coop and run

  1. C

    Best source for quality chicken coop in Central TX?

    Can anyone recommend a great source or sources for getting a quality chicken coop that doesn't cost thousands? Thanks, in advance! :):):)
  2. The chicken nurd

    Questions about adding ventilation

    Any suggestions on adding ventilation to my coop (Pictures are from today while I was cleaning it the first 4 are of the inside with the doors off and the last one is a front view of the coop with the doors on)
  3. B

    Building my new run and coop

    So I am so excited that today I am building my new run and coop but I have some final questions. I will have access to food and water at all times in the run area but do I also need it in the coop?
  4. E

    Wire mesh coop bottom

    Hello! So I adopted 3 chickens from a co worker (my first chickens) and they came with their own coop (sweet!) We are building a bigger coop in the spring to house all the incoming chicks I have planned, but I’m wondering, especially going into winter, how good is their coop now? The coop is...
  5. K

    I made a scale model of my Hobbit-Themed Chicken Coop

    Just sharing this scale prototype I made of my future hobbit-themed chicken coop - my husband and I start building this weekend! Let me know what you think so far! The coop will be 5’ x 5’ and about 7’ tall at the peak. The run is about 10x10. There will be two doors on the coop - one on each...
  6. M

    What material should I use in coop and run?

    My chicks are 6-7 weeks old and I’ve been getting them used to being outside over the past 2 weeks. I plan to move them to their coop which has a built-in run. I’ve read tons of articles on this site and watched tons of videos but I’m not sure what is the best material to put in the coop...
  7. April and Andy

    New Coop / Run Questions

    Hello Everyone! Two ducks incoming next spring, starting preperations now. I have a few questions! 1. Is 13'x10' big enough of a run for 2 ducks, it would include their 2x6 hutch, and a 4x4 pool, as their 'run' will be their place all day. When we are home they will be free range in the yard...
  8. Applejax83

    Homemade Suburban Chicken Coop & Run

    I had to share the coop and run my husband designed and built for our 5 amberlink chickens.
  9. C

    Diatomaceous earth? For pest control and refreshing

    I’ve been reading up on the benefits of using Diatomaceous earth. People say it’s beneficial in controlling insects, good for digestion and a type of natural refreshing application. I’ve been using it in my coop, which has a dirt floor, and on the ground in the run area. I scrape the floor of...
  10. Fritzen

    Ramshackle Coop (LF feedback/suggestions!)

    Here’s the coop me and my dad made! I don’t have the measurements on hand, but the coop is about 3x5ft and the run is 8ft^2 I think! does anyone have any suggestions on what we could fix up or do better in the future? (Don’t worry about the wood rotting— my dad made sure to coat it all!)...
  11. Harmoni

    Run, space, layout

    Looking for some recommendations or advice on our chicken space. Our coop is 5.5x6 with an attached secure run that is 5.5x10 plus a triangle that is 6 feet long (the secure run and coop are retrofitted to our kids playhouse. We added a daytime run that is 15x12. We currently have 4 mature hens...
  12. H

    Nesting box too high?

    So I recently have been improving my coop since the coop I have was too low to the ground and the chickens try to sleep on top of it every night and I have to manually put them to bed each night. So I built a 2ft frame to place the whole coop and run on top of and added some roosting bars. Also...
  13. Judahrod

    Roosting advice needed

    So I need some advice, in the coop enclosure the chickens keep flying up to the top beam as seen in the picture to sleep at night. I know that they look for the highest point to sleep but in the morning they fly/fall down. I try to keep a good layer of soft hay/wood chips below but still I don’t...
  14. V

    Eglu cube: opinions, thoughts?

    Hey there, we fully planned to build our own run and purchase a coop to go inside but after waking up to a tree full of raccoons outside our door (chicks are still inside) I’m looking for most secure. We are def purchasing the Omlet run but now it seems for cleanliness and safety ot make sense...
  15. AmberNate

    Coop Setup? Food, shavings..etc.

    Hi everyone! I'm a brandy new chicken mama and have 4 eight week old Easter eggers. They're still in their brooder and we will be moving them to their coop in the next couple weeks. They have a small attached outdoor run, and then a ramp into their indoor coop. They run is on dirt/weeds. Here...
  16. lasallefamily

    Are my chickens gonna die?

    I live in North Texas where we don't usually get snow/ice and "cold weather" means we have to layer and wear a jacket. However, Mother Nature is acting a fool next week. Right now it's 26F and tomorrow night it's supposed to be 8F for the low. It'll go up and down over the next few days just...
  17. Shadow of the Highlands - My Coop

    Shadow of the Highlands - My Coop

    INTRODUCTION Welcome the my coop page! I recently put together new housing for my 28 chickens and 2 ducks - the coop is still very much a work in process, but so far I'm pleased with how it's come along! Here's a photo of the main portion of the coop before shortly before the chicken moved in...
  18. Kreg Built Coop

    Kreg Built Coop

    Hello Friends, My husband and I built this coop over 3-4 weekends. We found that the Kreg system of joinery was by far the fastest and easiest way to connect all the parts. No overlapping joinery was required and the joints are as strong as could be. If you position the bored holes to the...
  19. C

    Chicken Living Space Size

    Hi. I am new to chickens - don't have them. We are planning the layout of our home and want to include them. I had some trouble finding this information so sorry if it has been asked a million times. We want to have chickens for eggs. maybe up to 12. I want to plan a space for the coop and a...
  20. B

    Newbie - Looking to fix up old coop and add run

    Hey all, I am new the site and am moving shortly to a home with a little space and a run-down chicken coop. I would like to fix it up and add on a nice sized run for my flock of around 8-10 that are currently in eggs sitting under a friend's hen. Background info: 1) I'm in central North...
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