - Great layer until this year - Purchased from TS (only purchasing from breeders...
  19. S

    Please help! Cysts/swellings appearing on baby chicks (eye and beak)?

    I have 3 rescue chicks, and 2 out of 3 of them seem to be developing cysts of some kind. One has one on its eyelid that I figured might be a stye. She's had it for 2-3 days now, and it doesn't seem to be getting any bigger. It appears to be under the eyelid so I was concerned that it could be...
  20. NubbyRyuu

    I Need Answers ASAP

    I need answers for this, and I needed them 3 days ago. I've contacted a few chicken people, Facebook (with a group that probably won't accept my join request, leaving me only to rely on a Silkie Group), Reddit, and called NUMEROUS vets today, with only ONE that sees chickens but is expensive...
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