chickens and ducks

  1. W

    What got my ducks?

    I’ve lost my 2 jumbo Pekin ducks just days apart. I found My first duck about 4 days ago and she was out of her pen when I found her, she was about 20 feet from it. She was missing her feather, skin and meat off her back. She was also missing tail and neck feathers. She had a big puncher wound...
  2. The chicken nurd

    How much space for ducks and chickens?

    Hi this is my first post on here so I’m not sure if it’s in the right place but I have a question for you guys I have 6 hens and 6 chicks where building a new coop because my current coop isn’t big enough for 12 hens so I was wondering if anyone could tell me what was the best size coop/run for...
  3. B

    Rooster not protecting hens from Muscovy Drake

    I have chickens (1 rooster and 10 hens; 8 months old) and ducks (3- Muscovy drake, Muscovy Hen and Kaki Campbell hen; all around 4 months old). I went out today and our rooster was trying to get away from the Drake and was panicking. The drake seems to be intimidating the rooster and I think he...
  4. B

    Mating trouble...

    We are new duck owners. Got 6 this spring from a straight run (no one in our area had anything other than a straight run). 4 cayugas and 2 welch harlequins. we are pretty certain we have 2 male cayugas and 1 male Welch harlequins. Yes - that’s right - as luck would have it - we have 1/2 and...
  5. madelyn13

    Duckling scared of chickens

    I recently got a duckling to add to my little flock, she’s about a month old. We have two bantam hens, and one of them went after her while we she outside and pulled some of her little feathers out the other day. Since then the chickens hardly even look at her, but the duck is terrified of them...
  6. Dheepak

    Poor duckling

    Hi. I have 6 Pekin ducklings.they are only 3 weeks old.all of a sudden one of my ducklings had trouble with walking because it's right leg was tangled...when I researched about this ,I came to know it was niacin deficiency....but unfortunately I didn't know that before...I thought the leg would...
  7. BeanBoy


    After being directed to this site so many times, I finally decided to make an account. This site has always answered the questions I had about my chickens, ducks, and sometimes even my goats. Right now, I have 13 chickens, 4 ducks, and 2 goats. There are 5 white leghorns, 4 brown leghorns, and 4...
  8. L


    I jumped into the chicken raising adventure about 6 months ago and made what was a novice mistake by mail ordering 20 or so mixed ornamentals. I probably will never figure out what some of them are! Much to my dismay one of the girls started crowing last week. A pathetic little hoarse croak...
  9. KHanny

    Newbie here

    Hi I'm Kim and a new owner of 2 gorgeous Khaki Campbell ducklings, 2 wks old and 3 chickens, ISA Brown, White Leghorn & Australorp, 3 wks old. I have had chickens before but not ducks, so very excited to own two. What are your duck runs like, we currently rent so can't really build a huge oasis...
  10. N

    Please Help! Worried! Peking Duck brooding behavior advice

    i need help please!! I bought a house recently and “acquired” the pet ducks as well (one male Peking, one female Peking and one male Khaki Campbell). I have a brooding Peking. 29 days today. Started with 19 eggs and she is down to 12. Over the last week/ten days, she has been cracking the eggs...
  11. toendersfarm

    Adding ducks to chicken flock

    Hi! We’re planning to add a couple of muscovies to our flock of 6 assorted breed chickens (all hens). I’ve done my research and know what to expect.... messy, feed/water needs, etc. My question is this - should we get 2 males or 2 female ducks? We don’t want fertilized eggs, just pet ducks. And...
  12. Fisherlmiranda

    Duck keepers who also have chickens.

    Hello my duck friends! I'm so excited, and had to find someone to chit chat with. Were adding chickens to our homestead. The chicks are arriving in the morning! Im brand new to chickens! Any problems I should be aware of with keeping chickens and ducks. I know drakes sometimes try to mount...
  13. Fatherdowling

    Integrating chickens and ducks in the same run?

    I am integrating my chickens and ducks together slowly, but the ducks are showing some aggression. What's the best way to integrate my ducks and chickens together, but also reduce the stress on both birds. Can any experienced homesteaders give me some advice. Thank you.
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