cream crested legbar

  1. L

    Legbar? Leghorn? Mix?

    Does anyone know whether this is a mix or a pure breed of legbar/leghorn/cream crested legbar? On the Internet I can't find exactly similar roosters from these breeds, is it a mix?
  2. Ben8

    Sex linked Olive Egger

    Day old olive egger. Sex-linked, French Black Copper Marans roo x Crested Cream Legbar hen. Male has white dot on top of his head and a small crease.
  3. C

    Possible cream legbars? Hens or roos?

    These two are, I think, between 2-3 weeks old. We have never had chickens before and took them on because a friend got them for his broody hen, who rejected them. He has no idea what breed they are, but he seemed sure they are both hens. After much googling, Crested Cream Legbar seems the...
  4. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    I have 4 chicks that are 2w 2d old from what I believe to be a cream legbar roo and for sure buff orpington hen. I do know there's no real way to tell at this point but I enjoy guessing and since these are my first chicks ever, thought I'd enlist some more experienced guessers to play along! My...
  5. T

    Offering Azure hatching eggs

    sorry, wrong forum. I didn't know how to remove the post.
  6. CloneFly

    Lethargic Pullet

    Hello all, I have a lethargic 8wk (almost 9wk) Cream legbar pulled that's been acting lethargic. She's always been the quiet one of the group, but I'm worried seeing her so sleepy and puffy. I've also noticed some bloody poo around the coop that I suspect is from one of my other 8 pullets... I...
  7. R

    Need help possibly identify this girl. She has quite the hairdo so I was thinking a cream leg bar but her eggs have been a consistent light tan.

    She was supposed to be a Starlight green egger but clearly is not. I tried to Google her and it says she is a cream legbar but laying light tan almost pinkish (large) eggs with a freckled white bloom. Possible mix? Thank you in advance!
  8. CroneWild

    Privett chicks arrived

    So I was planning to get my chickens later in April but things been what they are, me and my family moved up the date and chicks arrived today!! (Hurray!) So I had ordered 25 chicks from Privett hatchery, I’m in NM and that was the closest hatchery to me, I had put in my order in December and...
  9. A

    Any gender ideas on these 4 week old chicks?

  10. connieconnie

    Rate my Rooster (Purebred Cream Legbar)

    This is Noodle my Purebred Cream Legbar Cockerel. He is lovely, calm, allows me to pick him up as I please and looks after his ladies well. Although he can be a bit daft and face a corner of a wall for a while, or call over the hens to look at some chicken poop :gig I was just wondering how...
  11. connieconnie

    Cream Legbar cross chicks (Maran X and Barred Plymouth Rock X), sexing and colour genetics?

    So I've recently been sucked into the black hole of what is chicken colouring genetics. And after days of research... I'm still a bit confused I've discovered how wonderfully complex and interesting this area is! And would like some advice, thoughts, opinions or maybe some links to information...
  12. Nymphoides

    Are these mixes instead of Cream Legbars?

    I hatched these Cream Legbar chicks from a breeder. They are supposed to be 100% legbar from the Jill Rees and GFF 2013-14 lines. However, three of the five that hatched are very light and don’t have as much of a down “crest” as the two darker chicks. They aren’t recessive white- they have...
  13. sophie90

    Newcomer - Cream Legbar Sexing

    Hello everyone - I'm new here!! :frow As a novice chicken keeper this forum has been my go-to the last few months in me setting out in beginning my flock... I thought it would have been a bit more straight forward to tell the males from the females apart so I'd love to hear your thoughts :)...
  14. Q

    Pricing Chicks

    Hello. I ended up with a few extra chicks...salmon favorelles, cuckoo Maran, and cream Legbar...I posted locally in hopes someone would want them and I was shocked at the response. Now I figure maybe I’ll sell off this lot and hatch another one for myself. How do I go about pricing them?? Local...
  15. karenmragan

    Please Help

    I have a 4 month old legbar pullet who is ill and I can't figure out what it is. She has been this way for approximately five days. The poor coordination is accompanied by sneezing. This video should explain: I should add there has not been any nasal or ocular discharge.
  16. karenmragan

    A Real Head Scratcher

    Hello everyone! I need help identifying this breed. They are six weeks old. My best guess is Cream Legbar Cockerels. Due to the head tuft and barring. But their shanks are grey with very slight feathering. I got them from an assortment of rare breeds by Meyer Hatchery. CL cockerel? Or another...
  17. T

    Cream legbar x splash marans

    I have a splash marans roo and a bunch of cream legbar hens, what would the offspring look like if I crossed them together?
  18. imneva

    Got my girls mixed up

    in picture 1. Is what I believe is my olive egger. In picture 2 is what I believe is my lakeshore egger. In picture 3 is what I believe is my cream legbar. In picture 4 is my frost white legbar. They are 18 1/2 weeks old. I am thrilled that all three have crests but I am not positive who...
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