curled toes

  1. N

    Curled Toes tape lead to Splayed Legs?

    So I’ve incubated some eggs that I purchased and I am a bit disappointed with. Out of a dozen, 9 were fertile and 6 hatched. I also had an additional 25 that I put in the incubator from my own chickens and another breeder - 23 of those hatched. 3 of the 6 of these chicks have hatched with...
  2. dublinducks

    Peachick with Curled Toes -- Are these boots applied right?

    I posted this in Peafowl too but I forgot to add the tags, so I'm posting it here as well. About 30 minutes ago I hatched a single peachick (long story). I believe he was shrink-wrapped, I had to assist him in hatching after about a day and a half, but he's out now. The humidity during his...
  3. S

    Advice please! Khaki with curled toes and legs

    This baby is roughly a month old. I got it from tractor supply. Its legs and feet were straight when I brought it home and I didn’t notice when they started to curl. We did have an issue with a niacin deficiency but I corrected it and all three of mine have been fine ever since. I’m in the fence...
  4. Chixmixopolis

    2 Week Salmon Favorelle toes bent. Fine or does she need a tape boot or something to correct that?

    She's 2 weeks and seems to be doing great. Am diggin her brown, cream and blue new festhers! Only noticed these toes bent a bit backward as we were taking pictures. Doesn't seem to bother her and only affects outermost toe on both sides, although her right side a little more severe than left...
  5. Aprilxoxo

    Giant quail chick

    Hi i just hatched 2 eggs from regular coturnix quails and one of them had a very bad time trying to get out. She started by pipping on the narrow end and zipping diagonally. She got half way before she couldnt do it anymore so i had to assist her. Only after she was born i realized she was...
  6. Basil Falafel

    Chick with curled toes and swollen hip

    My 4 week old brahma has had an injured foot since we got her at a few weeks ago, it seems like she can't really move her toes but she's been walking on it pretty normally until a few days ago. Now shes been keeping it curled up and has been walking on her toes and she has a hard swollen purple...
  7. Aprilxoxo

    The Last 2 Eggs Hatch-Along

    Hi everyone Unfortunatly this is going to start a bit sad. My most favourite quail passed away today. She hadn't been doing too well lately and after a bad leg injury she sustained today we decided it was better for her to rest peacefully. Upon returning home we found her final 2 eggs she...
  8. A

    2.5 Week Old Chick- Wry Neck, Splay Legs, Curled Toes Got Better and Now Worse...

    This is Miracle when she(or he) was getting better, her feathers fuller and able to stand and starting to be able to eat on her own. She had a rough hatch where you can see her trying to come out of her shell for 24 hours about 2-3 days after the other chicks hatched in the incubator. They...
  9. W

    Nutri-Drench for curled toes?

    Help! I have 5 silkie chicks about 5 days old. I just noticed two have their outer toes curled in. While it may be genetic, I read that Nutri-Drench may help in case it’s a nutrient deficiency. Anyway, I’m getting all mixed up on the dosage amounts. At first, I mixed 30ml ND to 1/2 a gallon of...
  10. BetsyKinnamon

    New chicken mama (kind of)

    I got my first chicken about a year ago. Her name is Margalo and I love her fiercely. She joined the rest of my boyfriends flock of multiple breeds. No rooster at this time. I decided to try hatching some shipped eggs and this group probably saved two of my chickens as I had to help hatch them...
  11. T

    Weak chick/curled toes

    Hey there! I just helped a chick hatch and now they are weak. To kinda start from beginning...2/23 one of my eggs that I put in 2/2 started to pip. It made a hole in the egg and that was it for 24+hrs so I got it out and peeled the shell off, not completely around because I wanted to just help a...
  12. D

    Help, day old bantam silkie chicken is walking on curled up toes

    Hey all, I've got a batch of day old silkie chickens and one has curled toes. Most of them have polydactyl toes but this one also has curled up toes. I think from a traumatic hatch, and I say that because I've read about it in this forum when we first noticed it, only one has both feet- one only...
  13. thecarmiearmy

    Rooster Keeping Toes Curled In On Both Feet While Walking

    Hi guys, this is my Rooster, Bung. I'll explain the issue and then give you insight on Bung's general health. Today I noticed that Bung's mainly putting weight on the backs of his feet while walking. Or like he's putting a lot of weight back on his hocks. It looks like all of his toes are...
  14. B

    8 week chick- toes curled leg/foot twisted, joint swollen, can't walk well- help!

    I incubated several of my Mille Fleur d'Uccle's eggs and Chester is the only one that hatched. She is 8 weeks old now. She was born with twisted toes and has always had trouble walking and we tried to correct them with tape and cardboard but it seemed like it was doing more harm than good so we...
  15. Hannah Bj

    Posting hopes of helping others! Vitamin B deficiency in chicks

    12 days ago my hen and her chick were out in the yard together,her chick was hatched in June and doing wonderful until recently..I thought for sure the little thing was a goner,stumbling and curled toes..then the splits. Made a sling with holes for her legs,to keep her from sitting too much and...
  16. Yeet

    Gosling with Curled Toes

    Hello. I recently took in two 4 day old sebastopols and theyre doing great overall. However, Bill has curled toes and i was wondering how bad its going to affect him as he grows or gets older? He gets around just as well as his brother Ted, but does seem to be a tad bit more clumsy. I know...
  17. A

    2 wk old chick not eating purple curled up leg head tilt

    Hi, We purchased 6 chicks from Tractor Supply. 2 marans, 2 barreds and 2 goldens. The marans and barrefs are doing great! 1 golden died suddenly at a wk old. The other started drooping its head to one side and walking in circles. We brought her into our home with her own heat lamp. I checked...
  18. HuntingChick14

    Chick with possible twisted leg/slipped achilles tendon

    I have a buff brahma bantam chick that is 5 days old and has seemed to have hatched with a deformed leg. I looked up what it could be immediately and kept coming across splayed leg, so I tried hobbling her and doing "physical therapy" using a drinking glass. The more I read about splayed leg...
  19. quaileypotato

    Curled toes?

    My baby quail has curled toes... I've read about the tape method but what tape should I use? I'm afraid I'll hurt the chick's feet.
  20. casportpony

    How to Fix Curled Toes in Chicks

    Sometimes chicks will hatch with curled toes and I wanna know how you fix curled toes in your chicks. Please share your methods and pictures in this thread. This is how I do mine: I wait 24 hours after hatch to see if the will straighten out on their own. If they don't straighten in 24 hours I...
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