coop and run construction

  1. ChickenOfSpades

    Cheap little chicken coop/pen finished

    Finished the little chicken pen I've been working on. I'm happy with how it turned out and learned a lot for when I build the big permanent coop in coming months. The cost was pretty minimal. Here's the list of supplies: Simple frame made from 7 2x4x8 boards (three are pressure treated for...
  2. ChickenOfSpades

    Temporary chicken pen progress

    I'm building a temporary pen in a shady corner next to the house. It'll house our 4 chickens temporarily while I build them a bigger/better home, and ultimately I'll just use it as a chicken tractor. It's sort of inpired by this thing, but I made it a bit wider and taller...
  3. M

    Meat Chicken Coop

    Just wanted to post some pics of my new coop/run (although these Cornish X's don't run much unless I'm showing up with food). First, a big THANKS to Aart ( for the article on the tractor run using cattle panels. It served as my basis for...
  4. Amka

    4x4 coop build

    Hi all, This is the progress of my coop build, I'm just about finished and about ready to put the chicks in. I posted on this thread earlier. We got them on March 19 from our local country store. I can't believe how fast they've grown. The chicks currently live in the garage. We hope none...
  5. C

    Best source for quality chicken coop in Central TX?

    Can anyone recommend a great source or sources for getting a quality chicken coop that doesn't cost thousands? Thanks, in advance! :):):)
  6. L

    New member looking for coop suggestions/ plans appropriate for the MN climate.

    Hello, I'm reaching the tipping point of starting to build a coop with a run and an electric fence pen area. I'm in Owatonna, MN and looking for suggestions on a design for this climate. Thank you, ltmonson
  7. The Burrow

    The Burrow

    I'd love to highlight my very first coop- The Burrow! This will be a long, picture heavy article. The Burrow was inspired by the Wichita Cabin Coop and the Chick Inn. Photos of the rough plans are posted at the bottom of the article in case it helps anyone! First, a VERY cautionary tale, and...
  8. Woods Open Air Coop. Scaled to 6x10

    Woods Open Air Coop. Scaled to 6x10

    I have been doing a lot of research here in BYC about building this Woods' house. Probably the best article (so far) is by Howard E. When searching for articles, use the TAG option of search. For search terms, type "woods" or "open"; you can select terms like woods coop, woods house, or open air...
  9. RuthBaderGinsbird

    Silkie Coop- ramp and other considerations?

    I'm building a coop for my first flock, which includes a Polish, a cochin, an Easter egger, and a silkie. It's been obvious from the start that Joni Mitshell, our little 4.5 week old silkie, doesn't pick up on things quite at fast as the others, but she does mostly keep up eventually. She jumps...
  10. April and Andy

    New Coop / Run Questions

    Hello Everyone! Two ducks incoming next spring, starting preperations now. I have a few questions! 1. Is 13'x10' big enough of a run for 2 ducks, it would include their 2x6 hutch, and a 4x4 pool, as their 'run' will be their place all day. When we are home they will be free range in the yard...
  11. MelissaY33

    We built our own coop - first time chicken owners!

    We are first time chicken owners. Our ladies are about 11 weeks old. My husband and I built our own coop and run. We didn’t really know what we were doing so it took us way longer than anticipated and the girls stayed in the garage for longer than they wanted. When we came out in the garage...
  12. danimajor1988

    Help with breeds and If one chick is a roo, plus coop considerations please!

    I've gotten 7 chicks and 2 ducks for my first backyard flock. I've been waiting patiently since 2nd grade when we incubated chicks in class, to own my own birds! I'm now 33 so quite a wait. But I didn't think to get the breed names or do any research beforehand. I just picked a variety of the...
  13. Fritzen

    Ramshackle Coop (LF feedback/suggestions!)

    Here’s the coop me and my dad made! I don’t have the measurements on hand, but the coop is about 3x5ft and the run is 8ft^2 I think! does anyone have any suggestions on what we could fix up or do better in the future? (Don’t worry about the wood rotting— my dad made sure to coat it all!)...
  14. FiftyCentChick

    Thank you for the advice on chicken coop and run!

    On further research and advice from people on here I decided to just convert a shed into a coop instead of buying a premade coop. The shed is 4x6 and has a nice window in it and im adding some more ventilation up top. I have been busting my butt building the run for the past two days and boy am...
  15. K

    Hi I’m a chicken whisperer.

    I have to translate what the chickens are saying to my husband. I’m building my second coop, this time out of wood and not just all wire. I want to have 6 chickens but we have only 3 right now. I found pallets in great shape with plywood on top and then some longer ones with no space between the...
  16. AmberNate

    Good coop for 4 hens?

    Hey all! I’m a new chicken mama with 4 eight week old Easter Eggers. I’m hoping to pick up their new coop tomorrow from my local Tractor Supply. What do you guys think? I’ll also have a separate, larger mobile run that I’ll put them in from time to time and move them around my yard so they can...
  17. D

    Barn lean-to coop build

    Just tacking in some pictures and notes as I make one side of my small barn (just a carport/lean-to area) into a small coop/run. The intention is to repurpose this area to having a 140sq/ft (10x14) enclosed run area with a 32sq/ft (4x8) coop inside of it (+6 sq/ft nesting area). This will...
  18. millerjen

    We're building a new expanded chicken yard

    Our chickens have a warm house with a moderately sized yard. We had been letting them out to free range the garden but it requires us to supervise them the entire time. We decided in Dec to expand the chicken yard to about .10 of acre. The gates are up; fencing next week. They'll be protected...
  19. The Clucking Shack

    The Clucking Shack

    After much research, inspiration found on BYC, and four different variations on Sketch Up, we finally began building our coop on October 31st, after a week of snow and cold weather. Have we lost our minds? Yes, yes we have. We decided to go with a 8' x 12' covered run, with an elevated 8' x 4'...
  20. Shadow of the Highlands - My Coop

    Shadow of the Highlands - My Coop

    INTRODUCTION Welcome the my coop page! I recently put together new housing for my 28 chickens and 2 ducks - the coop is still very much a work in process, but so far I'm pleased with how it's come along! Here's a photo of the main portion of the coop before shortly before the chicken moved in...
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