
  1. C

    Blue, floppy comb and recurring lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea

    My 2-year-old ISA Brown, Nina, is sick. This is the third time she's been sick this spring, with symptoms flaring up every 4-6 weeks. She goes from her perky self to extremely lethargic, droopy tail, floppy comb, low appetite, excessive thirst, and watery diarrhea. The diarrhea has been going...
  2. chicken mother

    Chickens dying of old age or illness?

    My family member bought like 10 chickens from some guy online. They were delivered to us and they were all low energy, pale a droopy combs. There are four left and this is the condition they’re in right now. The rest of them died. Is this an illness I can treat or did we get old dying hens? The...
  3. M

    Sexing 3 week old EEs

    Hello! I'm new here but have seen a lot of helpful posts. I'm a first-time chick owner, and recently got a couple chicks from my local feed store. These two were sold as "Ameraucanas" but I'm assuming they are actually Easter Eggers? They are 2-3 weeks old right now, and I have suspicions that...
  4. IamHEC

    Why the black?

    Here is my Smokey Pearl, Pearl. Just courteous, why are her comb, waddle, and legs are black?
  5. thaliapoultryholic

    Should I be concerned?

    Hi guys, First time poultry owner here! I am just posting this to get your opinions on whether there is something wrong with my girls comb or not. It seems to be a bit floppier than the other chickens and none of my other chickens have the white marks or the big white mark near the back at the...
  6. KerriChick

    Ancona hen with HUGE wattles and comb...

    She is my only white egg layer, and has been laying last year and just started up again. I know Anconas are supposed to have big floppy combs but hers are gimongous with super big wattles(see photo) and she looks like a rooster! She has also started to boss the other chickens around more. She is...
  7. 3

    Blue Comb - should I be worried?

    Hello! I'm a newer backyard chicken owner. I've appreciated reading other peoples posts as they've helped me raise my own chickens. I have one that has odd coring in her comb. I noticed a white line in the middle 2 weeks ago, and now the top half is blue. It has been colder here, so initially I...
  8. B

    Lavender Orpingtons same age but obvious head and comb size difference.

    Just looking for opinions. The one with smaller head does seem to be on bottom pecking order. I haven’t been able to see if she is laying yet. They are about 8 months old. I thought I could attach a video but guess not. I’ll try to take pictures tomorrow
  9. Ashley Benningfield

    Hen Comb Injury

    Hi everyone! I noticed one of my hens has an injury to her comb and I'm looking for a little advice since I haven't dealt with this kind of injury before. I noticed she had tiny bit of blood on her comb, and it looked as though one of the peaks on her crown was partially detached on the bottom...
  10. Lspears218

    Mystery bumps/bites on Roosters comb?

    Hi all- My black australourp has a ton of bumps/bites on his comb/wattles. I thought it could be mosquito bites being that I live on a bayou, but if that were the case why don’t any of my other hens & Roos in the flock have them? Is this something to be concerned with or is it just mosquitoes...
  11. bbycarrot

    Fowlpox or something else? New waterer?

    Hi, all! Today I noticed my barred rock had a weird wart looking thing on her wattle. My husband and I set her down to get a phone to take a picture and within a few minutes the dark scab had already fallen or been pecked off. I attached a photo of what it looks like. We put some iodine on it...
  12. L

    Head shakes on Bresse roosters

    Hi all, This spring we hatched Wyandotte and Bresse eggs. We noticed a few weeks ago that the Bresse roosters ONLY (not the Bresse hens or any of the Wyandottes) were doing this strange head shake. Our experience with chickens is limited to Wyandottes, who have very compact combs, and since...
  13. A

    Where can I get Houndans with butterfly combs?

    I am working on a breeding project and want to incorporate butterfly combs from Houdans into it. I've looked at a lot of places and found the US SOP of Houndans have a V-comb while other places' SOP explain Houdans have a butterfly comb. Where can I find someone selling any eggs or chicks from...
  14. C

    Lost Hen, Black Spots on Comb, Owner has not claimed as of yet

    Neighbor posted this morning of lost, wandering chicken. Rushed over and it is now contained in my backyard away from my flock. Has been given electrolytes and chick food/grit. Also ate some birdseed while coaxing into carrier. Noticed black spots on comb. No one has responded to claim ownership...
  15. P

    I’m puzzled…

    So, I got some chicks from a friend and she would only tell me that they were a barnyard mix of blue/green and brown layers. I also purchased 2 Barred Rock pullets the same weekend. I have my guesses after watching them quite often and doing lots of research, but can someone tell me what kind of...
  16. MichelleFL7

    Need help please. My Wyandot has something wrong with her comb?

    Is this a fungus on her comb or something else? She is not laying (that I can tell) still eats, drinks, stays with pack. But does lay down more than others. On 18% pellets, use hydro-hen in water 2X per week, gave oyster shell 1x wk. last week thought she was egg bound, soaked her in warm...
  17. I


    This is my hen she’s about 8 months old her comb looks like pieces of it are falling off. Any advice?
  18. F

    Roosters Comb

    I got a new rooster and still have him in quarantine…what’s up with his comb? It’s not raised, so I’m thinking not fowl pox. Fighting injuries maybe?
  19. rmanney

    What’s on my roosters’ combs??

    My roosters have black spots on their combs, and now they have some white. They’ve been vaccinated. Could it be from mites? Or fungus? Some of the black spots will scratch off, but the roo did not like me messing with them. Any suggestions on doctoring, care, and prevention? Thanks, friends!
  20. T

    Ripped comb…

    I can’t say for sure… but I think my roo may have ripped my girl’s comb. We currently have her separated and spraying vetericyn on it. We tried to do supervised time outside with the others and the other hens are fine around her, but my roo goes right to attack this spot, so we immediately...
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