chick health

  1. M

    Chick eye won’t open

    Hey. So I just hatched a little chick and its eyes won’t open. I think I saw one crack open a little bit but not sure. Is there anything I can do?
  2. L

    Chick poop

    I've been reading on here about chick poop. And I think this is normal, and not coming from just one chick. But just to make sure, I'll post the pic. I have 7 Cinnamon Queen babies, 11 days old. I find this poop throughout the pen, but not a lot. They all act normal and seem healthy. Could...
  3. Plushness

    Question of Concern: Chick Leaning When Laying Down

    I don't know how to best explain it, but the way I can explain it may give a good explanation as to what is happening to my baby chick. First off, I wish I had a pic, but as of writing, the chick seems to be standing just normally. Anyway, the chick in question looks to be growing their...
  4. Wry Neck in a Chick

    Wry Neck in a Chick

    Symptoms My barred rock pullet was 9 days old when I noticed that something was wrong. Her little neck had begun to twist back and upwards, leaving her fighting to stand upright, and forcing her head slowly and mercilessly around until her throat faced the sky. It didn’t happen all at once, but...
  5. M

    Eye issue six week old chick

    I have a crested rooster chick that keeps his left eye closed. Sometimes he opens it and it looks normal (clear, not discolored,oozing, etc.). Any idea as to what is wrong with him and how to treat it is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  6. R

    Hatching question

    Hey all! I was wondering if you could help me. I have a Java sitting on some eggs. Some are chicken that I noticed around 5/11. Then we purchased some duck eggs for her to sit on 5/16. I haven’t heard a peep out of the best yet. But here’s what concerns me- the nest is filthy! There is poo on...
  7. E

    Immune boost for chicks? How to use it?

    Hello everyone! when I purchased my chicks, I was given two immune boost items. 1 called CORID (amprolium) and a second one that is just called Immune Boost. I was told to give the Amprolium everyday in their water for the first three days. And then rotate between the amprolium and immune boost...
  8. Hartchicks

    Weird clicking?

    I have 4 chicks, all the same age (3 weeks), but one is still so much smaller than the rest! And when she breathes in i can hear this weird click. It's only when she breathes in! She's progressing at a very slow rate and doesn't have nearly as many feathers as the other chick. I got them from...
  9. MaliceAlexx

    The Late Bloomer

    So my last post about Lucy (aka Nubby) talked mostly about her weird nubby wings (which is still a mystery), as well as her lack of feathers. Well, today I found an article about delayed feathering in chicks. It's not something I've personally come across before raising chicks, so I thought I...
  10. analyticalblonde

    Two Week Old Chicks Having a Ball!!!

    Hi All, I read that once chicks get to be about two weeks old, it's OK to start introducing them to the outside world and since it's too cool to take them outside, I put in a clog of dirt & grass from the area they will eventually be living their glorious lives. When I pulled up the clog...
  11. Pippomky75

    one month old chick black toe

    One of our chicks hatched with a clubbed foot, all his toes curved sideways causing him to walk on the inside top of the foot. He is half the size of the rest of his brood mates even though he eats and drinks he is not growing . He peeps constantly day and night, unless he is being held- this...
  12. Krazy_chicken_lady1205

    Dust bath for chicks?

    i was wondering about how I should make a dust bath for my 2 week old chicks I’ve notice a lot of them are trying to dust bath in the brooder, should I just use dirt or is there something else I need to use.
  13. Krazy_chicken_lady1205

    Help should I be concerned about poop stuck to my baby chicks butt

    Should I be concerned about a piece of poop stuck to my 5 day old chicks butt, it’s not pasty butt but I fear if I leave it, it may turn into pasty butt, how do I get it off I tried a wet paper towel but it did not come off and I don’t want to pull it off cause it may hurt the chick plz help. :(
  14. BrahmaGirl2018

    My sweet Sunny and eagle like beak

    Hi! I have (4) Brahma chicks that are almost 4 weeks old (will be on Wednesday). They all came from the same breeder. I have two lights and two darks. My Sunny has always been a bit smaller than the other three, with my other light Brahma being the biggest of all four chicks by a good bit. Sunny...
  15. BackyardBreakfast

    What is this? Help

    this is my "10 week old" barred rock chick (my guess is roo) it seems to have a wetness on the underside, maybe from laying in poo or is it something serious? What is your guess this is?
  16. Raising Chicks -- All You Need To Know

    Raising Chicks -- All You Need To Know

    It's spring and chicken lovers everywhere are getting ready to raise new chicks, whether they're bought from stores or raised by a broody hen. It's a very wonderful, fun thing, and I'm getting "chicken fever" (as I call it) since soon I'll be getting a new flock of chicks. Whether you're new or...
  17. H

    Early Hatching Egg & Weak Chick

    I'm going to preface this with my eggs were never suppose to hatch. My incubator isn't the best. It was an experiment since I live on a farm with someone who has too many eggs and wanted to see if I could hatch some. I never expected to have anything hatch. I don't even know anything about...
  18. Robin Koski

    Cedar shavings or Pine?

    I am hearing that cedar shavings are bad and toxic in a chicken coop? Is this true? And why is pine not?
  19. EricaCAL

    How long is pasting up a worry?

    Hi all! So since losing one of my beloved chicks to pasting up I am wondering how long the others are at risk? This morning my RIR was pasted up but it wasn't blocking her was below the vent. So I softened it up and plucked it off and she seems fine. But since I lost a baby last...
  20. Gracie123

    Chicks been attacked

    We recently put some eggs under our broody hen and sadly only one of them hatched. She spent the first seven days keeping it in the coop (an old shed that we converted, but a large area to run around etc... with food and water) and then the last three days she has been taking it out to forage in...
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