chicken breed

  1. L

    What type of chicken is this?

    My friend in California sent me a photo of a chicken in her yard that's been there for the past two days. Can't figure the type and roo or hen. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. lmkitties

    Can you help me identify my breeds?

    I purchased a small flock of pullets and young roosters. Here are five different breeds in the flock. I think the black one is an Austrolorp and the smallish brown one might be a Welsummer. Is that right? How about the other three?
  3. RhodeIsland2017

    2 weeks old chick, breed type?

    It is turning 2 weeks old tomorrow. It hatched from medium sized brown egg. Could it be mixed Easter Egger? I bought the eggs from random person so I have no idea what breed it is. Thank you in advance for your help!
  4. Lazy Farmer

    Your Favorite Chicken Breed.

    There are too many to list in one sitting! What is your favorite breed? Photos are encouraged! Post your personal favorite.. Aggressive poll is an option. We are considering adding different breeds to our flock. Just curious of others personal favorites.. As we don't want to buy any bully breeds...
  5. Amiee504

    Hello from Georgia. New to chickens and also HELP!!!

    Hi! I wanted to introduce myself to the group before I send out my plea for help lol (but really though). My husband and I are both military and have decided to plant our roots in South Georgia. We're both close to retirement, and decided to settle away from the hustle and bustle of the city...
  6. J

    New backyard chickens in Tiny Township Ontario Canada

    Hello. I'm looking to getting (building) a chicken coop for 6-10 hens. Open to all advice on which type of hens for best eggs & least amount of noise that are sociable. Also what size of indoor coop & outside run will I need. Best material to use to keep rodents & predators out! Thanks! So...
  7. H

    1 Week Old Chick Breed Identification

    I received baby chicks from an online hatchery a week ago and got 28 assorted chicks. There is an assortment of meat birds and egg layers which were not separated. Can anyone decipher what breed is which? We're assuming they threw in a couple rare breeds because we only ordered 26 yet received...
  8. charles2213

    Chicken breeds

    I'm needing some help I have a chicken which is very odd looking I have attached a picture of it it has brown with black feathers and feathers on its feet any help will be greatly appreciated
  9. CherriesBrood

    Buying Chickens- What breeds are right for you?

    Buying chickens- What breeds are right for you? Buying chickens is super exciting, knowing that you'll be raising them for a purpose... whether it's for egg laying, meat or show. But we all know it's not just that simple. First, we have to do lots of research to decide which breeds are right...
  10. Australorp


    The Australorp is an Australian breed which was developed from Black Orpingtons imported into Australia starting around 1890. The egg laying ability of the Orpingtons was emphasized by the Australian breeders, and other breeds including Minorca, Leghorns, and Langshans were bred into the lines...
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