
  1. The Pink Place

    The Pink Place

    The Pink Place I've really needed to build a new coop lately, since we've acquired more hens and it got quite cold for a little while (I know they are fine out there but I just feel bad ), and then lastly, the coop we have now is extremely hard to collect eggs from, unnecessarily hard...
  2. jespere's Coop

    jespere's Coop

    We started building the new coop! Its a 6x3 tractor with a slanted tin roof and coop with nesting boxes and a roost. So excited!! Here are the plans: After cutting the major pieces and starting to notch all the lap joints... plus a close up of the notches. This is a close up of the lap joint...
  3. silver02

    Silver02s Page

    May 2012 15 chickens out on the lawn 2 Buff Orpingtons chillin' on the swing 9 week old Freedom Ranger Hen Latest addition: this Rabbitry will have 6 cages. - April 2012 - Our new addition to the flock: 5 Week Old Freedom Rangers These french broilers are strong, robust and...
  4. Coop Build 2011

    Coop Build 2011

    Preface: All coops thus far have been wood and wire tractors and one lowe's play house that was pre-cut. Skill level (1-10) was probably 2. This project in particular was all made possible by the contents of this box which I was lucky enough to be able to find about 6 years ago: It's an all...
  5. Duck House

    Duck House

    Our Backyard Duck House / Pen In the spring of 2010, a neighbor of a co-worker saw two ducklings on the road so he rescued them and kept them in a plastic tote for a couple weeks in the garage but the ducklings grew so fast that the tote was too small. The co-worker knew we have a couple ponds...
  6. Food Grade DE - Diatomaceous Earth

    Food Grade DE - Diatomaceous Earth

    We began using food grade Diatomaceous Earth in June 2007, after we moved the Banties to their temporary outdoor home. Make sure you buy Food Chemical Codex Grade DE (<-this link provides recommended amounts for using with feeding, whitewash, etc.) for use with your pets and livestock. I use...
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