chicken lover

  1. Green Tea : Awesome & Powerful Benefits For Chickens

    Green Tea : Awesome & Powerful Benefits For Chickens

    Hello everyone Happy Holidays! first . As you know my name is Saaniya i'm Psychologist & very passionate about chickens and their health and i keep finding all those natural and herbal stuff for your flock that makes your Backyard or Pet chickens super healthy . Today's article is all about...
  2. heathersheppard

    New Member, Long Time Reader

    Hello, my name is Heather Sheppard. I have been reading on this forum for longer than I've owned chickens. This group has answered many questions for me as I've prepared for getting chickens and along the way of having them. I got my first flock 2 years ago on May 5th. I ordered my chicks...
  3. ILoveSilkieChickens

    Hi from Missouri

    Hi, I’m from Missouri and I’m newbie here. I’ve loved domesticated chickens since the year 2000 but I could never get to have pet chickens until this year. I’m an animal lover and birds are among my top favorite animals ever. I have three chicken chicks. One is a Light Brahma, the other is a...
  4. L


    Hi! My name is Sabrina and I'm fairly new to chickens. I purchased two 1 year old leghorn chickens less than a year ago and fell in love with them! They had quite the personality and were great pets that laid delicious eggs! Unfortunately, I woke up one morning last month to three dogs eating...
  5. Clemmy

    large bump on my black and white Easter Egger getting larger...

    As you may have seen before this thread, I posted on how I have a large marble sized bump on my Easter Egger, and ever since then, the size has only progressed. the large bump on her comb has become redder, larger and has a small new white growth on it. I have heard it could be a tumor or a...
  6. Clemmy

    Hey! I'm new!

    Hello, I am new to BYC though my friends are on here too. :weeI am a passionate chicken keeper and have four chickens. I just got them as adults in December, and they are very sweet. I a the slightest bit worried about some of them because of of various health problems, so I came to byc to...
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