
  1. G coturnix

    Japanese quail with blind swollen eye

    A male Japanese quail, currently 5 years old. Less active and vocal than when he was younger with the eye problem in question but otherwise quite healthy. He was scratching his left eye for a week or two in late August before he decided to keep it shut for most of the time; I suspect a cataract...
  2. The chicken nurd

    Need some advice on an older chicken

    This morning I noticed my oldest hen Brownie who is 10 years old has a cataract in one eye and maybe something forming in her other eye otherwise she seems happy and healthy and neither eye seems infected but she is definitely not keeping up with the younger birds in my flock the way she used to...
  3. Z

    Yellow eye. Cataract or corzya?

    About 2 months ago he got into a fight with a rooster much bigger than him and shortly after became introverted, seemingly getting something akin to a cold or sinus infection (Corzya?) and couldn’t crow correctly. We gave him antibiotics in his mouth, made sure he got electrolytes, and he...
  4. P

    Blind Chicken Help

    I recently rescued 6 egg layers from a large scale farm that were going to be destroyed due to egg demand shortages caused by the illness that shares a name with an alcoholic beverage. I don't know the breed, but I know they are roughly 2 years old and have floppy combs. One of them has a...
  5. S

    What is wrong with his eye???

    Hello, My young rooster here is about a year old. Got off work and went to see him, i was wearing a head lamp and i noticed one of his eye were white when the light shined at him. Anybody know what this is? Cataract? Background: Yesterday when i was in the backyard i heard a faint crow. I...
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