
  1. Aschuchert

    Is it safe? To eat poultry with canker?

    We have a hen with canker that isn't getting better, using copper sulfate and treated flock with 7 days of mix just to be sure. She didn't respond and is spreading in her mouth. We do process our roosters, I don't see anything online to say if it's ok to process and eat chickens that have...
  2. S

    Lesions in hen’s mouth - canker, pox?

    Hi - I noticed two lesions in the mouth of my one year old buff Orpington hen 12 days ago. I took her to the vet as soon as I could, two days after noticing the lesions. The vet is not a chicken specialist but he does see chicken patients fairly often. I told him my concerns of canker and pox...
  3. W

    Treatment for canker?

    Hello, 3 week old turkey poult has been sick for the past week or so, finally narrowed it down to canker after discovering yellow lesions under his tongue and his swollen chin. He has been living with other turkeys this whole time so we’re going to treat them all. We wanted to go down the copper...
  4. L

    Can my elder rooster catch fowl pox/canker from a rescue pigeon? Please help.

    My roo, 6, white leghorn is a healthy house chicken. I love him more than words can express. 8 days ago, I rescued a squab (baby pigeon) fallen off the nest and diagnosed him with pigeon pox shortly. He was tube fed thrice and he had been improving before he developed a secondary infection...
  5. Salleh

    Canker?? Chicken expert please!?

    So I've been told that my 6 year old girl, Dorothy, has Canker. She's had gaspy/rattly breathing for over a year now, it started gradually but seems to get worse at times. I've seen that she has got some solid white/yellow plaque on the roof of her mouth/throat, and she's usually always...
  6. MixedFlock23

    Please help. Mouth lesions for about a year. Now spreading to others.

    Hello, Please help. My BO hen, Rapunzel (age 4.5 years) has had these lesions in her mouth for about a year now. I took her to the vet in January and had a swab/culture ran on a sample of it, but the results came back inconclusive. The vet gave me a run of fluconazole, since I suspected it was...
  7. M

    Is this Fowl Pox??? Please help

    I am posting again here because I got no responses the first time and I really need advice please. I discovered one of my chicks with her beak weird and lost it when i saw this growth that is across most of the roof of her mouth. i looked back on photos and have been able to calculate that...
  8. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mystery Symptoms: Ear Infection or Gapeworm?

    When I was closing up the coop this evening, I noticed that one of my hens (a 13 month old ISA Brown) was repeatedly yawning, shaking her head, and itching her head--pretty dramatically. She kept at it for a while. I just went back out to see if it has subsided but she was still intermittently...
  9. Warrior1

    can a chicken have sour crop and canker at the same time?

    I noticed one of our hens not eating and lethargic after going through a broody spell. I kept an eye on her and noticed that she would come running when I gave the other girls a treat, but she would just look at the food and would pick at the food but not pick it up. A chicken farmer in my...
  10. B

    Silky Rooster Multiple Problems- HELP

    Hi, I've been reading threads on here for ages and finally signed up, so hi everyone! I was given a silky rooster, only to discover he has throat canker. I started him on metranidazole, to then discover he has impacted crop! I stopped the antibiotics and commenced oil and massage treatment on...
  11. electriclights

    Canker? Growth on and in Roosters mouth.

    Hello, I need help identifying what I pulled out of my roosters face. I have a polish rooster who I noticed a week ago had a huge growth on his mouth. I don't know how long it had been there as he has a big old head of hair that hangs and covers most of his face. I separated him from the rest...
  12. Boggy Henbit

    Fungal? Canker? What’s on her mouth??

    Hi guys, This is 1 yr old Eyesie (she had an eye pecked out as a chick), she is my absolute favorite of 120 hens! She has had this inflammation on her mouth developing for about a month. I have tried vetrx, just finished 3 days of Copper Sulfate w/ ACV & probiotics. Previously tried nano silver...
  13. S

    Possible canker or small pox? Help!

    I have 6 barred rocks that just turned a year old. They free range in a 5600 sq ft grassy fenced area. I noticed the leader of the flock is losing her belly feathers near her crop. She is not broody. I also noticed the bottom chicken in pecking order losing a small amount of feathers below her...
  14. JulieLikesBirds

    Can a hen carrying canker raise chicks?

    I have a 3 1/2 year old silkie mix named Sweetie who is currently being treated for canker. As prescribed by the vet, she's on 5ccs of liquid metrodinazole every 12 hours, and is expected to recover. My entire flock carries the disease, but she is the first one to come down with it in a while...
  15. smooch177

    Anybody have experience with Ronsec for canker?

    I’ve been fighting canker in my flock for over a year. Initially seemed responsive to metronidazole, then had to change to ronidazole. That has seemed to keep it at bay but as soon as I stop treatment they are sick again within days. I’ve also done everything else I could find to help...
  16. D


    Hi, I am new to the forum. We have 6 Chickens, australope, rode island red and a rooster (australope). They are great fun have a decent chicken run and are very friendly (and always eating). Silky is my favourite. She will come in to my workshop to see what I am doing and sit and watch. Cracks...
  17. McMillsh

    Bad case of Canker? Pox?... Help!

    Hi everybody *Please see attached photos* :( :( I have an Easter Egger that is about 2-3 years old. She recently came down with a bad case of canker...or pox (wet or dry?) and I am new to these diseases...I have isolated her from the other chickens. She has a horribly disfiguring lesion(?) on...
  18. M

    Wet pox / canker

    I have a few birds with one or the other of these problems. They have bubbling eyes and yellow lesions in the eyes, mouth and throat. There are no dry pox present. There is also no bloody phlegm. I have already vaccinated the healthy birds for pox yesterday because it seemed like the more...
  19. nestleaver1

    Canker metronidazole/ronidazole?

    Hi All! I'm hoping someone can offer canker expertise/experience. My 3 year old Black Rock chicken (Marilyn) has been shaking her head and making strange gurgles in her throat for months now. The problem has come and gone several times as I have tried various things. I treated for canker...
  20. Abriana

    Canker right before vacation!! :/

    three of my hens have canker. I’m going away on the tenth of August and I cannot leave it untreated. I have sitters that will be caring for the chickens, but prying open the hens mouths is a real challenge sometimes and I don’t know if they can do it. I was wondering if I could put anything in...
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