
  1. Jen1989

    Not to well chicken, potentially infectious coryza

    Hi everyone, I have a 3yo cornish indian game bird called Penny who's not been doing too well today. Shes been sneezing for the past few days, I've had respiratory aid in her water, she had a full crop last night. I've also noticed this week small amounts of blood in some of her poop (see pic)...
  2. tacosta1009

    Marek's, Mycoplasma, Coryza, Oh My!

    Although my subject line may seem like a joke, this has certainly not been one! I take my chickens seriously, and have been as meticulous as I know how to be to keep them healthy, but I have not always succeeded. The learning curve has been tough! A couple of weeks ago I had a chicken with...
  3. B

    Coryza in quail? Help!

    Hello, i have 16 quail that are all about 5-6 weeks old. One of the chicks from day one has had what looks like conjunctivitis. Pink swollen eyes, crusty and runny with no other symptoms. I treated him by pressing a warm wet wash cloth against the eyes and removing any residue. Both of his eyes...
  4. lilmillefleur

    clearly ill on multiple levels

    Mentally ill, and now it seems quite physically ill...Oreo is a silkie, only a year old. She's never been the sharpest knife in the box but now I think something's seriously wrong with her. Like she's really lethargic, just sits around the coop and doesn't do anything. And a complete lack of...
  5. G

    Infectious coryza 😩

    Hi guys, I’m new to this site and I really need your help. we recently got some old battery hens about 4 weeks ago and one of my chickens I have had for a while which is relatively young and healthy has all a sudden come up with a swollen eye, a bit of blood on the beak and wheezy. At first I...
  6. Serenity Sav

    Need oral administration dose calc help- EM Erythromycin by API (fish meds)

    I’m usually better at doing this type of calculation but my brain is tired and not working well. I have EM erythromycin (fish medicine) powder (200mg packets) and need to treat a rooster that has Coryza (young polish, approx 3-4 lbs). What would be the proper dosage of powder to water for...
  7. Steph469

    My chicken is really rubbish at eating and very underweight!

    So a bit of background: I have a chicken less than 2 years old called Winnie. She has been living inside for four weeks now after a bad case of Coryza, conjunctivitis etc. She has been unable to walk during that tim and has been on antibiotic. she seems much better and more herself, but is...
  8. ChickenLadyInTheCoop

    MG? Coryza?

    I just noticed my girl was staying next to me all day today. When I squatted to talked to her, I noticed her bubbles in her eyes. Upon research, I figured it could either be Coryza or MG? Is there a difference in the two? What’s the difference? Demographics: SW Louisiana. She is either 11...
  9. Theroosterman

    In need of help

    Hello Two days ago, we considered adding two frizzle Pekins to our flock. We brought home a cream one and a lavender one, two 5 month old hens. They are currently quarantined away from the rest of my chickens because I suspect them to suffer from coryza or a type of cold. It is currently rainy...
  10. ReadyvilleBird

    Testing for Mycoplasma??

    I have around 25 chickens and half have either mycoplasma or coryza. Too many of these birds are special to me to cull the whole flock. I would consider culling just the carriers if there was a cheap way to test them individually. If test are expensive or only postmortem, then I could cull them...
  11. M

    Sick chickens possibly coccidios and Coryza???

    Please Help! Does anyone know if chickens can get sick and die from possibly coccidiosis that may have turned into a respiratory infection? I’ve lost several chickens from possibly coccidiosis over the last week but the last 2 that died had large masses on their eye. One died before I...
  12. S

    Sick hen - need advice please

    Hi there, I’m fairly new to owning chickens and any advice would be fantastic. I bought 4 brown hens at 16 weeks old and they where absolutely fine for the first month or so, however I decided to add 2 - 20 week old bluebells to my growing flock. Ever since I have had issues with sneezing...
  13. AniaOnion

    Rough Month

    It's been a really rough month for me and my girls. We had to go through a long move, that both Baba Yaga and Kikimora handled like champs. Their coop got broken in the move so I had to set up a brand new one, but I got it done and set up within a few days of getting here, and in the meantime, I...
  14. Age-of-Goositude


    My main flock got Coryza after we moved. I'm vegan I won't hurt them, I've been treating them and cleaning their eyes 7 dead already. What will it look like from here? What do I do? I'm devastated, my three smaller flocks are separate and appear okay, I'm not certain my whole main flock is...
  15. AnneInTheBurbs

    Sick chickens, official necropsy report... Any input?

    @Eggcessive I had posted about this in another thread, thought you might want the details. Thanks in advance! Okay, I’ll try to keep this brief. I have approximately 30 chickens, and 7 turkeys. Mixed ages, but most at least a year old. - I had brought a sick chicken into my flock...
  16. catandmilkart

    Persistent sniffles now in the second generation.

    Hi there, I adopted a blue laced red wyandotte who turned out to be very sick with something. Rattle in the chest, very snotty, sneezing and sniffling. I had her in quarantine for weeks, and she finally recovered. As soon as I stuck her in the yard, the other two hens got sick but to a much...
  17. R

    Results with closed flock after disease?

    I’ve seen many many posts on here about handling a sick flock and options to treat/close the flock or cull. I have not seen too many follow up posts regarding those who chose to keep/treat/close their flock I have a flock of 27 chickens that are all a little over a year old. They got sick...
  18. Trhaworth

    Tylan 50 not working

    Okay so I had one bird who for sure caught Coryza last week. Half her face was swollen, eyes and nose running, and An infected smell. I treated her with Tylan 50 and she is almost recovered. I had two other bird who were breathing funny and had runny noses and sneezing periodically so I went...
  19. GottaHatchAPlan

    Lice + Coryza + Suspiciously Taciturn = ???

    We just got our first hen from what turns out was a very dodgy flock owner. We've had Peggy, a 6-month old Australorp/Barnevelder mix, for about a week and a half. She's our only current chook, seeing as we've discovered that she's got both lice and coryza and decided to postpone creating a...
  20. T

    The less robust chicken breeds

    Which are in your opinion the less robust chicken breeds. In my opinion, the white meat birds and the silkies.
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