
  1. crunchygranola

    Is my chicken sick?

    I don’t have the experience yet to discern a perfectly healthy chicken from a slightly lazy one, and I’m worried one of my girls is sick. She tends to stay behind in her coop when I let the rest of her flock out to free range for a while, she has been having weird, yellow, foamy poops, eating...
  2. L

    Head down, eyes closed, tail down! Help!

    Hey y’all! New to chickens here I could use your help! This chicken is less than a year old and around lunch time I noticed she was standing still head down eyes closed tail slightly pointed down, looks like she is experiencing some type of discomfort. Because of the poop (pictured) I thought it...
  3. H

    Stringy orange poop!

    My chicken pooped this out today, I’ve heard it could be coccidiosis, but from what i’ve seen in others’ poop, was blood. Here i see no blood, just some orange stringy stuff. So i’m wondering what it could be, and what can i do. Hopefully someone reaches out, help will be much appreciated, thank...
  4. R

    What to do after 5-Day Corid treatment?

    Hi all :frow I have a flock that is on the final day of a 5-Day Corid treatment for cocciodiosis. What are some recommendations to do after treatment for supplements? I've seen some posts recommend a smaller dose Corid preventative treatments. Some have even said to supplements with...
  5. R

    Is this Cocciodiosis? Should I treat now with Corid?

    Hi all - Last week I had 13 out of 14 chickens die from Coccidiosis. They were on day 4 of 5 of treatment with 9.6mls of Corid in 1 gallon, but unfortunately I had also been supplementing with electrolytes & vitamins, and did not find out until after that you should NOT supplement vitamins...
  6. pizzylearson

    Cocciodosis or intestinal shed?

    is this intestinal shed or coccidiosis? The hen in question is still eating, energetic, and doesn't seem sick. This is her second poop like this today, both times with a minimal amount of blood/red stuff.
  7. K

    Watery green poo, not eating, raspy lungs?

    Hello, Over the past 5 days Two of my hens (aged 2 and 3) both have watery green poo, are not eating (they have very small, almost empty crops). They have both lost 70 grams or so over the past week The 3 year old went to the vet who said that she had a slight raspy ness in her lungs but ...
  8. HiddlesKenway

    Most likely Coccidiosis?

    6 - 7 week old chickens pooping very orangey red stool (no pictures.) and two of them puffed up. The white one (Vanilla) is more lethargic, not really eating or drinking or super perky. Had blood present on legs and face. Black chick (Coffee) is puffed up slightly lethargic but still actively...
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