
  1. E

    Composting with chickens

    I'm preparing an area of current sod for a future garden. I am currently accumulating a large pile of arborist wood chips and I will put chickens in the area once I have enough of the carbon-rich chips. My expectation is that the chickens will get a fair amount of bug and worm food out of the...
  2. pine_lore

    Starting to Compost

    Hi there, I am preparing to start a compost pile. I have the following ingredient to use to begin my pile. Can anyone recommend I good ratio of these three things to get a pile started? Is there anything more I would need to start or any feedback on how often to turn? Thanks! Fresh grass...
  3. 907poultry

    Moldy Feed In Compost Pile- Will they die of botulism?

    Disposed of a bag of moldy food in my compost pile, my spring babies got into it and ate the feed. The bag was left in wet and cold being peed on by dogs all winter, friend brought it over after they lost their ducks, but I told them it was useless after sitting like that for that amount of...
  4. Tadler

    Chickens eating meat, ok to compost litter?

    We are getting dual purpose chickens in May and I am trying to find a good balanced diet for them - both bagged and/or homegrown. I've seen many threads stating how useful and/or good raw meat is for chickens (whether it's the frog they hunt vs. leftovers of the rabbit you just processed). I've...
  5. M

    Question about adding used coop bedding to garden

    Hi guys. I’m 3 months into having chickens & I was wondering how to use their dirty poo bedding. Does anybody add the used bedding to their garden in the fall and then till it in when spring arrives? I use pine shavings. How long should it compost before adding to the garden? Thanks in advance!
  6. BReeder!

    Discussing Mulch in the Garden

    My garden was a mess of weeds last year. I was determined to prevent that from happening this year. I pull weeds, but I decided mulch was going to be the key to my plan moving forward. I'm hoping I don't regret it. The idea is that mulch suppresses the weeds and prevents weed seeds from...
  7. Microwave Girl

    Best Run Mulch for Attracting Bugs?

    What kind of mulch/groundcover do you all use in your run? My run is bare earth, (no plants, no bugs) and the girls are very bored. Unfortunately, I can't put in a compost pile, because of rodent problems. I'm trying to find a mulching material to put down that attracts bugs for them to eat, but...
  8. Kusanar

    Need ideas - compost / DIY related

    Ok, so, I have horses, they are going to be fed hay all winter in a run in shed which = lots of horse manure all in one place. Over the summer they have been wandering almost 10 acres so no need to clean any of it up but I will need to clean some this winter to keep them from getting their shed...
  9. B

    Open Air Composting

    If I add an open air compost bin to my chickens free range garden ~ will I be asking for trouble with hawks and other predators???
  10. Dylan Lambert

    Is this a pumpkin or watermelon??????

    This has been growing in my compost pile for a little while now. Just wondering if it is from pumpkins or watermelons i threw in the pile?
  11. HippieAtHeart

    Sand and Composting?

    So far from other posts and many Pinterest articles I have determined I want to use construction sand in my coop. I am just curious from those who use it, can you compost the chicken poop that is covered in the sand? I really would like to add it into my compost, but don’t want to mess up my...
  12. snkjohnson

    Chicken Manure Compost HELP!

    Help a composting newbie out! Does anyone make compost only with chicken manure and brown materials? Would love some advice on how to do it. I built a 2-bin composting system (pictured) this week and am excited to use it. I have 12 chickens whose poop collects on a board under the roosts. My...
  13. CheepPeepers

    Compost and bedding questions!

    Hello! So I'm not new to chickens (it has been a while though), but I am new to composting. Does anyone know of any good guides for beginners with a material list or anything? A lot of what I've been finding just refer to "compost bins" and give no other details on what that means. Like if...
  14. Chicken_Ninja

    Deep litter: how and what to do? (and what not to?)

    Hello guys So I have been seeing videos and reading a lot on the deep litter method and it seems very convenient especially to someone who can use lot of compost for the plantation. I would appreciate your personal knowldge and experience with that, how to do it, what to do, and most...
  15. O

    Composting chicken run

    I am curious if it is possible to have a chicken run that also works as a composter. I would like to throw a certain amount of food scraps (things that can be composted), leaves, etc. and collect compost from the run to use in my garden. Needless to say, it should not smell as I have neighbors...
  16. Chicken-Keeping Tips for City Slickers

    Chicken-Keeping Tips for City Slickers

    Those of us new to chickens and living on small city lots aren’t able to follow a lot of traditional chicken-keeping practices. Full-time free-ranging is out, for one, and all the advantages that it offers. So are the benefits of keeping a rooster to guard and guide the flock. And we generally...
  17. gtaus

    Mobile compost bin(s) in the chicken run

    I have 10 chicks in a 13x13 fenced in grass area. I don't know how long the grass will survive, but I am trying to keep it green as long as possible. I have been feeding grass clippings to my chicks in addition to the grass they already have in the run. I am also feeding them kitchen scraps when...
  18. gtaus

    Shredded newspaper and junk mail compost?

    I am wondering if I could use my shredded junk mail and shredded newspapers mixed in with the litter for the coop bedding, and later compost it for the vegetable garden? I have removed all staples and plastic windows from the mail. I know that newspapers are supposed to use soy based ink for...
  19. LizzzyJo

    Chicken Bedding = Compost Question

    Hello! I have deep litter pine shavings for chicken bedding. I am wondering about the brown-green matter ratio with just pine shavings and chicken manure. Do I need to add anything else or will it compost on its own? The shavings are mostly carbon and the poop is mostly nitrogen, so does it even...
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