
  1. J

    Age old question, barred rock pullet or cockerel?

    Hi everyone! This is Bagels, she is from a repeatable hatchery and should be a she…but I am concerned due to her patterning she is looking more like a He! 4 weeks old…too early to tell? She got her tail feathers VERY early but I don’t have any other BR’s to compare her too! THANK YOU! ☺️ I love...
  2. H

    Breeding pens advice! Cockerels

    Morning all! Well it’s morning here in a very dull west cost of Scotland today! I’ve always had a flock of 30 plus free ranging, mixed breeds, 3+cockerels that generally ok the whole got on well together, they were all housed together with the geese, ducks chickens. However we had a pine...
  3. M

    The age old question: pullet or cockerel?

    Hey guys! So I bought a couple chicks from the store. I have a black copper maran chick and he/she is aggressive. Idk if that’s common for the breed or what. But every time my hand goes in it pecks at me. None of the other chicks do this. I got them on March 7th Let me know if you need...
  4. I

    My 7 month old Cockerel Cuckoo Maran Comb Black

    His comb has a strange black thing on some of the tips, I’m not sure what it is. It is very cold outside, but he is a cold hardy breed, so I am not sure.
  5. H

    My cockerel has gone missing

    My cockerel (Noodle) went missing this evening and I’m worried sick. I suspect he got into a fight with his father (Pingu) but noodle is nowhere to be found. He’s not in any bushes, trees or plants, not in the coop, under any benches or anything. Ive looked all over my garden for him and even in...
  6. E

    Roo Intro with Varrying Ages of Hens

    For context:::: I haven’t had my flock long, but it started when I was gifted a curly toed hen who was bullied out of her previous flock from a friend. She’s about 40wks now. Around 20ish weeks I added 4 pullets (7wks) to have her some company. 9 weeks ago I picked up 15 more chicks. 13 made...
  7. S

    Pullet or cockerals speckled Sussex 13weeks

    Hi can anyone please help determine the sex of these two 13wk old speckled Sussex? Thanks
  8. IamHEC

    My guess is legbar

    TS duped guess is cream legbar? A pullet because of the small comb?
  9. M

    Looking for Clarification

    Hi all, We have silkies and one Australorp just looking for clarification on what gender they are so we can move forward with re homing. Thanks everyone
  10. M

    Cockeral or Pullets

    Help I can’t figure out if any of these are girls
  11. M

    What gender?

    Hi all, I have 4 silkies all are 12 weeks olds. Pretty confident I’ve identified their gender however just looking for clarification? Thanks
  12. jBabychickn

    Our 6mo. old Silkie Cockerel …

    Our 6mo. old Silkie cockerel really likes to be involved with the egg-laying process 🤷🏻‍♀️… Now, I’ve seen our old Roo escort a hen to a nesting box, and I’ve seen him go to check on a hen if she happens to call out while in the nesting area, but he never wanted to be any more involved than...
  13. S

    Cochin pullet or cockerels help please

    I have two 9 week old cochins and am new to the breed. I bought them as day old unsexed chicks. The white one I think is a cockerel but the buff one I am not sure on, any ideas? Thanks
  14. S

    Long post plz HELP Integration help with situations I’m not experienced in!

    Hello all, -*Scroll to bottom for just questions no background* This will be my third set chickens. This time though I’m in a situation that I have no experience in! Going to try to make this as short as possible but also provide some background information that might be important. - My OG...
  15. Muser

    Convinced of Roo, but was a Hen?

    Has anyone ever been convinced their chicks were Cockerals/Rooster only to be surprised with a Pullet/Hen instead? If so, what were your experiences? Was it the early development of Comb/Wattles, behavior, feathering/patterns, or even the crowing? I want to hear about your sneaky tomboy hens! :D
  16. TaylorGlade

    The boys will be going to a new home tomorrow :(

    David and I are newcomers here, and we're absolutely amazed by how quickly you all embraced us as part of the "flock" and made us feel at home in the coop. In a previous post, I mentioned some surprises we encountered this week when we discovered that 8 out of our 10 sexed pullets were actually...
  17. Ashley Benningfield

    Black Australorp Rooster in East Texas

    Hi everyone! I have a lovely Black Australorp rooster that came with an order of pullets and I need to find a home for him. He is 10 weeks old, friendly, quiet, and takes good care of the girls he was raised with. I had a backup option when I purchased them in case I received a roo but they...
  18. Rapp7

    Mr. Sargent Pepper ♥️

    Isn’t he handsome?! “Sargent Pepper” My 4 month old BUFF ORP X AUSTRALORP cross is growing up to be such a beautiful sweet boy (he’s got those raging hormones too of course) 😊
  19. N

    Pullet or cockerel please help

    We have had 3 silkies chicks from day1 One confirmed roo, one we are 90% hen and then this guy. I have assumed roo from the beginning since he is our favourite and we can’t keep roosters. but I have some people saying hen. Please let me know if I have a vocal girl or if we need to find him a...
  20. C

    My new Roo!

    I just am so excited I had to show off our new and only boy! My son has decided to call him Cap as in Captain america or Steve 😂 but he is around 17-19 weeks, so friendly and non aggressive and so beautiful! He’s a Swedish Flower Rooster I can’t wait to see what beautiful crosses and chicks him...
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