chicken health

  1. R

    Possible Eye Problem At a Hatchery.s Farm?

    Does anyone know any details about a hatchery that may possibly have a current problem with an eye problem in started pullets? I was scheduled to receive a pullet but shipping of that specific breed was halted until state vet tests were available. The birds are at a distant farm, not at the...
  2. Hen Pecked Wolves

    Any help is appreciated! I’m adding a video to explain my problem!

    I’m sorry I realize that I can’t out of it was just a picture so I posted a video on YouTube and share the link. I would’ve just posted a video if I could have.
  3. Hen Pecked Wolves

    Can Chickens eat these red flower vines

    I’m not sure what these lines are! We live in Florida. I noticed this morning that my chickens are picking up these red flowers when I fall off the vines and eating them😲! None of them have been sick and they’ve been out here for a few months! Thank you guys so much for all the help y’all have...
  4. J

    Hen missing butt/vent

    Yesterday my husband went to go feed the chicken and noticed a large amount of blood all over the coop. It was still closed from the night. So he gives the chickens a once over and found one of our hens with an open cavity in her back end. You could literally see right through her missing butt...
  5. NubbyRyuu

    FouMy First Soft-Shelled Egg This Morning

    Pretty sure it was my Leilei. I snapped her out of being broody in the past week, and she's been back-and-forth having a full crop at night. She has good weight on her, and she looks and acts fine. Contents of the egg was a normal egg white. I've been giving my babies a teaspoon of Rooster...
  6. Ascholten

    Deworming a small amount of birds

    I have 5 chickens, and was looking into deworming them. I never have done that. I've fed them DE before but you can flip a coin and will be told, that helps, that's useless, so... there's that. I went to tractor supply and the only thing they had for chickens was this pellet stuff, that a 1...
  7. Latish Red


    Hi I'm Latisha, I'm new here and wanting to learn more about chickens.
  8. 5

    Bald Spots for Months......Help!

    Hello! Before I dive into this, I just wanted to say that I know that I have already posted about this problem, but I didn't receive any effective help....Therefore, I am hoping that more people will see this, and offer any advice! Thanks so much in advance!! In September 2020 one of my hens...
  9. Harun

    Is sand really good for a coop?

    I was thinking about replacing the pine shavings in my coop with sand instead, but is sand really that much better? Wouldn't it produce dust which lingers in the air? Also, would chickens bathe in sand? If so, it could get in the other chicken's eyes. One last thing, wouldn't it be cold for...
  10. J

    Questions about chickens that eat their own eggs!

  11. Australorp94

    What Brand of Epsom Salts?

    Hi BYC community! I have been reading up on epsom salts and the many ways one can use them for chickens who are ill. I would like to treat my flock to a spa treatment and give them epsom salt baths when they are stressed. What brands do y'all recommend? I'm also thinking about administering some...
  12. M

    Pecan Tree Run

    Oh wow, when I had my contractor build a chicken run across the back of the old chicken barn that came with my small country house, I was intimidated. I thought, now I've gone and done it. It's built with heavy timber centers and 2x4s, has a metal skirt buried a foot and a half into the ground...
  13. I

    I don’t know what’s wrong with my rooster! Please help!

    I have a silkie rooster who’s maybe half a year old now, and today when I went into the coop he was acting strangely— he seemed to be trying to preen his chest aggressively, but there’s nothing wrong on the outside of his chest. I noticed he had poop in his eye so I brought him in to flush it...
  14. J

    Chicken yawning/gasping

    I have a chicken that’s yawning/gasping. The neck looks much bigger than her sisters.i felt it and it just feels like extra skin, not fluidy. I’m worried as we found 1 of her sisters dead in the very secure coop a few weeks ago with no apparent injuries. they are about 15-16 weeks old. They...
  15. L

    What could be happening to my chicken

    A few days ago one of my three chickens looked weak. She was sitting on the ground, didn't eat much, seemed to drink more water than normal, and she went to sleep earlier than the other chickens. I thought it could be an egg bound. The next morning I found a weird egg. It was the biggest I had...
  16. MamaChick70

    New MamaChick

    I joined back yard chicken a bit ago when I was doing my research and came across the website. I wanted to start to get familiar and start learning about the chicks/chickens - I got my girls 6/18/20. I have 6 in total, three red sex links, and three black sex links. This breed was referred to...
  17. E

    Broiler vs Layers

    Good greetings to you all. I want to stir up a contradictory topic.To get started ,broiler chickens are fleshier than backyard chickens although they on average take a mere 6 weeks to mature.In contrast to backyard chickens can take more than 12 weeks to mature and still may not be as fleshy as...
  18. Green Tea : Awesome & Powerful Benefits For Chickens

    Green Tea : Awesome & Powerful Benefits For Chickens

    Hello everyone Happy Holidays! first . As you know my name is Saaniya i'm Psychologist & very passionate about chickens and their health and i keep finding all those natural and herbal stuff for your flock that makes your Backyard or Pet chickens super healthy . Today's article is all about...
  19. BrahmaMom1797

    Moving Coops Questions

    Hello!! I have two hens, a Swedish Flower hen and a barred rock hen that are just gonna be too big to keep with my little birds. I have a little spot in my coop I could keep them in the morning and at night that could hopefully get them used to my other hens and the other big hens to them. I...
  20. Z

    Chicken Salpingectomy:help!

    Hi all! My sweet hen has been having recurring problems with laying eggs and our vet recommended that she get a Salpingectomy(chicken hysterectomy). Unfortunately I don’t have the money($3500) to get this surgery for her right now:( I am posting on here because I wonder if maybe someone has had...
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