chick sneezing

  1. The Welch Chickens

    Chicks sneezing often - respiratory infection?

    My little Polish chick is sneezing very often. We just noticed this tonight. She’s also wiping her beak on the bedding. Diet: NatureWise starter grower crumbles and fresh, plain water Brooder: “Pet playpen” tent in an unheated basement Heat: Heat lamp and brooder plate Bedding: Medium sized...
  2. RIRobin

    chick has been sneezing for a month

    I bought five new chicks about a month ago (they were probably two weeks old when I got them), and one easter egger has been sneezing non-stop since we got her. She had rough, chirpy breathing for a couple of weeks initially - it seems to have stopped finally - but she's still sneezing pretty...
  3. Muhammad Ahtisham Ali

    Baby chickens sneezing

    Hello everyone. I just bought 15 baby chickens ( about one week old ). I have kept them in a cardboard carton which is apparently warm enough. I have used a 100-watt bulb to keep them warm. But I noticed they all are sneezing and one of them just died. So I am really concerned about them. Any...
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